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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Your precious vikings were crushed by the mighty English, AND IT SHALL HAPPEN AGAIN! We stole your gold and raped your womens >: D Lies @ gold, you were all keeled at Stamford Bridge(Not the football ground)
  2. Your precious vikings were crushed by the mighty English, AND IT SHALL HAPPEN AGAIN! We stole your gold and raped your womens >: D
  3. Nordic languages pwnd xD WE ARE THE VIKINGS!
  4. I never tested my xD I just added it and 5 days later (today) and it work
  5. https://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/upload Make your own xD
  6. Well i was bored xD check it out A skin for Firefox http://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/165227
  7. The main point is, no max deaths.
  8. All changes except the Behemoth is very nice, but I (and many I have talked to on the server) dont like the max 10 deaths whit behemoth. Almost every round its spawn camp the first 2-3 mins, and that make you as the behemoth die 4-5 times. And mines also kill you a lot in the start of a round. One of the good things aboute get chosen to be an undead in the start of a round is to be the behemoth. And this make it BAD, if you max can die 10 times. Its best to be the 2nd behemoth, after the mines and the spawn camping. Its a lot better to make a system who make it possible to die more times if you kill more humans. One kill = 11 deaths, two kills = 12 deaths etc. You need the behemoth to get some achievements, its almost impossible to get 10 kills whitout the behemoth. The behemoth is a kill stealer from heaven.
  9. More then 1500! like 4200. Or.... im a medic LESS LESS!
  10. Why minigun and aimbot? You hit/miss anyway :S If he hack, i think he had used sniper or spy...
  11. Dead Effort gonna SUCK after the update. Max 10 deaths. Just waisted 4200 GC...
  12. Notte

    New IW class

    I think ist bether if you make it if you get 10 death and 0 kills. So if you get 1 kill you can die 11 times, 2 kill 12 times... Cuz its very hard to get 10 kills in a round whitout the behemoth. If its 20 players, you die 5 times of almost ivisible mines, you kill 6-7 people and die 5 more times. One acheavment is to get 10 kills. and if its maybe 6 more humans left when you lose the behe. A new get it and kill the rest. and you still just have 7 kills. Even some of the masters of IW have problems whit 10/10 kill death. I think you shoud make it like, 1 kill you can die 11 times, 2 kill 12 times 3 kills 13 times etc.
  13. "I got one, right through the windscreen. Ha-ha." The military have word for things like that. "Tango Down" (or something simular) And: " Ha-ha, I think he ran over one og them" ITS JUST INSANE!
  14. Games get more and more real, and war become more and more like a game... Not good
  15. It does. Though I would've said "shit happens", it's clear the gunner enjoys killing people. It's more like a game to him, and that's clearly a sign of unhealthy state of mind (or just insanity). This might be the result of rushed recruitment, or just a twisted mind. Ofcourse war changes people in ways like this, but it's definately not a good excuse. Soldiers should be recruited to be able to handle situations like this, because some of them clearly can't. In my opinion they should screen mental health every so often when a soldier has been on a battlefield for a certain time. Ofcourse me ranting here on an internet forum won't change shit, but they really should start screening the mental state of military personnel on the battlefield (and ofcourse before and during recruitment). I also think this soldier should be prosecuted, but that won't happen. Also Notte, it's not just the US, it happens everywhere. US army give over 50 mill $ every year to game Developers... now we see why. He think it's MW2!
  16. I saw this on the news.... FUCK THE US! no offence Toaster
  17. Notte

    New IW class

    Sneed stop random youtube vids -.- unsless you want a airplane class. And dont make it a run and hide class. So people dont use it just to get one man army. Make it a little slower than bones.
  18. Notte

    New IW class

    In IW we hae super awesome medic's And remove Experimental Overdrive. Atleast untill Egon Beamcannon is fixed somehow... Or just add another weapon to the Experimental Overdrive class.. +1
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