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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by hulpje

  1. Was testing the shaders, but I can't really do anything with 15 fps xD test video lol:
  2. I think the new version lacks faction viewing, which sucks. mouseover the button with 3 flat squares (left top) and enable it
  3. - MINECRAFT NAME hulpje - WHY YOU WANT TO BE IN THE FACTION bored of pvp, building ought to be fun - WHAT YOU CAN OFFER AS A LONG TERM MEMBER a lot of love to all the members - IF YOU CAN USE THE MC TEAM SPEAK CHANNEL OR NOT ye - BUILDING SKILL LEVEL /10 (roughly) 7, compact and redstone thingies are fun to build, got a bad eye for massive design trough. - IF YOU ARE A PREVIOUS MEMBER OF PRODIGUILD/RANGERS no
  4. bad idea And I think they can't see where we spend GC on
  5. hulpje

    Building Contest?

    building contest is nice idea have teams/players/factions participate and claim 1 chunk of land and gogo
  6. It's amazing how many topics you can fill with this . oh, and I build the spawner with materials also discord (or shock) provided. (Discords idea trough) Not sure im going to join a peacefull faction and make a sheep farm or gonna pvp next map.
  7. The role you described as "Janitors" sounds pretty much like moderator without any admin rights. How would a Janitor report be faster then someone frapsing a hacker and putting it on the forum?. I do think the server needs more active moderators trough, which should focus on some of the points in the mainpost, increasing the quality & fun in the server. I believe you currently lose most "potential" players because they don't understand how faction wars works. When I started a few months ago with minecraft I didn't even know how to run... Then I got in blackbird and they pretty much learned me how faction wars actually works. Consider you'r a new players and testing out this server, walk out the safe zone and get killed by players in full diamond for like 5 times in a row, then you'r leaving and never coming back. Maybe it's a good idea to let people write books (I think you can do that next patch) which will be placed in the spawnzone explaining how the power/claimed land system works, explaining there's a dynmap and that's probaly the reason you get found in the middle of nowhere, explaining there's a greencoin shop etc. (the /f help function isn't really good) Now you sometimes kill players by walking towards them with dynmap, kill them, claim there base, and they are completely puzzled how you could claim there land. (omg hacker, that land was claimed!) If you understand the game you ask more friends to play with you, and the factions that know how it works (discord, lrg etc.) are the ones "staying on the server". Some even buy new accounts (sacrevy, middmartijn) because they want to play on it. TLDR: give new players more information about how faction wars work and have more moderators
  8. more events would be fun
  9. Happy Birthday
  10. Shock120
  11. Once made such topic as well that I fell trough maps. While it probaly mainly a MTA bug it seems the "teams" influence it as well. usually an entire team can drive over it and all other teams fall trough the map
  12. Minecraft skillcap is throwing a potion at the right place, you won't get competitive pvp in it.
  13. How much effort is it to logout?, really your own fault if you get killed while standing AFK. Removing dynmap won't encourage pvp which is the main point of the server
  14. 1. Cloak: » can be bought for 3000 greencoins and (currently) is permanent when bought » gets enabled by ticking /cloak in the chatbar » gets disabled by ticking /uncloak in the chatbar Hitting another player (60 seconds delay before you can cloak again) Getting hit by another player (60 seconds delay) Getting hit by a mob (60 seconds delay) » doesn't gets disabled by logging in/out dieing by falling/drowning etc. Hitting a mob yourself (as long mob doesn't hit you) 2,3,5 There are many glitches, building a really safe base won't be easy Mob spawners Ofcourse this is allowed otherwise experience could better be disabled
  15. hulpje

    Mobs spawning

    also note mobs might spawn much slower because of lag
  16. Lets say some enemy attacks blackbird and combatlogs near our base this enemy can just wait till all enemies are 32 blocks away, login and tick /f home fast then he will be home before the plugin kills him, making him get his stuff back without even having to walk back to our base. If simply /f home can't be used for a longer duration then it takes the plugin to kill the players it makes it a little harder to preserve there gear all the time. (I don't know if this is possible trough)
  17. Looks like there's well thought about the map design in this map
  18. Maybe it's possible to disable /f home for like 5seconds after logging in, that will atleast make them require some more effort to get there stuff back Best would be killing the player before logout but if no plugins work to bad
  19. RushCTF.zip
  20. Attempt for manhunting in restricted area CountrySideMH.zip
  21. CTF map as well, maybe I need some more walling to prevent people driving into the water BridgeCTF.zip
  22. Wow, I'll certainly make some maps
  23. Enemies can launch (or place) TnT from the wilderness and destroy claimed land this way
  24. If there 80 dislikes and 10 likes because MTA-king made a nice map where to follow a highway for 10 constructive minutes I doubt you should give those 10 likes what they want. You wouldn't accept these kind of maps currently either...
  25. Im pretty excited to finally have a map with quiet fair gameplay probaly
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