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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Meh, try to keep the forums neat and clean and post server issues is this thread next time
  2. Because Clavus is always right: Told you
  3. Ghah I lub you. Sure we can, I'm friends with anybody that isn't hacking or has a big mouth so Add me on skype or w/e
  4. Hey good luck bro, shame nobody replied yet. Hope you get it ;v
  5. Pirate Fraps So I've been told. But I have no idea how (or if I want to). Argh mate Be sure to click 'Get his torrent' and not 'Download' Ahye, you must install µtorrent first. Easiest thing in the world
  6. Does anyone have any idea how the prices of the AWPer Hand will go ? Atm I can sell mine for 3 keys (genuine). There are a crap load of lowballers with offers between 1-2 keys but everyone wants it so it'll probably raise. I'm willing to sell my AWPer Hand for profit ofc. but if it the price will raise I'm pretty much screwed. Anyone that has any suggestions on what to do ?
  7. I was playin with my friend and he's from a different state than me and he also lost connection Different state ? Are you guys from the USA ? That would explain the 'server lagg', you're far far away from the host.
  8. In this case KellyAnthony should've had more than enough time to back off, and start recording. I've died and lost my stuff a few times just to get the person banned afterwards.
  9. Yeah, was kinda thinking the same thing. It's a bit ridiculous. Anyways, good luck I guess. If you think turbo waisted 16 days of his life repping every post he could (max of 5 a day) then sure. I got plenty of fake respect. Besides that, Ooga's post was completely off topic. I even didn't get any reputation from mrturbotrio on this topic besides mayby the original post. If he actually klicked the green 1 he could've seen that someone else repped that post. Anywayss Thanks
  10. Yes server is more stable but fenrir runs windows, Iris runs linux which is better with java. So in theory Iris should be better with the Mc server. I hope the reduced slots and worldsize will make up with the server running on Microsoft on Fenrir. If it does, we should get better stability
  11. Let's see if the server can hold that, it gets extremely laggy when you pvp nowadays and not to mention you can't know if someone is invisible to other players or not.
  12. I think the best option is 3. Even though everyone bitches about how the server is atm, they all want pvp that's why they're on the l4g server and not on a freebuild server. It'll be dificult to get the right combination of bukket plugins till the mod Api gets released but I'm sure Awesomeo is handling it really well for the time being.
  13. And still you create another topic ? You even responded on that topic, why didn't you add this wall of text to your comment ?
  14. Do you know if the invisible players are caused by bukkit or the 1.3 update ? In either way this must be fixed as fast as possible. Since the only way you can see them is to relogg which ends in instant death.
  15. If you're removing prot III and IV and then sharp IV and V to compensate it's just silly. That's like removing damage potions and instan health potions to compensate. The both excist to balance eachother. If you're coming up with the excuse that enchanting needs an OP end grinder or whatsoever, your argument is invalid since Jeb fixed the enchanting levels so u get full prot IV after 2 hours mining or killing skeletons from a spawner for half an hour. I say we must try out the vanilla faction wars with no restrictions, that's the reason why we have so many players. We're one of the few servers that has faction wars and no restrictions, of cy-ourse you can change it and you'll get different players but that number of players will be lower since there're more non vanilla server than vanilla servers out there. I think everybody is afraid that one faction will dominate again with high level weapons. And if we had a test run with this it'll be obvious that wouldn't be the case. Oh yea, enable enderpearls next map. Raiding ends up in glitching true the roof and getting stuck or waiting till the oponents get out of their base to spam instant damages II. I wrote this when I just woke up after a long night including beer, don't mind my spelling and grammar flaws.
  16. Drink some vodka and everything will be alright on this special day
  17. I know one day my dog will die aswell, and that makes me just sad thinking about that. I hope my dog lives as long and happy as yours. I'm sorry for your loss
  18. Your faction is a faction because there're players in the faction. If the faction 'sux' the players in it must 'sux' before the faction can 'sux'. Therefore you must 'sux' aswell. Not true at all math. A fac works as a team if a fac has like say 10 members 7 of which are good but 3 are bad. if u are fighting a fac with all good members like lrg or cursxs or however that is spelled. you having those 3 bad ones will make tyou week for they will die early making the battle odds go off scale insuring that they lose. so moonboy who i never seen fight could be good or not good who knows but its a team effort not a single man thing, exsept for redgander who killed 5 members of the barbarians alone without having any trouble. hes a one man army. thats why i voted for him. There are never 10v10 fights on this server, you know that. If moonen would be good, he would've been invited to another faction already since he would've got his own full dia and own sword. With those he would've been able to do the same as redgander did to those noobs which would have give him popularity and an invite to another faction. I don't know what those barbarians were wering but I can say for my part that redgander had a pretty good fight with me, in the end he lost but he's indeed one of the better pvp'ers on this server.
  19. Your faction is a faction because there're players in the faction. If the faction 'sux' the players in it must 'sux' before the faction can 'sux'. Therefore you must 'sux' aswell.
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