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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Thanks rui
  2. ABOOSE! BANBANBAN GL. just to not be off-topic Wessel, you should seriously stop taking crack. Otherwise you'll keep making stuff up. Thanks quert !ban wesselkompier Reason: Get of the crack
  4. 1 day 14 hours is 10 am gmt +2 saturday. I'm horrible with converting times. It's saturday but don't shoot me if it's later or earlier . You'll probably have a hangover at that moment
  5. I'm in. I hope so, my dad wants me to do sth sat. but I'll ask him to swap it to another day .
  6. New STRESS TEST (Open Beta For All Pre Purchasers) 8 pm GMT +0 till 12pm GMT +0 9 pm GMT +1 till 1 am GMT +1
  7. 44 *c max. Just walked around in my underwear all day long
  8. GW2 stress test! 7-11 GMT+O (England time) 8-12 GMT+1 (Western Europe Time)

    1. Mathijs1996
    2. Mathijs1996


      It's all an hour later, can't count ;(

  9. I think it's a good idea to allow lava mountaining for raiding purposes only. With pearls being unusable in raiding every watercube base with a 2 thick roof is unraidable. By allowing lavamountains just for blowing up the wall not fucking up the entire base it'll be easier to raid again and to actually start spawntrapping people. Just annoying how you can't get into other peoples being a legit player. Ofcourse nodus has all the things you need to get in so that makes the server even fuller with hackers
  10. 6
  11. That's the problem ...
  12. The brew area is a wonderfull idea and I think this is good Only the brewing area in the south west should be more difficult : more lava ? I think we maybe should unban the enchanting table but only ban the bookcases. In this case everybody can enchant but if you want the higher levels / the powerfull enchants. You'll need to go to the Magicans Monolith (Power besides in numbers or sth ). I think this will fix the problem that people with no enderpearls/not much members can actually enchant.
  13. G'luck. Don't see why you want to be admin on 3 different server though
  14. it wasnt ment to be a showoff (since no skill is required for this) i just thought it was funny. "A perfect example of proffesionals"
  15. yup lagg
  16. Oh... I'm feeling really dumb right now. But thnx for the info. Haha Nope
  17. Dude, it's meant to be like that. You have to enable it by standing on the pressure plates which you can find in front of the broken stairs and on the 3 arms. Only acces to the arm pressure plates are enderpearls. You'll need friends to enchant.
  18. MineRape / RapeCraft Counterstrike Global Rape Rape Wars 2
  19. GW2 music .. ALL THE WAY
  20. Dem Fanbois
  21. Oh oh we got a girl!

  22. Yes, but it's awkward if you have to jump over redstone covered wires, it just looks ugly. A parkour to each point will be more difficult but it'll look nicer.
  23. Could the Magicians Monolith be changed a bit ? Add a parkour the to pressure plates because at the moment you're only possible to reach them by throwing pearls. Just a small idea that would make it nicer =)
  24. This ain't an example of 'professionals', the only thing I can see are four minecraft players who don't know what they're doing. They're with 4 in a small room, this is the stupidest thing you could ever do, if you raid someone there's always someone taking point. This is to assure that your entire team doesn't get trapped / killed by lava. The reason why they acting like 4 chickens without a head (being random and uncoordinated) is that they aren't using teamspeak and they haven't been playing that long otherwise they'd encountered this before and I can tell you that you'll never ever will stand with more than 1 in a small room. Beside that Marcus has a good enchanted armor and sword (which is a hell of struggle to get with the new Magicians Monolith). Which makes picking off 4 players 1 by 1 without them being able to fight back easy as hell. You'll probably disagree with me because you don't want to admit you were stupid as hell at that moment. Or you just had luck that they were stupid enough to trap themselves in the small room.
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