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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. Cockmeatsandwich here I come =p
  2. suddenly the banner goes sssssSSSSSS.... But yeah I can't wait to see the changes, now to hog up the IRC.
  3. Need coordinates for arena51, I got lost somewhere in the Nevada desert. It's no fun being alone out there.
  4. Jezus christ man, Get your facts straight. It's quite obvious that you have no clue what you're talking about. People who play regulary on the tf2 server know who hakkin, destroyer and Balmung are. If you feel like randomly accusing people of stuff you know nothing about I suggest you keep quiet.
  5. errr lol yoshi... Well have fun in our capitol Darkness although I'm not so fond of it, I prefer the other cities better =p
  6. DEAR BUMPER The situation has changed with tf2 going f2p, last time I checked the servers were full the entire time (well it dropped at night but duh no need to explain that) So Sir Jedabia, the timeframe matters a lot in this case. Case dismissed
  7. I see, what part of Belgium are you in exactly?
  8. He said to keep the usage to a minimum, well the seeing monsters/mobs part =p
  9. Im gay<3 YoshiIm gay. Im gayIm gayIm gayIm gayIm gayIm gayQuote limit reached?
  10. Balls said the girl
  11. It shows automatically when using chrome, but idk it might be usefull ALTHOUGH you still need to reply in English seeing as it would be quite stupid responding in multiple languages.
  12. FYI this topic was made in june 2010 not 2011 so I'm guessing you're a tad late in giving Notte advice
  13. Yay cool, time to start the hidden bases and stuff.
  14. You need to make over $2500 of profit a year from it and have over 10 performances in the last 180-days or something. If I'm not mistaken, only noticed it from the reddit video that notch posted on google+
  15. yup saw it constantly in tf2 with other people today. But me and my brother have had no problems at all, so I wouldn't know what the cause is. I'm sure they'll fix it soon enough.
  16. Is that during Carnavale in venice?
  17. Have you tried to convert them in-game?
  18. Cookie that would actually have been a very good idea, but they would need to add the needed programs too though.
  19. Well I feel that it's quite normal that it's still being sold good seeing as the (for some) now adults get a sequel on their awesome shooter and the new kids want to find out who this awesome duke nukem character is. And Bouwe, it's not terrible to say that =P I do suggest playing duke nukem 3D if you can find it. It's great fun
  20. auto-reload eh, hmmm I hear automatic guns EDIT:So I had this funny idea to make a car, normal piston pushes sticky piston away, sticky piston pulls it back closer.
  22. So I finished: -gameplay is influenced by the new games aka: you can't carry loads of stuff anymore, health regen, very straight to the point (run there, press that button that we lit up for you, kill waves of monster, repeat) -The guns pretty much stayed the same with some few added ones. -the references are still awesome It was fun playing it but for me it was to short and some things like bosses can only be hurt by explosives etc were just terrible. The rare occasions that I would die were because I tried going another way then they wanted to, and I don't know about the multiplayer but I guess that they tried making that more interesting.
  23. I have been playing it and I must say although it looks and maybe feels quite a bit different from the old duke nukems it still is great and I'm loving the references,puns, etc.
  24. It's doesn't feel the same anymore and the weapon system is a very negative point for me seeing as you can only carry 2 guns instead of every gun duke nukem 3D style.
  25. wtf is that shit. It should be tossed in the deepest pits of hell.
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