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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Dusty

    Ban request

    The only time I really see him insulting anyone is when he calls them, "dicks" He's already been warned for exploiting, as we can all see. Permabanning seems a bit harsh with so little evidence.
  2. Dusty

    Ban request

    I'm sure he has used the chat a few times, there's always going to be the moaning of other players as well, "Shut up!" etc. I've got logs of all the chat, I'll look into it when I'm next on my computer.
  3. It's rather short, tell us more about yourself. Try reading this, and following the guidelines.
  4. Happy birthday ...and why did you not mention this card to me ¬_¬
  5. What's original?
  6. AIDS is friends with my dog. Bastard threads.
  7. Wow. That's a bitch. I didn't realise lua could be copyrighted and/or infringe copyright. (Assuming the issue is due to copyright issues)
  8. I'm from Manchester, so it's nice to see a local-ish member. Also, like Nobana said, do you go by another ingame nick? I don't recognise that name.
  9. Ah, time for a spot of tea and crumpets, ol' Redgord?
  10. Ohai dere Misa Campo.
  11. Hehe it's not like that If you're talking about that guy who suicided for behemoth on the IW server a few days ago, I havent seen him do anything else, so I had to give him a warning. I can't just ban him for something that small... People get really mad when banned/kicked without a good reason, and most of the they will stop if an admin tells them to. If not, kick/ban depending on what they did. I've only ever banned once, I think. Most people tend to listen to me if I threaten to slay them and/or kick them.
  12. It's a lot better than I can do.
  13. Miss you already.
  14. Dusty

    Green shop

    I'm gonna be honest and say, I'd perhaps buy a T Shirt if it didn't cost too much. Posters, mugs etc. I don't see the point.
  15. That's the first video like that I've enjoyed.
  16. Dusty

    plz ban

    I disagree, This a European server, Saying stuff like that gets you arrested in some countries, therefore illegal, And nobody wants anything illegal on the servers. Constantly insulting people is classed as illegal then. It's known as verbal assault.
  17. Dusty

    plz ban

  18. Alcohol makes people throw up if they drink in excess at any age.
  19. Dusty


    I enjoyed that, it's certainly catchy. Keep it up!
  20. I'm 16
  21. Confusing thread is confusing.
  22. (Kanye West - Never Let Me Down) 4/10 - Not my music taste really.
  23. My top list has gotta be: Super Mario 64 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Halo: Combat Evolved. Halo 2.
  24. Super Mario 64 > *
  25. Reminds me of cs_office. I usually enjoy your maps, Stelk. Hopefully this will be put in the map rotation.
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