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Mr. Green Gaming


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Laca last won the day on March 30 2024

Laca had the most liked content!


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  1. Laca

    Discord unban

    Hello, i had few years pauze there, now i came back and i would like to be able to join to discord server, so ifvyou could guys unban me on dc please, i dont really remember by what for, but for sure it was from cena because of our war in past.. forget it anyways thanks.. my dc: 420laca thanks Dub
  2. GIVE ME MY DAMN VIP map: idk
  3. Laca

    admin app

    Gameserver: mix Age: 21 Country of origin: Czech Republic Link to Steam Community profile *: not using Discord name: ok boomer #2903 Ingame name: Laca Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Im here since 2014 and i got alot of situations behind me even good even bad. But! - New personality of myself arrived. I've been a regular on the server for many years and really enjoy the community. During that time i have met many good players and made great friends. I've also noticed much toxicity and rule breaking when other admins are not online, especially during my usual hours. As a result i've decided to apply (again). I would like to become an admin because I feel like I would be a positive addition to the mta admin team. I have been an active player for over nearly two years now and I am still hoping to learn as much as I can. Since I’ve joined this community, I have reached out to as many other players as I could and I would consider myself a friendly and positive person who gets along with just about anyone. This game is very important to me and if I were to become an admin I would take it seriously while still having fun and being helpful to whoever I can. ty for reading Laca
  4. Big
  5. Big
  6. 0/10!
  7. I feel you, goddamn
  8. 4/10
  9. Maybe
  10. Wtf do i look like T1? Nominate @Maher and @KneeLzy
  11. Cool day
  12. Bye Hitman
  13. Its normal, everytime i kill him in sh or ram him in nts i got 10pms from him only with insults xd
  14. Ban boyka, too much toxicity, alot of blocking, he even stops racing just to ruin anyones gameplay for example like me in CW
  15. Yes let me ram pls
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