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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Dont make a new gamemode out of IW! DONT MAKE US SUFFER LIKE ZS! But the survivor thing sounds cool. Its a bad idea to add a new team. It's better to make a new class for the special forces. Cuz if you make a new team we need new maps, new gameplay, the game may be unbalanced and a lot of people gonna get angry at you. (no offence Deluv) If you make a new VIP class for humans like the behemoth, get chosen at the same time as the undead. Name: Mr. President (TF2 spy skin with a obama head) HP: 100 Suit power 40 Weapon: Revolver, 6 ammo, high dmg and a machete. Power: All humans give 10% more DMG to undead, In a range of 30 meters. ( This make him importan in the battlefeld and not just a camper) If he dies humans dont lose the battle, but all humans give 10% dmg less. (20% in total from compared to the 30m range.) His weapons are powerfull, but cant go rambo. He need the power to survive a normal size undead attack alone.(3-4 undead) Just in general, fix the lucky luke and bullet storm bug. And add more achivements, its only 50 and a few "luck" achivements had been fun. Like jump to the death or dont use regen a entire round and survive. Kill aleast 10 undead before take any dmg to health. No scope enemy whit a sniper rifle. EDIT: +1
  2. Nornut http://steamcommunity.com/id/notte
  3. 3/10 please dont kill my ears. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=GkQenQofxs8
  4. Notte


  5. So i have to buy it form steam to get this? or it is possible to buy it in a game store and inntall it on steam?
  6. Poittry
  7. 1m h4x0r y0uR b0x0R
  8. ZS is easy... Point shot. Like all FPS games. The shop stuff just make it easy to survive
  9. +1
  10. Happy B-day RED MAN B-DAY!
  11. This is real karma dude.
  12. YES! I liked the time when it was 150-250 pokemon. Now its 1456 or some shit!
  13. My battery is dead, i can still save. Just the day/nigtht stuff is broken. The clock resart every time i turn the GB off, to 00:00
  14. Monglolid (Retard in norwegian)
  15. Notte

    DutchMan's app

    Dutchman has Dyslexia, if I remember right. I think the English is just fine. I hope they make you admin, because I think you try your best to become one. Yes you where right. I have Dyslexia (goddammit what a word). Im a dyslexic to. Thats a hell of a word. Why make it so hard?!
  16. The IW system is good. Its possible to skip the bad maps but its not the same maps all the time
  17. For some starge reason not all bans get logged on the ban page :S
  18. When I read this I just think one thing... More overpower humans I played ZS for 2 hours today and human team win every single time :S Well good luck getting you stuff back. ...and start from scratch o.O
  19. good luck
  20. Dildo ( one of the GTA games)l
  21. Notte

    I quit smoking

    I just quitted "snus". A kind of tobaco you have under your lips. Good luck EmRA! I know it's hard beat the nikotin!
  22. New one
  23. Notte

    Ban request

    I have to get a mic logger And btw, the chat logg is for 10-20 hours of gameplay. He just use mic
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