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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Notte


    Look good How many do we need of each class on the team? EDIT: And 14 players is perfect max 14 players each team
  2. what?? Just got it xD Im secret-spy-wannabe-admin-without-porwers. on IW ;P
  3. Notte


    im just a medic
  4. This was the problem. People said it just was slapping and got away whit it. No thts illegal to
  5. I think slaping is also bad. You dont need to use violence against kids. Its possible to talk to children, if they understand why the ting they do its bad, they wont do it anymore.
  6. Exsen vår Anja, hu slæit noe jævlig. Fikk sammen brudd og hele pakka ( ITS NORWEGIAN) He is the biggest gamer in Oslo
  7. Hitting children is a "tradition" problem. But if your generaton stop, the next will most likely dont o it
  8. Notte


    i can join you xD
  9. Norway have VERY low crime. And child protiction laws came before WW2. So it's easy to teach whats rigth and wrong. If you must hit you kids to teach them whats rigth and wrong, you a VERY bad parent. Some jail Stats: 40% of jailed people in norway is 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants. (stats also say these people is the most violence to there children.) 15% is people whit one immigrant parent 30% is 100% norwegians And the last 15 % is other ( like non-citizenship peopel and stuff i dont remember) And its bether to kids to swear then go to jail And rember: Its not illegal to punish children. Its only illegal to physical or mental damage your kids. Like hit them or lock them in a room
  10. He aid the same EVERYwere and its blocked now
  11. Is not know you enough, try to be more on the forums and IRC
  12. This is a GOOD law. The reson we made it is because many bad parents said they not hit there kids, only "slapped" them. Now thats illegal to. Who get bruise of slapping?
  13. First time you turn on your PC and do all setup, this music plays thats why they have it
  14. Mr. Doomknigth kid dude person. Read your signature
  15. STOP! seriously, you kill me
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KylTxGijM94
  18. No one like them Doesn't matter, they were the best conquerors.What did you study at nordic hax school? Many french cant/want to, speek to turists :S I was in paris once... met ONE dude who wanna speek english whit me
  19. I had a friend whit some the same problems like you. She vent t a psychologist and she is fine now
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