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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. The problem you face here is that the people who would play as a zombie being shot for 10 mins by a big gun in an attic don't play anymore. They get bored and RQ, Zs has to be all action where anything can happen if you don't pay attention. Otherwise the mind set of the player base now a days will just go else where. That's why zs as a gamemode in general is doing poorly now a days. We want quality over quantity, bosses are on the list to be fixed up. That's for sure. But the main game mechanic had to be first port of call in this. I agree with what you are saying but zs is undergoing a lot of changes code wise. The old gmod 10 code is failing and becoming buggy, so it requires a lot of attention over gameplay atm.
  2. You cannot buy nails for the hammer at the crate atm. It will need some re-coding again. If you would like me to do it, then pm me. I wrote the hammers code so working with it wouldn't be too hard.
  3. Make sure hammer doesn't regen nails anymore
  4. Long time no see BrainDawg Ya everyone on the admin team is on the same page with this. So you can bet your lucky stars something is being done about it. My ego and age got the best of me and I missed key elements of the game which were important. So Ywa is going to fix it, don't worry.. If you guys are willing to be a little patient we can get our community back on track again.
  5. He was so cute in his own special way :)http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1119413188630161777/E38E5836B0FF8E2670FE9439F7E7925802E53845/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Duby


      I miss the big guy tbh. Such an adrenaline rush back in the day!

    3. test1


      pls make behemot scary again <3

    4. Duby


      Well I want that again. But we are waiting on Ywa. He can't code for zs atm due to a lot of workload it seems. :L

  6. Hello guys, its been a short while and I have been mapping and just removed myself for a while. I thought I would drop you all a line and show you my new map. Of course I got some inspiration from a certain 'Grumpy' person, and members of the community. Take a walk down Coders allay and see who you find there......... I hope you like it as I have put a lot of thought and effort into it. If you wish to play the Beta and give me some feedback just send me a PM on Steam and or the forums. Thanks -Duby
  7. Old Necro zs, anyone remember the name of the artists which made the music or where they are from? Kinda hit with nostalgia atm. Thanks

    1. robbert


      from what? which song?

    2. Duby


      The end game music. There was 2 songs I believe which were used.

    3. mogadonskoda


      Rob Zombie Dragula?

      Let the bodies hit the floor?

      Im pretty sure we had them at somepoint

  8. I am retiring as the Developer from the Zombie Survival server. I feel that I have put a lot of input into the server, but only made it worse even with the best intentions. So Ywa is the key developer of the server once again. This decision was made upon due to the lack of staff to help run the server, along with increasing pressures and expectations on the server and community. I hope Ywa or someone else can make the server popular again in the way it was previously. I will be leaving green to move into other private ventures. -Duby
  9. If you simply put your opinions in an orderly manor it would be a lot easier to grasp the issue and resolve it.
  10. Right then, spent a day working on zs and tidying up even more files and optimizing them. I remembered one big flaw with green which needed to be fixed. When you nail a massive prop humans can remain behind it for a whole game if they have enough nails. The prop never looses HP. So now depending on the class you are a zombie will damage the props actual health while damaging the nails HP. This means that one shelf in a doorway won't work for a whole game anymore. This should make cading a lot more balanced! I will push it later today. Thoughts about this bellow please.
  11. The map is like literally huge and a maze. No one has any idea where to go due to its immense size! Also zombies spawn in pit of doom
  12. Sorry for not working on zs for the past week or so. Been ocupied with college work and parties. Will get back on it this week.

  13. Right then something new to zs gameplay, I took the idea from Killing Floor I think its a nice effect and will work well, but I want your guys opinions on it. This is a 1 in 20 chance of occurring when you kill a zombie.
  14. I like this fan art a lot. Good adaptation to a scene from an anime ^^ http://i.imgur.com/1HM1yaY.png

    1. lame shot

      lame shot

      aint that from bioshock?

    2. michaelwang22


      It's Subject Delta and Eleanor! :D:

  15. Welcome to a small preview of my new map. It will being undergoing lots of testing before it is added, but I thought I would show you all some images... Plot and theme: You and a band of survivors have escaped the last zombie horde, but at a price of being pushed into the dreaded Revanholm. This is a part of the dreaded town which no one has been before! You are in the industrial district. Be wary of the paths you take, you may regret it later!" http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/539637611888620993/A511B1CCF6B3D4BA34AF1C69D90B21E244DE50E3/ http://cloud-2.steamusercontent.com/ugc/539637611888620848/CA7D5B0CFABC3D86D39218DDC59A23EC8DF960D1/ http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/539637611888620732/4D39D821FA2F3699548390EE20CA1157F2C877AA/ All comments and queries bellow!
  16. The reason for the naming is that Seeker was broken and it was best to just re-make him with the latest base you made for the bosses. Since he was the same but only a little different I names him Seeker II. :<
  17. Bare in mind if you wants facts not fiction, I took the exact stats from the original Seeker and used them on SeekerII. So this debate is null and void regarding my opinion on it.
  18. As we can all see the good gamemodes have no players. Eg: DD, SOG, Morbus So what you say isn't based on fact, its based on your egotistical views. Giving bosses flaws isn't retarded. Its a way to make it specific in how a player should use it to attack. For example with Seeker II is stealth. Not chase humans like a headless chicken as you may do with Hate II. Think about what you say before making brash comments you bore.
  19. Well part of our player count issue could of been the fact that when ever you melee you got +5 HP. So this has been resolved now...
  20. Seeker2 isn't broken then. He just can't jump as high. A disadvantage to make him harder to play. If howlers are nerfed they will become useless. So that isn't going to happen. How on earth can you fix a player count? People decide if they want to play or not. We just have to be patient.
  21. If something works well utilise it. The game feels a lot more sleek and smooth now, with the removal of some bosses as well. I will be removing Lilith as we have enough melee type bosses. Seeker two is ready to go, looks sweet I might add. Rameil is going very well I might add With the addition of a few other things such as new zombie classes or two (Yet to be announced). Zs is looking good. Lastly the server moving location may impact on our player count for a while, but it will be back to normal soon enough.
  22. Patch/Update -Fixed issue with head crab movement -Hate attack Synced -New M.E.A.T system added -Issues with Howler attack fixed -Supply crate model type changed -P228 and USP small buff
  23. True this is an option. But we have relied on crates for a long time and perhaps gameplay is a little stale in some respects. This could potentially make it a lot more fun. I am taking a smaller back seat in this gameplay change as Ywa would like to code it up. So I expect it would be done with minimal bugs compared to me! But remember that this is a discussion about a potential change.
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