I love that song ! 10/10 Here is a goos verson and movie to it http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/456643 And more norwegian pop xD (OLD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIWL7-K9N4w
Sure Send me a PM whit friend code Btw: My wireless net is down now and i only have DSi one more day... I normaly have DS lite. And the reson i am soo quick is that i have played gold every summer the last 10 years
Im in Ecruteak City now which pokemon you use? I use Gastly, Croconaw, Onix. And want Gengar, Feraligatr,Steelix, Ho-oh, Lugia and Tyranitar ( My combo from the original gold)
Weird questions: - Have you been tweaking the settings.ini file? - Have you turned off HBAO? (if so, turn it off, always laggs like a bitch when on) No and no I already did that
Hey, i got this massive FPS lagg in BFBC2. Every time i click something i drop to 0 FPS in 20/30 sec. And i have BIG problems when i start the open the game/start it/whatever I have Intel core2 quad CPU Q8200 2.33GHz Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT Turbocache whit PureVideo technology 4096 MB RAM ( DDR2-SDRAM) High Definition audio 7.1 And OS: Vista Home Premium 64 bit