Dont make a new gamemode out of IW! DONT MAKE US SUFFER LIKE ZS! But the survivor thing sounds cool. Its a bad idea to add a new team. It's better to make a new class for the special forces. Cuz if you make a new team we need new maps, new gameplay, the game may be unbalanced and a lot of people gonna get angry at you. (no offence Deluv) If you make a new VIP class for humans like the behemoth, get chosen at the same time as the undead. Name: Mr. President (TF2 spy skin with a obama head) HP: 100 Suit power 40 Weapon: Revolver, 6 ammo, high dmg and a machete. Power: All humans give 10% more DMG to undead, In a range of 30 meters. ( This make him importan in the battlefeld and not just a camper) If he dies humans dont lose the battle, but all humans give 10% dmg less. (20% in total from compared to the 30m range.) His weapons are powerfull, but cant go rambo. He need the power to survive a normal size undead attack alone.(3-4 undead) Just in general, fix the lucky luke and bullet storm bug. And add more achivements, its only 50 and a few "luck" achivements had been fun. Like jump to the death or dont use regen a entire round and survive. Kill aleast 10 undead before take any dmg to health. No scope enemy whit a sniper rifle. EDIT: +1