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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Good luck!
  2. Infected Wars server is back!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TechnoNegro


      what, you cant just delete de_dust2 foo, its best map in cs.

    3. TechnoNegro


      what, you cant just delete de_dust2 foo, its best map in cs.

  3. Recorded some stuff from IW:

  4. Uh C4 is a CSS model. You need Counter-Strike Source installed. Unless I'm picturing the wrong model. Explosives in ZS use slam model actually
  5. You need HL2:DM installed and mounted
  6. Nearly finished Human's HUD (might make player's info smaller): http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540673343531472531/037F21B733CB7077FE1ABB3E31B3EF82EBDBE588/

    1. Show previous comments  12 more


      Gotta try to make separate texture to remake the timer and team info

    3. Dr.Minky





      Try messing around with that, I dont know how the graphics work so

    4. Dr.Minky





      Try messing around with that, I dont know how the graphics work so

  7. Top message at the Green-Shop on zs clearly says all stuff about disabled upgrades.
  8. Started working on Infected Wars 2. Stuff is gonna be hard :

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. mogadonskoda


      and techno is always too dumb to understand :V

    3. Pufulet



  9. Uploaded small patch: Increased max rank to 50. Upgraded Nails' bonus now 40% instead of 30%. Hopefully fixed a bug where viewmodels dissapeared after a lagspike. Fixed a small glitch where zombies could not see Seeker properly Fixed Lady luck being an ass to humans.
  10. Meh. Made a small document to keep all stuff that comes in my head: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pmv3sClyNpMCfQlbHNpceMORf_tFiL0UZz5I7BBkqS8/edit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pufulet


      Looks nice and tidy, I like it.

    3. Luke Nukem

      Luke Nukem

      Looks sexy, like Sneed.

  11. *Watches the approaching downhill* I guess it costs 400.000$ to control a server for 12 seconds :

    1. Damien


      "sees the upcoming climb"

  12. Space trip for 3 days
  13. Separated Redeeming and Spawning for humans at f4 menu. Added Seeker boss. Reworked loadout loading a bit. Fixed bug where Hate has low range.
  14. This ^ Old supply crate system was good too, but ya know, it was slowly killing 'the better ya play - the better stuff ya get' factor. Plus insane lack of teamwork. For example in current zs I reworked crates and loadouts to make that all humans together (if they do teamwork of course) could make a stable defence. Like one guy repairing stuff, other healing and etc. Crates are different because of that gameplay change too. Since you have freedom at building your own loadout - why dont make the same thing with the stuff what ya can get during the round. And don't forget about random sales for crates too
  15. http://store.steampowered.com/app/4000/
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr.Minky


      Next boss: Nawb. A normal headcrab that wears a tf2 Ellis hat and insta-kills when it hits you

    3. Dr.Minky


      Alt attack is a rage inducing "LOHL: scream

  16. More stuff: Added Class Refunds. If you has lvl 4 or more for some human's classes - you will have some stuff unlocked. Hopefully optimised turrets and poison gasses. Torch now can heal turrets. You can rotate turret before placing it (right click). Greatly decreased reviving chance for melee weapons. Slightly increased damage for explosives. Optimised some gore effects that could cause random client crashes (untested). Starting zombies no longer can get their health back in poison zombies (only up to their default health). Throwing puke as Poison Zombie consumes much less health now. Boss selection should be more accurate.
  17. Humans dont really need to kill Hate to survive, but if they want to survive - they need to survive the Hate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uploaded more stuff: Turned on Nostalgic 1st April event. Reworked crate spawning so game will try to spawn crates that are closer to humans. Added Turret Power perk for rank 30. Increases turret's damage by 50%. All suits have 10% off for today in grenshop. Hat Painter is 30% off for today. Unlocked something from the past and made a ~95% chance of spawning for it (needs >12 ppl). Fixed 'Enter' key not working on my keyboard.
  18. I cried from laugh. Admin banned whole team because it was defending B at metro with this reason:
  19. Both in TODO list
  20. Bleh. Also included some stuff from previous mini patch: Hopefully fixed an 'explot' that allowed zombies respawn between waves. Decreased bullet resistance of meat shield. Fixed melee achievements. Changed Hate's requirements once again. Dont ask me about them Fixed rare bug where player didnt had melee weapon when he joined server for the first time. Fixed Poison Protection perk not working against headcrab's spits. Increased grenade's price a bit. Slightly decreased accuracy for Deagle. Fixed 'Supply Crate X m' text still showing up when player had his hud off. Added 2 mysterious achievements.
  21. Something heavy and brutal is coming this Sunday

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