The Lazy Peon Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 Granted, it has never been said officially. But i have met a few christians who believe it is.Not trying to stereotype here, but thats what i believe.It was written by men. Not for god, or by god.Now, i am sure there are some elements and key fundaments of Christianty that are correct. But a lot of it, is clearly fiction.For me to believe in an organised god, all someone would have to do is levitate something without touching it (think Jedi) Then i would bow down. But until then, I don't follow any official religions.
Nobana Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 On 12/16/2009 at 7:00 PM, The Lazy Peon said: But i have met a few christians who believe it is.Thats, how do you say it, stupid? I would understand that some random guy thought it was written by God but Christians who think that? Like, its almost the same thing like Obama would believe in slavery.
EmRA Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 On 12/16/2009 at 6:46 PM, Redgord said: About the Big Bang stuff; Imagine a shitload of energy (so much energy, if the whole universe entered it, it would disappear), all clogged up in one little spot. Then some tiny tiny part of that gianormous energy ammount got corrupted, which resulted in a expolicious explosion, AKA, Big Bang. When all that energy got separated, slowly matter started to form. The universe itself is enough evidence to proove that something like Big Bang actually happened!Where did that energy come from?How is the universe itself proof of big bang? I think it's proof of God.Please explain.Also, it's more like: "EXPLOSION OF CREATION + SHITLOADS OF NICE COINCIDENCES CREATING EVERYTHING IN 0,005 CHANSE BILLIONS OF TIMES = SIX DAYS GOD/VALVE TIME + GOD HIMSELF = YES!"
Killerbanshe3 Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 i dont believe, purely because we live in a fucked up worldglobal warming, disease, war, the atomic bomb.i dont think any sane god would allow he apparently created satan. which basically makes him the sum of all evil.(its not 660+6)
Nobana Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 (edited) On 12/16/2009 at 7:09 PM, EmRA said: Explosion of creation + Shitloads of nice coincidences creating everything in a chance of 0,005/billion.Exactly. It was nothing but coincidences.Let me quote my previous reply(pictures in finnish = you understand): On 12/8/2009 at 1:55 PM, Nobana said: So, here are the three main theories about how the universe was born. I roughly translated the main text into English with Google.Theory 1 - Big bang and inflationThe universe was born in the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago. Before that there was nothing: no time, space and matter. The Big Bang expanded to become a space all at once, from vanishingly small to enormou. This, sudden bulging, is called inflation. There born the matter. The universe continues to expand further.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Theory 2 - Cyclic UniverseUniverse-called three-dimensional space-time is part of a large 11-dimensional space-time. Large time-space, two 4-dimensional surface. The first surface is known universe, and the second is a parallel universe invisible to humans. The Big Bang was a collision of surfaces, which repeats once in a trillion years.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Theory 3 - Endless InflationKnown universe is just bubble in the endless chain of universes. New universes born all the time, and each one is different and develops its own way. Only a small minority of the Universe has such laws of physics that allow life. Our universe got just by chance right features to have life on it.(See Mayco's example below) Edited December 16, 2009 by Nobana
Mayco Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 On 12/16/2009 at 7:09 PM, EmRA said: On 12/16/2009 at 6:46 PM, Redgord said: About the Big Bang stuff; Imagine a shitload of energy (so much energy, if the whole universe entered it, it would disappear), all clogged up in one little spot. Then some tiny tiny part of that gianormous energy ammount got corrupted, which resulted in a expolicious explosion, AKA, Big Bang. When all that energy got separated, slowly matter started to form. The universe itself is enough evidence to proove that something like Big Bang actually happened!Where did that energy come from?How is the universe itself proof of big bang? I think it's proof of God.Please explain.Also, it's more like: "EXPLOSION OF CREATION + SHITLOADS OF NICE COINCIDENCES CREATING EVERYTHING IN 0,005 CHANSE BILLIONS OF TIMES = SIX DAYS GOD/VALVE TIME + GOD HIMSELF = YES!"I do believe it was a coincedence to be honest. There are A LOT of coincedences in our world. For example: A long time ago I was on holiday in France. My parents and me were walking through some small deserted street, and suddenly we ran into a girl that was in the same class as me. Quite a coincedence, in some random town somewhere in France.Another example: I was on holiday in France (yes, my parents really like France). My sister got a text from some guy she knew for a while, who she told she'd go on holiday to France (not the place, just France). In this text, the guy asks where she was in France. And guess what? He was just 2KM away from us.Another coincedence: This both happened in France.Also, it's not really a coincedence it was Earth that got life-forms. Let me explain it like this: I put pots (the planets in this case) in a giant building (the universe), and I put a rose seed in all of them (our possible lifeforms). I water them all with cola, each day, every day. Most of them die, but out of all those pots (planets) there MUST be ATLEAST 1 rose that survives my cola massacre. And the rose that DOES grow is earth, in this case.A question for you now, you ask "Where did that energy come from?", now I ask you: Where did God come from? How did he get here? Did he create himself?
stalker-dude(nl) Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 On 12/16/2009 at 5:43 PM, Mayco said: On 12/16/2009 at 5:37 PM, stalker-dude(nl) said: This is a pretty pointless thread, just because everything/ everyone wants to believe in something it doesnt mean that religions/gods/cults that other people are believing in are necesarely bad or false.You just have to respect other peoples culteres or else you are taking away freedom and so democracy. Iam not saying that all the people that posted in this topic are doing this.If it comes to me I'm more of a Humanist than an Athiest. I do believe in the evolution theorie and I'm still hoping for aliens This topic was created to see how many people are Christian/religious in general and how many are Atheist. A discussion like this just couldn't be avoided.I agree with you on that.
Nobana Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 On 12/16/2009 at 7:37 PM, Mayco said: Also, it's not really a coincedence it was Earth that got life-forms. Let me explain it like this: I put pots (the planets in this case) in a giant building (the universe), and I put a rose seed in all of them (our possible lifeforms). I water them all with cola, each day, every day. Most of them die, but out of all those pots (planets) there MUST be ATLEAST 1 rose that survives my cola massacre. And the rose that DOES grow is earth, in this case.Just/kinda like the Theory 3 in my post.
EmRA Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 Mayco my friend, thats the difference between Christians and Atheists.You need proof. And we don't.The way evolution is explained at this moment is just way too unlikely for me to belive.In unrelated news, ever thought that your itsy bitsy big bang actually is the god?I mean, you say it just came, and you say it creates stuff.
Mayco Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 On 12/16/2009 at 8:22 PM, EmRA said: Mayco my friend, thats the difference between Christians and Atheists.You need proof. And we don't.The way evolution is explained at this moment is just way too unlikely for me to belive.In unrelated news, ever thought that your itsy bitsy big bang actually is the god?I mean, you say it just came, and you say it creates stuff.But it was YOU who just asked for proof.I doubt the big bang is a God to anyone, but it certainly is no God for me. I don't believe in a God.
Dr. Pannenkoek Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 On 12/15/2009 at 10:03 PM, Mayco said: "... she was taken at the time the Lord though was appropiate. It was the Lords will..."This reminded me of the phophet of regrets speech in halo 3 :0
Killerbanshe3 Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 guess what i remembered.while studying the bible, i noticed a particular passage where it stated that a male person who was bald was walking through a village. (dont ask me what his name was, im usless with names. i think it was in one of the kings.any way, a couple of youths shouted at him 'go up ye bald head, go up!' and the male bloke cursed them and god sent 2 'she-bears' to kill alot of the children in the village.fucked up if you ask meo.othe big bang might have been god exploding!thats why theres no evidence today. wow.
EmRA Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 On 12/16/2009 at 8:24 PM, Mayco said: But it was YOU who just asked for proof.I meant about your evolution stuff, as you seem to have the proof.
The Lazy Peon Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 Evolution is almost certainly correct.We share a shit load of our DNA with monkies, and various other things to show that we are essentially hairless apes. Just Bipedal, stand up straight monkies.Our intellegance is what aloud us to evolve.It's a very odd thought that god created us in his image anyway, Does a dog look to god and see him as a dog? Yes, probably. We need to think about these things.
Ywa Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 Please note atheists don't believe in any god of any form. People who think our universe is god or whatever, isn't an atheist.The only thing I find strange that in this Society where everything needs to proven, people still believe in something that hasn't been proven (e.g. God).
Botervloot Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 Proof me that there is a GodProof me that there is no God.
VMR Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 Science is all about proof. Science MEANS exploring, proving new things all the time...Religion is all about belief. to believe in God, not to prove anything...In other words: Religion is just too stupid to understand science. A God makes more sense to religious people than science and chemistry...... And everything else in life.
Navo Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 On 12/16/2009 at 6:53 PM, Nobana said: On 12/16/2009 at 6:42 PM, The Lazy Peon said: Who ever wrot the bible was a damn good story writer.Christianity- lets face it- was a way to gain power and land in the middle ages. People were raping and killing left, right and centre... Someone had to stop the madness.Thats how christianity came about, there is nothing more that scares humans than a fear of death and the unknown. The bible answered that question: You go to heaven IF you abide by OUR rules, you get tortured if you DON'T.To me the bible is so damn obviously not written by god.You really, really have no idea how the Bible was created, do you? I see no point in anything you just said. No one has ever said that the bible was created by God. Dude, really, just for example, read the article about Bible from Wikipedia.So basicly the people who wrote the Bible were making shit up.
Dusty Posted December 16, 2009 Posted December 16, 2009 it and weep, Bible boys.
EmRA Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 Proven fact: Majority of Left4Green can't read.Proven fact2: Mayco is pretty much only one here who actually can argue.Request: Stop stuffing your science in my mouth. I belive what I belive.In other words, I will continue talking about this stuff with Mayco if he wants to. (even when we already did yesterday)And possibly Ywa.
VMR Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 On 12/17/2009 at 1:46 PM, EmRA said: Proven fact: Majority of Left4Green can't read.Proven fact2: Mayco is pretty much only one here who actually can argue.Request: Stop stuffing your science in my mouth. I belive what I belive.In other words, I will continue talking about this stuff with Mayco if he wants to. (even when we already did yesterday)And possibly Ywa.The last part of my comment was just my opinion, though I have nothing against religious people, though it may seem like it...I just hate religion.My prev post was just to tell everyone religion doesn't EVER say that they're sure it happened. They're just saying they think it did. So nobody can actually argue with religion.
Navo Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 On 12/17/2009 at 1:46 PM, EmRA said: Proven fact: Majority of Left4Green can't read.Proven fact2: Mayco is pretty much only one here who actually can argue.Request: Stop stuffing your science in my mouth. I belive what I belive.In other words, I will continue talking about this stuff with Mayco if he wants to. (even when we already did yesterday)And possibly Ywa.But... You wanted proof, right?
VforV Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 EmRA, I can't believe your so blind. You have read too many fairy tales.I can't believe that people are still denying Darwin's evolution theory, on this very day.
EmRA Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 I just rofl'd. You guys really can't read.Okay, NOW I will stop posting. Just couldn't help myself after seeing VforV's comment.
Holy Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 (edited) Iam from an christian family but i dont belive in that religion like at all others.But i would belive in aliens, man stargate style would kick ass !to my name it just an shortcut of my first online name TheHolyNuke Edited December 17, 2009 by Holy
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