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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Berg

  1. Accepted
  2. Berg

    Ban request

    Provide better/more evidence, nothing can be judged by this photo alone. Locked
  3. Ass made a very valid point, 5k is poooor Im in ofc
  4. Berg


  5. First of all, if you're not involved, do NOT post. Im not taking anyones part, but as fast as you capture any proof of someone blocking you, make a thread and use the proof u gathered, i will be the first to sign up on a punishment for that. At this moment i cant do much other than just simply telling you to capture any proof of rulebreaking. Im glad you pointed out that one of our mods uses this kind of rhetoric though, thats not acceptable whatsoever. - Warning issued for Hardstylerz - No action taken against Kash Closed
  6. Try again.
  7. Moved to ban requests
  8. Denied
  9. Locked
  10. Berg

    Unban req

  11. Denied
  12. I can see ur a Finn with those bottles in the background.
  13. You have to be some kind of megatroll above our level in another universe, cause i cant read your personality, or if i should laugh or cry.. I'll lock this since its obviously loose claims without evidence, and not even a description in your article..
  14. Damn, im the only racing Swede and all my friends are Poles n Russians basically
  15. KoM|Berg (hope i can make it on 26th)
  16. Best boss you could imagine, stay safe brother!
  17. Berg

    moroccan toxic

  18. Muted for 1 day
  19. Lisa simpson flying!!!
  20. Berg

    Map Event

    Berg Race - Destination Mix - [SH] Endless Runners Shadow ft. Lolicon
  21. Berg

    Unban app

    You have violated one of our most important rules millions of times: No insulting/provoking. I can provide soooo many screenshots of you insulting like crazy the last months. Your punishment is well deserved, you should have been banned a long time ago already tbh. You have nothing to do here if your only goal is to insult people and grief the gameplay of others, like you do to the ones you claim are "corrupt", like me - only playing and participating in races to ram me and after u (unlikely) succeed a ram you just go and spectate cause you fullfilled your only intention to ruin others experience. There have been no abuse from anyone in this situation, neither have i abused anything, you just as usual make up things to fit your narrative. If you keep claiming we are so corrupted you might aswell stay muted/banned for the rest of your life, if you dont actually show any proof of it, ive already had enough with loose assumptions from you through the years. All you are providing are false theories and false narratives about how people "treat you". You have came to me several times telling me in PM that you matured up and realized your mistakes you have done through the years, yet you STILL keep making up your own perceptions of truth and acting accordingly. I see literally 0 signs of that you have changed as person or your attitude. And last but not least, you dont know anything about the situation with Mike retiring, yet you claim "you dont do anything wrong, just telling the truth about the server". There are no facts, proofs or context including in your whole post, so i would stay low profile if i were you. This unban appeal is declined, no doubt, and you will keep getting punished as long as you behave like you are doing. And a tip: if you want to report someone for real and want justice, screenshot/record whats happening, either if its in the gameplay or in the chat, you can even go in Discord in the mix/race live chat and find all logged conversations that took place in the chat ingame. I will be the first one to clean up if someone treats you bad or if someone break the rules, but after all those years i have never seen you provide anything that requires admin actions, NEVER. So please stop making these useless topics or bring up some content that would confirm what you are saying in the future. Locked
  22. This is not really blocking, you both are racing and everything looks fine.
  23. Unbanned, expect a much rougher punishment next time.
  24. I muted him for being toxic, i have talked to him about that, and about the fact that he was trying to block here and in other cases. Simply, i have warned him about this and if it turns out he will continue blocking/insulting, punishment will be much higher. Locked
  25. The original Never the Same map is 99% luckbased, the remaining 1% is knowledge of holding W button.. Also Core marker maps are 90%+ luckbased, if ur lucky enough to get the speed pickups your skills might play a role for competing. Other than that, coremarker maps were just made for the sake of fun, not for competing, so i wouldnt include these maps if i were the one deciding, especially when its a Race event. NTS is already in Mix events so why bring it to a Race event I agree with the rest u said though.
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