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Infected Wars discussion topic

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cs_italy is made for spawncamping. Not joking at all, there's 1 spawn, and the undead all spawn at the same place.

There's 2 ways to go, both are really long and straight.

At the end of both, there's a place for humans to take cover, and a place where you can't be shot, where the medics can heal the wounded.

It turned out to be a spawncamping fest every time I played it (3 rounds xD)

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  • 1 month later...

Recently, IW has been running low on players. I think it needs a little more than a few new maps on it.

- New music?

- TAGS. When you buy a tag, you should be able to see it when you type, not just when you press tab.Also needs to cost around 1500, Not 3500

- Maybe some hats or more perks for the classes, Just something new that will hook a player.

- Abilty to change the way you look. I've noticed that each class has a set model, but I think it would be good if you could change your player model.

- for 15k GC, Maybe the abilty to change your loadout ( not class? ) During the game. ( could help if you choose wrong loadout or could help during a game )

- Removing the exploding behemoth on death. ( or make it cost alot more, behemoth does ALOT of damage already )

-Remove Some less liked maps ( add a map vote at the end for a bit so you can see the avoided maps? )

- Joint kills. Instead of kill stealing, How about sharing the kill. It's annoying when you are killing someone and someone else comes along with a pistol and shoots the enemy. You have just lost your ammo and a kill.

- Change the look of it? When you join and get to choose your class, Maybe show the class and what you will look like ( ties in with the changing your look )

-Experimental Should have a new loadout? ( not sure what though, Maybe something without the turret? )

That's all I have for now.

Edited by QTesla
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I agree with QTesla on the Titles and the hats :D

Would be awesome to have hats in IW aswell :]

The upgrade for behemoth that blows it up should be removed. It's simply too overpowered.

The meatrocket is sure to remove all the suitpower, and the player barely has time to regen 12 suit before the next shot comes, so the only choice is to kill it, but if it does, you die.

It would be more balanced if you (Clavus) edited it, and made it do 50% damage back to the shooter -.-

Other than that, I'm pretty happy about IW right now...

KS isn't really a problem in IW, unless you're a zombie.

And the Egon beamcannon should be removed.

If there's 18 players one round, 6 of them drop out on an average.

That's all I can think of.

  • Remove OP behe shopitem
  • Remove Egon beamcannon
  • Maybe add some achievements or other stuff to get people hooked as QTesla mentioned

and btw: I love the useless upgrades, like death pursuit for Bones xD

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- New music? Yes, yes yes ,yes.

- TAGS. When you buy a tag, you should be able to see it when you type, not just when you press tab.Also needs to cost around 1500, Not 3500 No would make the chat box way to chaotic.

- Maybe some hats or more perks for the classes, Just something new that will hook a player. No, if you want that go to ZS.

- Abilty to change the way you look. I've noticed that each class has a set model, but I think it would be good if you could change your player model. No, how are you then to know what guy is a exp. f*g, or a supplies huh?

- for 15k GC, Maybe the abilty to change your loadout ( not class? ) During the game. ( could help if you choose wrong loadout or could help during a game ) No, wouldnt work in IW.

- Removing the exploding behemoth on death. ( or make it cost alot more, behemoth does ALOT of damage already ) Maybe, haven't had problems yet.

-Remove Some less liked maps ( add a map vote at the end for a bit so you can see the avoided maps? ) Yes.

- Joint kills. Instead of kill stealing, How about sharing the kill. It's annoying when you are killing someone and someone else comes along with a pistol and shoots the enemy. You have just lost your ammo and a kill. No, no ,no if you care about kill steals you have no skills it would everything way to easy.

- Change the look of it? When you join and get to choose your class, Maybe show the class and what you will look like ( ties in with the changing your look ) Nah.

-Experimental Should have a new loadout? ( not sure what though, Maybe something without the turret? ) huh?!

Edited by stalker-dude(nl)
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Stalker, you didn't really look at what I put.

First of all, The "skillism" has nothing to do with kill stealing.

I Already realised it's a title and not a tag, So you can get rid of that.

I did say hats TOWARDS the class. ZS has random hats that do nothing, where as a helmet would help towards the class.

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Stalker, you didn't really look at what I put.

First of all, The "skillism" has nothing to do with kill stealing.

I Already realised it's a title and not a tag, So you can get rid of that.

I did say hats TOWARDS the class. ZS has random hats that do nothing, where as a helmet would help towards the class.

Fixed the skillism after 2 seconds lol.

And hats, it really doesnt work. The heads would become way to big and what would it add to the gameplay?

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Stalker, I'm only giving suggestions. I know some are silly and wouldn't fit IW, But I'm just throwing them out there so maybe other people could see them and maybe add to the idea.

And the hats/helmets would just add to the accuracy or something, maybe more suit or Hp.

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I understand what Stalker is saying, but I have to disagree with him saying they wont fit. In ZS, you get all sorts of crazy shit, for IW to have some hats that actually go with the models + bring a small in-game bonus could be cool. I tend not to go on IW when there are 20 bones while you're a zombie actually taking skill in shooting just so someone can steal your kill.

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And hats, it really doesnt work. The heads would become way to big and what would it add to the gameplay?

It would add more challenges.

If hats were to be added, I suggest only small ones, like baseball caps etc.

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And hats, it really doesnt work. The heads would become way to big and what would it add to the gameplay?

It would add more challenges.

If hats were to be added, I suggest only small ones, like baseball caps etc.

But doesnt this sort of ruin the IW thing?

What Clavus said: "The suits were made to fit in with the overall style. If I'd add more hats, it would become just as much of a circus as Zombie Survival."

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And hats, it really doesnt work. The heads would become way to big and what would it add to the gameplay?

It would add more challenges.

If hats were to be added, I suggest only small ones, like baseball caps etc.

But doesnt this sort of ruin the IW thing?

What Clavus said: "The suits were made to fit in with the overall style. If I'd add more hats, it would become just as much of a circus as Zombie Survival."

I find IW way more circus-like than ZS ;p

I get the point though, but something to work for would be nice.

Something visual, so it'd be a goal to achieve it.

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Recently, IW has been running low on players. I think it needs a little more than a few new maps on it.

- New music?

- TAGS. When you buy a tag, you should be able to see it when you type, not just when you press tab.Also needs to cost around 1500, Not 3500

- Maybe some hats or more perks for the classes, Just something new that will hook a player.

- Abilty to change the way you look. I've noticed that each class has a set model, but I think it would be good if you could change your player model.

- for 15k GC, Maybe the abilty to change your loadout ( not class? ) During the game. ( could help if you choose wrong loadout or could help during a game )

- Removing the exploding behemoth on death. ( or make it cost alot more, behemoth does ALOT of damage already )

-Remove Some less liked maps ( add a map vote at the end for a bit so you can see the avoided maps? )

- Joint kills. Instead of kill stealing, How about sharing the kill. It's annoying when you are killing someone and someone else comes along with a pistol and shoots the enemy. You have just lost your ammo and a kill.

- Change the look of it? When you join and get to choose your class, Maybe show the class and what you will look like ( ties in with the changing your look )

-Experimental Should have a new loadout? ( not sure what though, Maybe something without the turret? )

That's all I have for now.

*I was on idea of adding a DJ, which will turn on every music that players would like to hear. Also. You can find the music you like by your own and turn it on for 2 gc. Maybe I can be the DJ? :P (also a way to pay gc)

*I also had the idea of adding "Joint kills". I really hate when a noob that joined with hornet gun, kills the human, which i was trying to pwn for like 2 minutes.

*Changing my playermodel to metrocop was always my dream <3.

@ Stalker, you can see through TAB who is experi f*g or sexy supplies.

*-1 about the idea of removing exploding behe. If you do so, then give me my coins back. Full ammount. >: (

But k. I saw people havng the same exploding behe upgrade. As for me I also saw people with too much upgrades (like messy). But I still know how to avoid their upgrades and still get score killing them. So just learn how to avoid the damn KABOOMhemont.

Noticing out that Iw has a bad atmosphere with music, I would like to put the DJ thing on first place tag.

Edited by Mr.Darkness
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*Changing my playermodel to metrocop was always my dream <3.

@ Stalker, you can see through TAB who is experi f*g or sexy supplies.

So you say: when you have just been raided by two bones and you really need health but you know a behemoth is going to kill you within 4 seconds *breath* you can press tab, go through the list to know which guy in the room is a supplies and tell him to give you health?

And all this within 4 seconds??!

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So you say: when you have just been raided by two bones and you really need health but you know a behemoth is going to kill you within 4 seconds *breath* you can press tab, go through the list to know which guy in the room is a supplies and tell him to give you health?

And all this within 4 seconds??!


And I like the DJ idea. It worked pretty well on Sass And everyone enjoyed it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New Shop items?

Marksman: If you hit a zombie whit a sniper rifle, but dont kill. You mark the zombie. ( Like tripmines, tracer darts )

Ninja: Backstabs becomes 50% chance insta-kill (Humans only) [ This may be a fun twist to the game for old players]

Duracell <something>: Experimental weapons use 25% less energy

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New Shop items?


Marksman: If you hit a zombie whit a sniper rifle, but dont kill. You mark the zombie. ( Like tripmines, tracer darts )


Ninja: Backstabs becomes 50% chance insta-kill (Humans only) [ This may be a fun twist to the game for old players]


Duracell <something>: Experimental weapons use 25% less energy

Yes :]

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New Shop items?


Marksman: If you hit a zombie whit a sniper rifle, but dont kill. You mark the zombie. ( Like tripmines, tracer darts )


Ninja: Backstabs becomes 50% chance insta-kill (Humans only) [ This may be a fun twist to the game for old players]


Duracell <something>: Experimental weapons use 25% less energy

Yes :]

Why? xD

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New Shop items?


Marksman: If you hit a zombie whit a sniper rifle, but dont kill. You mark the zombie. ( Like tripmines, tracer darts )


Ninja: Backstabs becomes 50% chance insta-kill (Humans only) [ This may be a fun twist to the game for old players]


Duracell <something>: Experimental weapons use 25% less energy

Yes :]

Why? xD

The Duracell one was my idea. :]

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