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Mr. Green Gaming

Big ZS Topic (aka ZS Changes)

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After testing with Necro I made some new stats that should be easier for him to add and more balanced

Level 0

20 percent increased melee damage

5 percent increased speed

8 percent as health of damage inflicted

Level 1

30 percent increased melee damage

10 percent increased speed

15 percent as health of damage inflicted

Level 2

40 percent increased melee damage

13 percent increased speed

20 percent as health of damage inflicted

No Screen Shake

Level 3

Gain Axe

50 percent increased melee damage

16 percent increased speed

25 percent as health of damage inflicted

No Screen Shake

Level 4

Gain Axe

60 percent increased melee damage

20 percent increased speed

30 percent as health of damage inflicted

No Screen Shake

Level 5

Gain Axe

70 percent increased melee damage

23 percent increased speed

35 percent as health of damage inflicted

No Screen Shake

Level 6

Gain Axe

80 percent increased melee damage

25 percent increased speed

45 percent as health of damage inflicted

No Screen Shake

That makes mele for other classes pointless though

(in addition to pufs ideas)

increse mele base dmg by 10%

decrese zerk class dmg by 10%

Posted (edited)

are they not pointless already?

exactly so you should globally buff mele by 10-15% then give a buff to zerk after that

so that mele is decent,

say 6-8 hits with crowbar, down to 2-4 as lvl6 zerk with cbar

focus on the global first then class speciffic

other classes need a mele when there in tight spots too!

Edited by Griffon

Uploaded some changes on SVN (however they are not on the server yet):

  • Increased knockback effect for M3 Shotgun
  • Slightly increased recharging time and recoil for Pulse Rifle
  • Slightly increased health and damage for Headcrab
  • Increased cooldown (4 seconds) between spits for poison headcrab
  • Health gain for berserker now depends on how much damage was done
  • Fixed 'Natural Immunity' upgrade
  • Added few changes for the commando's perk (that allows you to see zombie's health)

That's all for now :monocle:


Uploaded some changes on SVN (however they are not on the server yet):

  • Increased knockback effect for M3 Shotgun
  • Slightly increased recharging time and recoil for Pulse Rifle
  • Slightly increased health and damage for Headcrab
  • Increased cooldown (4 seconds) between spits for poison headcrab
  • Health gain for berserker now depends on how much damage was done
  • Fixed 'Natural Immunity' upgrade
  • Added few changes for the commando's perk (that allows you to see zombie's health)

That's all for now :monocle:

nice i like this!

The hp of others is hard to see as medic specially close up healing (always bugged me)

any chance of making it so that as medic you can see there hp on the hud (or something similar?

Posted (edited)

i think that etherals shouldn't fuck your screen up EVER and they shouldn't change where your looking if they tp if you are moving because i constantly start running and etherals teleport spam and i cant see or move or run or anything :(

Edited by Albino_Gunner

What happend to the Friends system, deluvas started on it from what I heard months ago. Sorry if this has been answered in previous topics.

friend system?

Posted (edited)

I shall give the explanation of the friend system: you get a screen at start where you select your squadmates. Once you start playing and stay close to them you get advantages, but getting close to another squad gives you disadvantages. Max players in a squad is 4. I think that sums it up :D. This system encourages teamwork, but discourages humans to camp in one big group. This gives zombies more chances and humans a challenge. :)

Edited by Damien

I shall give the explanation of the friend system: you get a screen at start where you select your squadmates. Once you start playing and stay close to them you get advantages, but getting close to another squad gives you disadvantages. Max players in a squad is 4. I think that sums it up :D. This system encourages teamwork, but discourages humans to camp in one big group. This gives zombies more chances and humans a challenge. :)

make it 5 of each class

the problem is this may discorage groupds to work together to actually survive as a whole

+what if there are more than 5 of you in group?


Squads dont need to have one of each class, you can easily make a squad of lets say 4 medics. 4 fits perfect in the l4d theme. The system still needs to be worked out, because i see a few problems with it like:

1. Unfair squads: friends teamup, leaving the noobs in a squad.

2. Zombies always attack the weakest squad.

3. Most maps are to small for the system to work.

4. If a teammate dies, is he going to kill his teammates or still see them as friends.

5. Noobs need to know how squads work.


Part of the friends code is included @ SVN version actually. But it's not finished & currently disabled. I'm sure NECROSSIN will look at it.


Suggestion for "squad mates" (or hows it called) system:

How about if your friends will be always marked. So you can always see their name, even behind walls. If a squad mate sees a zombie his name turns green. If he gets hurt his name turns red and shakes.

Update request: Make ethereals teleport on displacements & roofs. (Or let us just say on "not slide ground" or somethig).

Damn waiting for the friends thing >.<


Part of the friends code is included @ SVN version actually. But it's not finished & currently disabled. I'm sure NECROSSIN will look at it.


First of all I need to fix important things

By the way uploaded few small changes on SVN:

  • Descreased Ethereal's scream effect
  • Holding down left mouse button will make ethereals visible (against ethereal's attack spamming)
  • Added small effect for Green's hat
  • Added some useful interface onto medkit (I know that text is pixel'ish a bit - thanks to cam.Start3D2D :( ):



good... when does this come online? or when it will be downloaded from SVN to server?

btw it should't be like if ethernal pushes attack... it comes visible for like 5 seconds or is it alredy like that?

if its not then people just click really fast and no one sees.


who said about joining a sqaud? you can go solo (and die in another zombo rapefest) and still you can camp.

If players like rapefests (and i am sure they are, cause who the hell will choose a house map then) they will choose some small maps, can you even imagne how those "squads" will work then? I dont think its the best idea to discuss it at current rate of developement.

Here are some of problems so far:

Posion headcrab:

Primary poison attack: -20hp as infection ends+ screen shake+ multiple target dmg

Secondary attack: "Red ball of sorrow" dmg inflicted significantly lower+ no multiple target dmg+ no screen shaking

Posion-zombie: try to kill one with SMG while they are in a group of 3 or more... or a headcrab that is being healed by them


Team squad...hmm then the important aspect of the game (survival of the fittest) will vanish, besides half of the server hides in my cade if I don't lock it fast enough. Everyone would get sucky disadvantages..bad idea.

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