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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Clavus

  1. Nice job Mathijs. That looked neat.
  2. There actually aint any difference between this and messing around with dumb people getting drunk randomly just to have an hungover later Well luckily I have a great family to spend the evening with. Speaking of which, I should put down my tablet, they're giving me weird looks.
  3. Netherlands is GMT+1
  4. Oh right, I see now. Waste of time this is.
  5. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Meh I watched the first season recently, but it's just boringly predictable and stupid. Literally the most incompetent military ever.
  6. Demodded from what?
  7. Getting new laptop (MSI GE60 with GTX 660M) and selling my current one (MSI GX640) to my brother. Need a laptop capable of gaming without overheating during Battlefield :V

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Clavus


      OK alternatives but the MSI GE60 still wins for me.

    3. MiF


      I am still waiting for _good_ ARM based laptop without OS. Do want Linux

  8. Alright let's get you into an admin seat already. Contact me on Steam.
  9. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Just finished Gungrave. It started out mediocre but it got progressively better and had a perfect ending. Recommended.
  10. That doesn't really matter; if land is abandoned it will soon be unclaimed by autokick if someone is inactive. That takes weeks. I just don't want terrain being claimed by very small groups of people. Factions should be about having large groups of people managing a vast area. And in the end, it's the job of the players to welcome others. You can make your faction open and set up some player-owned chunks inside your own faction to protect the most valuable stuff. If you want, I could manage a set of advertisement signs near the spawn for factions that are open to new players.
  11. ... and Steam login has been added
  12. After disabling the sound the shoutbox made on every entry that appeared, the new design has become tolerable.
  13. If claiming land takes less faction members, the world will be flooded with small claimed but abandoned pieces of land. I agree it's not ideal, but it's beats the alternative.
  14. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    I give SAO 7/10 overall. NEXT.
  15. Clavus

    Wanted PvP

    Eh? Next time post an actual topic.
  16. It used to be a redirect so it's probably your browser cache screwing up. Try reloading the page (F5 or Ctrl + F5).
  17. IT IS ALL FOR THE BETTER (and costs me less)
  18. That's what happens when idiots gets ways of getting their voices above everyone else. Well I'm sure most folks were just talking about it 'ironically'. Which is just as fucking annoying.
  19. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Just watched the 2nd Berserk movie. Kinda sucks they're missing a few key character development scenes. Still an entertaining movie. Liked how they foreshadowed a few future characters, which the manga didn't do at that point.
  20. This forum account you used to create this topic doesn't have a Minecraft ID connected to it, and never had in the past. You sure you're using the right forum account to log in?
  21. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Still waiting for latest Psycho Pass to go up on Pirate Bay. Most series are taking a 2 to 3 week break now btw D:
  22. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    'Anime' is just the Japanese word for cartoons. Since Avatar is made in the west, it's technically not anime, although the art / animation style is very similar.
  23. Subscription option will be removed soon, it wasn't really a successful system. Ywa is taking over the server costs, and with that, I step back a little in terms of server management. We'll see what direction Ywa wants to take it. I'll still support the server with development / maintenance / administration, just to a lesser extent.
  24. Hacking in Minecraft is too commonplace (and 'accepted'). If we intensify measures, the likelihood we make a false positive increases and that's what I want to avoid at all costs. The best we can do is fight the most excessive hacks, but Minecraft's structure relies on resources and other mechanics that just don't make the game suitable for competitive play at all. I much rather would change the server in one giant PvE game (but that either takes a lot of server resources or is unchallenging for a lot of peepz), or something where people can compete on a more equal and less cheatable level (economy?). I think it would be fun if everyone just focussed on building a cities, and we can limit PvP to specified sections of wilderness or arenas.
  25. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    That's just because you don't know any better. You are ignorant of other great shows or you just don't care at all. I'm just sick and tired of people calling Bebop the best anime ever, like it's some godsend show from the great Nipponlandia. No, it is not. You are just ignorant. As a side note. Yeah, Bebop and Champloo are pretty good. Calling someone "ignorant" always sounds less nice than "inviting them to explore the medium". Edit: hell, saying someone "doesn't know shit" sounds nicer than "ignorant". To me at least.
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