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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. There was never such a thing as cenation power spam. You mean the binds? those are controlled by half a minute bind repeat limits or so. What there is now is a race to the bottom to see who's holier than thou because mad was recently so mutehappy and got caught ''accidentally freezing moroccanjob''...
  2. You're always using the cute little rhetorical trick of ''let's wait to see what another admin'' thinks. Look, ur ego doesnt equate to a joke getting stale, much less you joking about someone else using lube with nibje and two seconds later someone tells u u want to get married with nibje so you threaten them with a mute in private. You're ruining the good relaxed time in the server with your bullshit authoritarian double standards because you're quite simply unfit for admin.
  3. Rubbish. You're trigger happy and its been shown plenty of times. and today like the other day, you were threatening cousin in pm to mute for the name neox gave you (or are you going to mute neox too?) and for kidding around about you marrying nibje after you told someone else to use lube with nibje. Here's an idea, make cousin admin and demote you as you're clearly not apt for admin.
  4. ChickenAttack

    hi :)

    Please no Adele singing Hello she sings like cats having sex
  5. It's lowering the bar of whats permissible for mute. Cousin who donates to the server gets threatened with mute by powerdrunk least fit admin ever f1madkiller and when asked for an explanation he thinks all he has to say is ''ask cena he mutes for no reason''
  6. this isnt true. it works for cena for some reason but not for me. when i come online it doesnt say anything about that, only my team welcome message. @SDK is it supposed to be like dat?
  7. Fap my tittens! kiss kiss!

  8. a banana walks into a bar and says ''suck my dick'' and the barman says ''dude thats a banana''

  9. Another thing is maybe it could be someone impersonating him but i highly doubt it
  10. he formatted a secondary drive apparently lol
  11. His forum account is jean but he doesnt have access to it either. yes he's also forgotten his email but i think he also lost the password to the email too. does ywa speak spanish? maybe i should talk to ywa instead? jp will probably be appearing in the game between now and march with his serial
  12. Updated with the new fappaz We lost Flap to the cum clan though... But we're clearly conquering the world. FaP is bigger than a non-secular baby factory vagina. Next stop Ron Jeremy's dick.
  13. spaceman calling @sdk?
  14. [LaP]JP is telling me he deleted his MTA and even though he's lost his email and his password he can´t remembers, he's still logged in. He wants to find out what his password is, though. I told him maybe in appdata there was something as he deleted a secondary drive with mta but he doesn´t see anything.
  15. Good luck! btw, best dick doc east of izmir
  16. Good luck megasina!
  17. the fapculogasmanus taxicopter oeuf course
  18. I hate to agree with jobby but Mad is a terrible mute-happy admin that mutes for no reason kills for no reason... etc... its getting a bit ridiculous.
  19. You lose previous time, sorta intended. Until the date is added to the gui, there is a message in console that tells you the leftover duration. Where in the console? In F6 teams area there's no mention of leftover duration
  20. unlikeability is a feature not a bug. democracy of taste brings justin bieber Btw, admins or sdk does renewing a team before month is over accumulate months or do we lose previous renewal time? can you guys add an expiration date for team renewals like you have for gc perks? thanks
  21. we have a fapton of new members ill update the list when its not 7am on a saturdaygasm
  22. If this server has consisted of 7 or 8 years of no issues with south americans its because all you whiners are getting it wrong. What causes lag is latency issues or when the server itself has an issue. I used to have latency issues on a different isp, a cheapass one that used antennas or repeaters to wifi from one place to the next without real cables. And yet I had a very low european kind of ping. And whenever I've seen lag thats really affected gameplay on something like DD its been due to low fps or timeout or because of a trick people used to use with low fps which was to take screenshots to give the other guy lag i think
  23. Thats where you're wrong its not a game, its a social network, if you want a game play something autistic like minecraft or flappy bird or mr flap or neko atsume on ur phone. and its based on a bunch of facts. 6 or 8 years of history and it was fine, last 3 months, fuck all of an improvement cuz the devilish 300 pingers are out. because this bigass myth of a 300 pinger or a 260 pinger ruining ur pro F1 driving skillz is colossal rubbish.
  24. pro stunts gasm pocalypse reloaded 2 pro 4 skool stunts and rip sirdongatito wherever u are #stupidpinglimitgasm
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