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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. Unfair, Clavus will beat us. I haven't really started my map.I'm trying some weird things on hammer.I don't haves themes in mind.
  2. A Western themed posing of mine.
  3. -You are serious (well, you look so) -ZPS needs admins -You are french (je le suis aussi camarade, et je suis le seul admin français, pour l'instant déchu de mon titre) -You write much =You deserve to be admin.Good luck!
  4. I am basically not admin on the website, but I still have in-game powers.

  5. That's a punishment.I'm not admin anymore for a time (I don't know how lobg though).

  6. Robo, Delu, Frog, Error, Hundy, Emra.
  7. - How good are you at mapping? Experienced. - How long have you been mapping? Depends,general mapping> 4-5 years, Source Mapping: 1.5 years. - Do you have the patience to continue mapping for a long time, and finishing it? Yep. Proof of previous experiences: (also I couldn't find my topic about zs_ghostcanal, which was my previous map, same for zs_sidewinder).
  8. I look younger than my age, meh.
  9. I think I may have seen you sometimes. I don't know much about you, anyways, good luck!
  10. but then you waste 24 hours re-installed all the servers you play on HEHU... I think Pufulet only plays on Mr Green ZS no? And even if he played on every gmod server there are not 500000 of those servers. -Clean the cache files (especially the dua files) and try again. - If it doesn't work re-install gmod.If your connection is not a neolothic one you won't waste a lot of time. (I'm running at more or less 2-3 mb/s that's enough, and fast, I usually take around 4-5 minutes or more to download the server files, depends..).
  11. Very nice app Paysant A nice guy who doesn't hesitate to try to talk with me in french sometimes for the funzor, and who's cool Deserves to be admin! (I don't like rugby tho, american football looks funnier )
  12. I don't think there will be more admins, unless TC does a small clean up? Anyways, good luck Dark>Yep.I prefer ZS.
  13. There is actually a tropical tf2 map there> http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=53250 Have a look at it and make original things to not fall in the déja vu.
  14. Gaza is a sort of colony, Palestinians are established there and Israelians are around them (basically the cities are made that the center is majoritary palestinians and around that's israelians). That's the palestinians who are shooting missiles at Israel because historically they refused Israel's creation, cause for them Israel is a stranger and the place where it has been built is their place. The palestinians are dispatched in communities in the surrounding countries as they don't have their own one. I think they carried aid for palestinians as Israel is blocking them with the embargo/blocus.
  15. I think this will turn to a flame war. I won't pronounce myself on this issue since both teams are guilty.Soldiers shouldn't have aboarded the boat.Hippies shouldn't have attacked them.
  16. Stop falling through over 9000 portals D:

  17. Ywa finally posted a pic \o/ I didn't imagine you like that
  18. No, Leaf Green and Fire Red are for Gameboy Advance, but you can play these games on the ds though (the first DS, not the lite nor the dsi), and on DS you have Diamond/Pearl/Platinum versions, and HG-SS. And Black and White in 2011
  19. After watching your video, I'd give you some advices, cause this looks basic (don't take it bad). Well it's a beginning for you probably, but what you must learn is: 1) Go to console and type cl_drawhud 0 (to hide the hud) 2) Don't make pitchy voices like that, if you don't want to use your voice there are some voice synthetisers (like the windows one ) 3) Make some "panoramics", don't put a static camera and move your crab as you did, you should change the camera angle sometimes (like, put it closer to the crab so people can see his face from a certain angle, and there you move it slightly as he is speaking). I'm not saying it's bad, but it looks like a lot of "noobish" videos (those who don't know hiding the hud and keep their physgun_drawbeams 1 )
  20. yea but 100 would take a while and i only have 8 so far in 2 weeks. i plan to do it 10 25 50 100 150 200 350 500 True true. 4 years since I created my account, and I have only ~80 subscribers
  21. Don't make milestones so fast, I advice you to start first with a "100th subscriber milestone", because if you start having a lot of subscribers it would be kinda hard to post a video every 25 subscribers (look at Dasboschitt, he made his milestones @100 000 subscribers ) I'll watch your video later on (ipod..)
  22. I remember you were promoted at the same time as me on Gmod (I think I've kept Clavus's PM ). Nice guy, fair-play (even if it does not count a lot) and serious Nugget approves!
  23. Chikennugget1


    And 10GB of porn pictures On my first own pc I got a bad virus, which blocked my pc from booting.A bit like yours.When I press the button, it doesn't boot.That made me changing the pc (I don't remember exactly but I think I got my Dell after this). If you got the same virus as me there is nothing you can do yourself, you have to change some of the components. If you don't want to buy a good antivirus, I suggest you 2 tools: Avast (Antivirus) and Zone Alarm (good firewall), there is also Ad Aware that you can add but I don't remember its role. I have BitDefender 2010 and for now everything is fine (except that it causes fps issues in TF2 when I disable the Game mode).
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