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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by hulpje

  1. hulpje

    FloW maps

    have fun testing binslayer
  2. ✔ Add Ban
  3. CTF map (not sure if it will be fun): TwoTowers.zip *update* 2 RTF maps (good to please noobs like myself, and get a beer if you dont like it): FallFallFall.zip FallFallFall2.zip
  4. after hours fucking around finally know how to get my own model into mta http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/40/lolsj.png/ :D

    1. Hundred2
    2. SDK


      very impressive

    3. warp.


      outstanding work.

  5. I dont know if possible with script or your time but here some ideas: manhunt: maybe a variation to have more then 1 victim if server has 16+ players. infected gamemode: when I played CS I thought it would maybe be fun to have this as well with cars in MTA. 1 car start as "infected". every car the infected bumps gets "infected" as well, last 3 survivors get coins.
  6. Been playing some different gamemodes and I really like this game. the normal gamemode (last man standing) and armsrace are quite awsome. infected was quite fun to be in some boat with 10 zombies around me trying to knife me. surfing seems quite weird cus I land in some moshpit of people all the time. I hope there comes a mr-green server
  7. bought it since I played a lot of tactical ops wich is quite similar to CS. (last man standing ftw). btw: is it possible to make fall maps for CS?, like you just fall and avoid objects and if you reach the bottom there's some water you land in and then kill each other I even tried to remake scoutknifez for tactical ops once by just using screenshots (oldest unreal editor) (it quite failed lol).
  8. im not sure, I always thought "to curse" is like swearing. ("dont use curse words") and cuss is maybe more something like "a curse (on something)" (like the sailorboys in pirates of the carribean being unable to die).
  9. hulpje

    Day Z

    usually "new" games are more fun as a butthurt noob then an elitist like you, terminator. not for day Z trough. anyways, inventory isn't an easy drag and drop inventory, its annoying with left and right sides. an inventory in an inventory (like a backpack) is stupid anyway. I didn't know about the chat option since I didn't saw chat anywhere ever on my screen.
  10. hulpje

    Day Z

    I though tesame and bought it in the summer sales, now I regret it, hope day Z gets more playable when developed a bit more. loading takes to long, day and night system is plain annoying, usually the easiest thing in game - looting - is ridiculous confusing, a easy to use chatbox seems to be missing, they should certainly add some tooltips where you could use items for as well.
  11. for repair add a nitro pickup, then select it and press F3, change nitro into repair in the dropdown menu. I think if you google "MTA rollercoaster generator" or something there'll be some tools, I never used them so can't help you with that.
  12. That colorfull desk is nice bitches, and yes, im using a placemat as mouse mat.
  13. Seems this is like you third empty topic, so to add files: 1- enable [use full editor] mode (bottom of the writing box) 2- select your map file (first .zip or .rar your file with 7zip or winrar). Your maps can be found here: (MTA San Andreas 1.3\server\mods\deathmatch\resources) 3- after selecting it press [attach this file] 4- some green letters [Add to Post] appear, click this and there'll a be downloadlink in your post
  14. hulpje


    hope everything works LongShotA.zip
  15. hulpje

    Day Z

    I could come, guess Im still somewhere at the beach since I ragequitted after dieing a few times (and the loading takes to long).
  16. hulpje

    Day Z

    Don't like you can't do anything against zombies without weapons and can't find weapons
  17. hulpje

    Day Z

    WTF? randomly joined first dutch server I saw, still wondering how it works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSM4DJASPFI
  18. new NTS: Yeeeeee-NTS.zip some improvements: ScaryLikeHell-NTS.zip
  19. hulpje


    1. type /gclogout in chat 2. F6 --> register / login 3. enter username / password and click login
  20. Im not sure but I think your using an outdated editor. (considering your meta and map file are quite different then the ones in my maps)
  21. yea, if your death, end of story man! I respect people who believe in any religion. But personally I think religions are something bad, only excisting to answer fear. (and earning money with that). I do believe aliens can excist trough, if evolution can excist on earth it can also excist somewhere else in the unknown universe. Ofcourse I'll accept if someone will disagree because there religion says god shaped us rather then we evolved from monkeys.
  22. well if all NPC villages get blown up anyway you might just as well make emeralds do the job?
  23. hahaha, I can totally imagine how I would react in that situation
  24. Did some improvements in both maps: Noooooo-NTS.zip RushCTF.zip
  25. ScaryLikeHell-NTS.zip fixed
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