I have a Request to remove a map in IW. dm_runoff is one big exploit, In one round i found 14 exploits to avoid nuke and hide from zombies. If a new player are smart and kreativ he easy get achivments like: One man army and Slacker.
Yes im very interested of a copy of Half-Life. But dont have Counter-Strike Condition Zero... Can someone give me a copy of Counter-Strike Condition Zero???
Crysis have a good singleplayer. But Crysis war suck bad ass. And MW 2 is very good game XD almost every map is made so you can backstab the snipers XD
You have no idea, trying to argue against people's opinions by forcing your own. Wikipedia : Wolfenstein 3D is a video game that is generally regarded as having popularized the first person shooter genre on the PC. Its like without Halflife, Gmod would never excited (If you want to be a smartass XD) and btw... FPS gemes would excited : D
Hey! Be nice to him! in the beginning, he was afraid to use the forum because of his english. I manage to convince him to use it because everyone here is nice, but you are horrible to him! Clavus made a point, thats it. Be nice.