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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Heart Gold looks better because it's Gold's remake, which is the best pokémon game. +1
  2. Pokemon is perfeckt for plane travle and long trips whit car
  3. I have the original Gold verson, everything after that is crap. And Gold was half the price, "250kr" 31 euro and not "499kr" 62 euro. All this is norwegians stores
  4. HOLY! Pokemon is expensive!
  5. I want this game to my "sisters" DS
  6. Good luck my friend you will become a great admin!
  7. I have to buy the new gold verson thing:P do you know aboute a good online store?
  8. I don't try to find them...
  9. lol someone has to find the exploist to help you block them right? I find a lot of exploits. I like to find new ways and spots. But sometimes i find i exploit too
  10. {I.E-Me} Pl4c3b0* got hacked too poor medic And mads912, the exploiter
  11. I have the first iphone jailbreak edition I found it on the street in front of my house
  12. Vælmommen til gards
  13. Gratz! But me and EmRA combo was best same date and year, 25.2.94
  14. Notte


    I made som songs whit my friend ozzy some time ago ( he did all the work and i was trolling whit sac) it's very fun and kreativ but I'm to lazy to make good stuff by my self
  15. This is an epic admin app! But stop the spam.
  16. I used it to show damien what Ywa said smart ass:P
  17. Admins who become inactive shoud retire. But let this tropic die (for now) Ywa said we dont need gmod admins atm
  18. No. Even when there are admins on ZS. Its a massive chaos to oversee. Imagine what happens on a 30+ player server with Gmod's exploitable engine without admins? Not good. IW survive 20 players, 90 % kids, every day? We have "1 admin" xD one at the day and one at the nigth. Not ofen you see Sac, and toaster at the same time xD not ofen you see admins at all
  19. You apply for all the Gmod servers, not just one.
  20. Søta brur xD IRC fool
  21. +1 to boter's idea. XP is always addicting motherfucker. GC is a different thing, we could even make shop item that makes you gain xp faster :U Plus you'll hear sexy-ass levelup sounds (as long as they are sexy) every now and then. I can't see any downsides. Dont make XP, make more achevments. Make both. IW use achevments to unlock more classes. And i hope Clavus keep it like that. What we need a XP system for?
  22. Maybe gain XP like in MW2 () It's stupid, but very addicting -1 to the above. +1 to VIP idea, but not changing the whole gamemode ... @botervloot we already gain GC, which we can buy stuff +1 to boter's idea. XP is always addicting motherfucker. GC is a different thing, we could even make shop item that makes you gain xp faster :U Plus you'll hear sexy-ass levelup sounds (as long as they are sexy) every now and then. I can't see any downsides. Dont make XP, make more achevments.
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