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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Like the app a little short but i like it
  2. Notte

    App Hry

    and i thought i had a crappy english...
  3. Notte

    App Hry

    On my 202 hours since october i have NEVER seen you XD If Mr.G get a RP server i gonna rage quit XD
  4. Notte

    App Hry

    A litte short :S And you are not verry active on the forum :S but GL
  5. +1
  6. Good luck
  7. Notte

    Ban Appeal

    I can understand he is angry on Danny cuz he got banned. But now... Mayco try to help you! BE HAPPY! And for the admins. Please permban this ass. HE MAKE ME HIT MY SCEEN!
  8. Notte

    Ban Appeal

    He warned you. You mess whit him.. How old are you? 10? WHEN YOU GET MUTED YOU STFU! He deserve a 1 week ban at least. He is admin for a reason. Respect his authority.
  9. The marking is bugged on some maps. But only for some players. If it's bugged for you and 3 others it work for 4 other players XD I'm bugged on nuke and runoff:S *Offtropic* I don't like ZS stealing from IW > but it make it 10x bether XD
  10. nice
  11. Notte


    Well... A gye named Retard, whit 0 post and a verry unserious Admin app on 20 words or some thing... No offend but look likr a bad joke for me... Good you made it longer but i still think is to short and "messy" . look at this apps, this is how a app shoud look like. http://forums.left4green.com/topic/2726-admin-app/ http://forums.left4green.com/topic/2783-admin-application/ http://forums.left4green.com/topic/2962-admin-app-request/
  12. Gratz
  13. Notte


    Is this a joke?
  14. +1
  15. The godmode whit !rtd is verry bugged. I tested a litte and 3/10 godmodes is bugged :S And this is not just me :S Don Terra (i think) got a godmode on 3 sec, not 10 today. This is a litte annoying.
  16. Notte

    Ban request

    Lol bacc you are a aimbot! On iw a normal day is 50 kill in a few min XD
  17. Notte

    Dots App

    Good luck but miss you on IW
  18. You have verry few posts :S You have to be active at forum and use IRC For posts http://forums.left4green.com/forum/27-admin-applications/
  19. Like the app not a random kid who got owned and wanna ban people for HAX XD. Good luck
  20. A litte short and you have verry few post on the forum :S
  21. why all complain aboute the update? i hated ZS before XD now is possible for new people to kill something XD
  22. This look nice
  23. I'm epic English noob XD to advanced for ne XD
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