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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Clavus

  1. I'm adjusting the NoCheatPlus settings a bit. Kicks for command spamming now keep you from rejoining at least 20 minutes.
  2. I try my best. The creepers were homeless and I thought you guys were the perfect people to take care of em. Also I'll unban you again for now. Just don't do silly things like PvP logging because it's ruining the fun for everyone.
  3. I gave them a clear warning because I'm a little more patient at the moment. Scrie100 claims he's just 8 years old. Feel like an internet babysitter.
  4. Alright playtime's over. You've all made your point so I'm closing this before it devolves into poop flinging.
  5. It is now.
  6. Aaaaand another one.
  7. I'm on a boat.
  8. Server had an out of memory error. Those are the worst. MC 1.5 has some issues apparently which is why MC 1.5.1 is coming out tomorrow from what I've gathered.
  9. World #29. Hell if I know what people were doing on this map. world29 (260MB)
  10. Plugins everywhere still broken. Waiting for fixes.
  11. We won't know until GDC.
  12. Thanks guys
  13. Welp it's pretty much confirmed it'll be shown on the GDC: http://kotaku.com/5990828/well-hear-about-battlefield-4-this-month-it-better-have-rain-in-it Also middle orange pic shows Shanghai.
  14. First development builds for bukkit are only just starting to roll out. Still need to wait for plugin updates. Going to look at this again Sunday since I don't have any time tomorrow.
  15. You forgot to ban the guy who posted it. Fix'd.
  16. Ok new BF4 rumour: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/03/08/ea-invite-hints-at-battlefield-4-reveal Now they say it's going to be showed at the Game Developer Conference.
    1. Griffon


      Still a in a better status than SimCity


    2. military


      clavus, read pm and change my nickname!;)

  17. Clavus

    Map reset date.

    Map will reset once Minecraft 1.5 releases, which is next week on Wednesday. The server will remain running the old version until I have a stable Bukkit version for MC 1.5.
  18. Probably the last official BF3 trailer.
  19. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Watching Space Brothers right now. Enjoying it immensely. How so? I regularly watch on my Nexus 7. It's not like most anime are audio-visual masterpieces that require a home theatre system to properly enjoy. Edit: Also this.
  20. I'd go with either a Crucial m4 or Samsung SSD, personally. They're pretty cheap nowadays so you might consider grabbing a 256GB version. As for the CPU, just get an i5 3570K / i5 2500K or something. Plenty of power for games (they perform pretty much equal to their i7 counterparts) and cheaper than an i7 2700K. CPU performance hardly differs in the top range.
  21. They're going to reveal the first Battlefield 4 footage tonight during the Playstation event, it's probably going to be a launch title for the PS4. Event starts 0:00 CET.
  22. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Yep pretty much, the closest you are going to get at the moment is this; www.myanimelist.net/anime/14833/Maoyuu_Maou_Yuusha Its like a spiritual successor i guess(even though there by 2 different studios). Same voice actors for the main duo but its more fantasy based which may not be to everyones taste Yeah I've seen it come by in the FP anime thread but I'm not really interested. The bouncing titty factor is preposterously high.
  23. 'viktorkucera12' is mentioned in the ban list, so a simple pardon should work.
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