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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. not that little ammo like 70 or something and it will give a better feeling for zombie survival that you need to spare ammo It will overall makes you angry and you'll want to see on otherd servers..
  2. Sneed >>> your gamertag,heu...........I forgot it XD
  3. Sneed >>> Maybe it can be an upgrade to buy on the green shop,but it's better letting it as it is actually.
  4. Why? Oo I don't like playing on noxious because of that(and also for sucky speed movements etc...) Don't delete the ammo regen,think about those who are firing a lot on zombies and they waste ammos because someone stoled their kill.The guy will die cause he won't get any other weapon (unless he finds one on the ground). Seriously,the ammo regen system is fine,and useful. And if you want honor,then play only with a knife/crowbar during the whole game
  5. Basically,that's how the scope works:
  6. It's not Port but Imahouse ,yeah that was a cool map too,but that's lame they removed the water and the tunnel thing
  7. OMG OMG KSKSKSKSKSKS stop jumping into those fail portals :o

  8. Maybe,but it's the topcrew who decides who will be admin By the way,what about the current apps,is it studied?
  9. camptilation was a cool map
  10. Zs_subversive_part3 , why? 1) Map looks good maybe but it's UN-BA-LAN-CED , and particularly for zombies: The map is basically a big corridor with some rooms on the side and that's all,and it's very hard for zombies to attack because humans are always camping on the other side and cading the way which leads to the pool,or if they don't camp here,they camp in other rooms. (the one with a railing floor for example,or the other near a bridge,with a mini bridge on the roof where humans can camp by using a prop to go there...) 2)Don't you think there are too much subversive maps? (and globally,too much Stelk's map) 3)The changing light,very annoying cause you can't see anything in the rooms unless using your lamp,but even with that it's too dark.
  11. And a no-collision system for the redeemer
  12. Good idea,it's annoying when you redeem in a place blocked by zombies and being insta-killed.
  13. Or simply,"I have a good english" :>
  14. When does this blue appears?After the screen with your pc's brand (with boot menu etc...) or before? If it's after,try a system restoration.
  15. Japaneses with their games You can see that he takes a long time to wash while his mother cooks different things :>
  16. My pc will be back at home next tuesday, PREPARE TO DIE!
  17. The main part of the "comments" are about boobs Dx
  18. Pervert!
  19. Nevah Clavinus :noel: I'm still waiting for my massive reinforcements,which will never come,but I'll wait,forever if I have to. When I have my monstaa,I will launch uber army on your plastic noobtorz,and then call the powerful soldiers in the world. Be scared!
  20. Old topic
  21. A bit short and yeah,a bit young too :/
  22. Ahlalalalalala......and it goes again and again with that and again that >|@
  23. Dorian,pour mettre direct ton image clique sur l'icone en forme d'image(au dessus) et mets ton url Haaaax!
  24. BAM!(and btw,hi ^_^ )

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