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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Mathijs1996

    live map

    http://www.minecraft.nl/map Hah, I was first
  2. Mathijs1996

    live map

  3. Yeah, there are a lot of other better PvPers out there. lol, thanks How did you take that as a compliment ? dude, your not very good whit sarcasm are you? D: it was suppose to be a joke since he said theres alot of better pvpers out there. If I didn't understand the joke, the joke wasn't told right. I don't know the difference between sarcasm or irony either but I think this would be Irony. Don't slap me with a book if I'm wrong. sorry, could you please tell me how it should be written? so i can change it before theres more missunderstanding. ' ' Just no joke would've done the job. If you excuse me now, I wont like to derail this topic before the drama has arrived.
  4. Yeah, there are a lot of other better PvPers out there. lol, thanks How did you take that as a compliment ? dude, your not very good whit sarcasm are you? D: it was suppose to be a joke since he said theres alot of better pvpers out there. If I didn't understand the joke, the joke wasn't told right. I don't know the difference between sarcasm or irony either but I think this would be Irony. Don't slap me with a book if I'm wrong.
  5. Yeah, there are a lot of other better PvPers out there. lol, thanks How did you take that as a compliment ?
  6. He wants to think that he is the most feared. Yet no faction has anything on the old school Mungols, nor the old school Rangers. I was fucking afraid of both you guys. Just sayin'
  7. Why did you dubbel post ?
  8. Uiltje* and he's banned anyway TheMonkeys don't excist no more We already got a thread like this, why not bump that one or ask to change the poll of that one
  9. It was a European Low Populated Server that was populair during beta and had a cool name
  10. Mathijs1996

    new map

    Whatever he said is true. Jeb fixed it so everyone can get easily level 30. No need of End Spawners or whatever. Why would we remove the entire enchanting system if everyone can have a fair chance of having the high level enchantments ?
  11. Cause you started swearing Now we're all scared that you're a pyro and not a girl
  12. You're right Unless you've made your case yourself or it's a glass box. Cause then I would put it on the desk to look in it 24/7
  13. Yes im sure there is a way to transfer the work you have done on to anther map but i am not aware how to do that I think some of the admins may have an idea Why should their/your base be transferred over? If that would happen, then everybody's base should be transferred over. Just that they are a big faction doesn't change anything. Janitors is made to add a special something to the map, when finished their base they'll start events. That's why their base would be transfered every map
  14. Ya now it's "Clean the swamp and throw mortalshells on the slimes plsthxbai". And that AWESUM.
  15. Mathijs1996

    new map

    true and mathijs, stop acting like a king its not ure server.. its my oponion about no pots and stuff My opinions aswell, and since this is a community based server everyone can say what he thinks is best and can discuss other peoples opinions, unless you don't live in a country with democracy.
  16. So happy I can be the right hand of the ranger officer ^^Luke
  17. Mathijs1996

    new map

    If you don't like enchanting nor potions why don't you downgrade to beta 1.5 ? You ask for a Vanilla server without potions, enchantments and god knows what. That's NOT vanilla. Learn to play how minecraft is now and stop complaining.
  18. Why nerve the enchantments when it's a pvp server ? I don't get it. Notch made it easier so everyone can get high level enchants now. Easier to raid people ? Just enable enderpearls or ban watercubes. Ban watercubes? Then you might as well ban obby cubes considering they both are resistant to tnt Or just enable pearls
  19. Why nerve the enchantments when it's a pvp server ? I don't get it. Notch made it easier so everyone can get high level enchants now. Easier to raid people ? Just enable enderpearls or ban watercubes.
  20. Why change the mode then ? It's because of the current set up everyone is running around with prot I sharp II. I think Notch on his own made it easier to get higher levels by reducing the max level cap. Removing sharp 3/4 and prot 3/4 is just silly and wouldn't change anything unless the effort of going outside and having multiple players to enchant.
  21. You kinda forget Discord/Scourge. We were even there before BlackBird and RealisM. Don't forget Corby/Awesomeo, Vegeta is still runnin' around, Whimplash, ..
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