This ain't an example of 'professionals', the only thing I can see are four minecraft players who don't know what they're doing. They're with 4 in a small room, this is the stupidest thing you could ever do, if you raid someone there's always someone taking point. This is to assure that your entire team doesn't get trapped / killed by lava. The reason why they acting like 4 chickens without a head (being random and uncoordinated) is that they aren't using teamspeak and they haven't been playing that long otherwise they'd encountered this before and I can tell you that you'll never ever will stand with more than 1 in a small room. Beside that Marcus has a good enchanted armor and sword (which is a hell of struggle to get with the new Magicians Monolith). Which makes picking off 4 players 1 by 1 without them being able to fight back easy as hell. You'll probably disagree with me because you don't want to admit you were stupid as hell at that moment. Or you just had luck that they were stupid enough to trap themselves in the small room.