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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Clavus

  1. Nice work. Great to see more people dabbling in game design
  2. Hoppy borthdoy.
  3. Marc Laidlaw (writer of the Half-Life series) got so bored he started writing Dr. Breen fanfiction (in the scenario that Breen escaped to a host body): https://twitter.com/BreenGrub

  4. Clavus

    Oculus Rift

    NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE *rips Rift off head and throws it out of the window*
  5. Well yeah, they weren't going to stick around forever.
  6. Clavus

    Minecrift mod

    Since Mojang probably won't add official Rift support before hell freezes over, some enthusiasts over at the VR forums already did: http://www.mtbs3d.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=142&t=17489http://www.mtbs3d.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=142&t=17489 They added GUI rendering (Valve-style) in the last patch, so it's actually fully playable now. Chat is hard to read but that'll probably be fixed soon too. Started a Hardcore survival map and playing it completely through my Rift. It's awesome
  7. Clavus

    Oculus Rift

    I can't wait to try this out. It looks incredible, and I really hope it lives up to the hype. How is accuracy in FPS games with it? I play HL2 with mouse and keyboard. I can make the same reactionary movements as I normally would without it feeling bad, I'm just as accurate as I am normally (even though a metrocop's head at 50m distance is like one pixel due to the low pixel density at the moment). The Rift complements pretty much every control scheme, and Valve's implementation of FPS aiming works great. The virtual boy was the same idea, but failed because the technology just wasn't there yet. I could play hours with the Rift without feeling eye strain or getting a headache. The reason I don't is because playing HL2 in VR can be mentally exhausting because of how intense the whole experience is, you really need the break to catch your breath and mentally process all the cool shit you just did. It really is that awesome.
  8. Clavus

    Oculus Rift

    Been playing Valve's official VR mode for Half-Life 2 yesterday. It's in the beta branch right now for which you can opt-in. You haven't played Half-Life 2 until you've played it with a Rift. The whole game seemed to have been made with VR in mind, it's crazy. The enemies (a lot of them attack up close, which is enjoyably terrifying in VR), the environment (much to explore and little things to pick up) and the story overall (silent protagonist and your camera is never taken from you). It's seriously the best VR game available right now.
  9. Clavus

    Oculus Rift

    Just tried the Minecraft mod for the Rift. It went something like this, but then on our own server:
  10. Clavus

    Oculus Rift

    Haven't bragged about this thing here yet. Some of you (if not everyone by now) probably know I received my Oculus Rift developer kit about two weeks back. I was amongst the first 250 orders on their Kickstarter. Right now the list of order numbers ranges to about 50.000+ and people will be waiting for their kits for months (they ship about 1200 per week at the moment). For those who don't know what the Oculus Rift is; it's basically the start of the age of virtual reality gaming! For a quick overview how it works, see this video demonstrating the VR mode Valve added to TF2 a while back: There are tons of cool demonstrations already (for a list, check RiftEnabled or The Rift List). There are also drivers that add Rift capabilities to older games (think HL2, Skyrim, Mirror's Edge) although I haven't got those working properly yet. Some of the best demos are the ones created by the community right now, like the spaceship dogfighting game First Law. The consumer version of the Rift is planned for Q3 2014 or something. First Oculus will probably release an upgraded dev kit by the end of this year. The current developer kit still has plenty to improve on; the pixel density is low, there's a noticeable screendoor effect, and it doesn't do positional tracking yet. This will all be tackled in future versions. Right now, the rotational headtracking and the 3D effect are amazing. The headset is light, and relatively cheap ($300). Everything is coming together for a real VR revolution, it'll be an exciting time for gamers
  11. The only thing that could've kicked you out for spamming is NoCheat, and that kick doesn't last longer than half an hour in the worst cases (which I doubt would've triggered without using macros).
  12. Pff another one of these? Stop going around pointing fingers for no good reason. And look up how faction claiming works.
  13. So in short.
  14. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Watched it yesterday. Great art and animation. Story is brutal but a bit melodramatic Last Space Brothers was a recap episode. Argh...
  15. The winner, depending on the quality of the entry, can win one of the Steam games I have in my inventory. Choices include: Garry's Mod, Bastion, Psychonauts, From Dust, Mirror's Edge, Spacechem, Dear Esther, Limbo, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Hotline Miami or Resident Evil 5. Note that I'm looking for something original. Just overlaying some grand music scores over some basic flyover footage won't cut it. It's a Minecraft server, not an action movie.
  16. Let me make this clear. The job of an admin is to be as unobtrusive as possible. Flying around without good reason gets people on edge. Spawning stuff for others messes with the game too. As an admin you're only supposed to interfere when rules are being broken. World edit is not to be used outside of removing lava mountains or world cleanup. When monitoring, stick to the vanish and spectate powers you're granted. These rules aren't solid, but break them unless you have good reason to. This is how I envision the role of admins of our server. If anyone thinks someone isn't a good admin, build a case with solid proof before you come complaining. Oh and one more thing Mathijs: That sort of reasoning is retarded. You are granted administrative powers because I trust to do your job well. If you misuse this trust, it is 'abuse' in every sense of the word.
  17. Clavus

    New Admin!

    This is not how this works.
  18. Har har guess what I got.
  19. Clavus


    Well this sure shows nothing at all.
  20. Clavus

    Dark Souls 2

    I think you're misinterpreting them. What they said wasn't that they're lowering the difficulty, they're just going to make the game less confusing for new players.
  21. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Guess I'll give an update too. Last thing I watched was Gankutsuou, an anime take on the Count of Monte Christo story. Recommended, it's amazing.
  22. I gave the one responsible a slap in the face.
  23. Clavus


    I've tweaked our new plugins a bit. People in the server reported the lag was mostly gone for them so I hope this resolves the issue.
  24. Clavus


    What is your internet speed and where are you located? Also is anyone else experiencing this?
  25. The creepers were from me. I found them wandering around. The poor homeless critters
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