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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Clavus

  1. Clavus


    Type /kill.
  2. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    About time. I think Hellsing Ultimate was one of the first anime I watched, after Death Note. That was, like, 5 years ago?
  3. It's been ages since I made a standalone game, but here I am. And this one was made in just 48 hours! Obliterate the City How to play: Hammer your left mouse button until the city is levelled. For various reasons that are explained during the game. Download | Source Created for the Ludum Dare #25 compo, using LÖVE.
  4. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Shitty SAO episode. Is it so hard not to make villains cardboard cutouts.
  5. If you used it, it's gone. If you haven't used it, you should still have it.
  6. Clavus

    Unban please

    Xray bans were reset on the map reset. You should be able to join already.
  7. World #27. Minecraft 1.4.5 with pretty much default settings. world27 (460MB)
  8. Haven't been able to invest much time. Guess we'll start a new map soon. I suggest next Friday. Submit your requests on what to do with the next map.
  9. Database was acting weird. Told Ywa to restart the SQL process which he did. Don't know if that fixed it so let me know if stuff is still acting up.
  10. Clavus

    Dark Souls 2

    Still ploughing my way through the first game. This news makes me happy
  11. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    There's a few voice actors that do ALL THE ANIME. Guys like him are in everything.
  12. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    100+ episodes doesn't necessarily mean a series is bad, but it does mean it's probable it expanded beyond its original premise and writers started making shit up, or they never change the formula. Which is what Pokemon / DBZ / Naruto / Bleach / One Piece fall under. It's cheap entertainment, they're equivalent to TV soaps. Considerable and believable character development is long dead at that point.
  13. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    So your main issue with FMA is that it's sci-fi / supernatural A lot of anime are like this, and that's why I like them. Lots more interesting supernatural stuff than in actual TV series. Not every series put down a set of rules like Death Note, but as long as there's no glaring contradictions or stupidly convenient plot devices, it's not that bad. Btw, there are two FMA series. The first one, and Brotherhood. The first one basically caught up with the manga before it was finished, so the creators just winged it and tied up their own story. Brotherhood is the faithful manga adaptation. Takes a few episodes before it gains some speed but it's the better version in the end (and the ending is a million times more satisfying). Anyway, if you want more realistic / less in-your-face supernatural / no anime culture bullshit stuff, you should watch something like Monster (thriller, bit slow), Mushishi (slow but nice), Rainbow (gay name, but it's awesome) or Planetes (hard sci-fi). After watching those you might warm up to other series. Or not, whatever suits you.
  14. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Counted 25 in that list that I watched. But anyway, just start with the top-rated ones on MAL or something. If all you know is Naruto and Bleach (which I've never watched ), you haven't seen anything yet.
  15. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    True. The follow-up series Nisemonogatari is borderline porn though.
  16. I'm learning to use Unity right now. It's a pretty great engine. Your game idea is way too ambitious for a first project though
  17. Clavus

    PlanetSide 2

    It's an awesome game. Make sure you have a beefy computer though. Anyway, normally I play New Conglomerate on the Woodman server with the Conclave community, on Saturday evenings. We're just a handful of people so we're just messing around. Last Wednesday I joined the weekly Purple Wednesdays of the Rock Paper Shotgun community, playing Vanu on Miller. There were so many people, we had to divide into two platoons. As you might've guessed we steamrolled the fuck out of everything.
  18. No, server just crashed and nobody told me. Restarting now.
  19. Clavus

    Day Z

    I just hope my (physical) map of Chernarus will still be reasonably accurate.
  20. Clavus

    Day Z

    http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/36771692833/dev-report-november-2012 DayZ standalone will drown itself in Steamworks features. VAC being among them. First release before the end of the year
  21. Clavus

    Discuss Anime

    Haven't watched Space Brothers, but the guy's in the Facepunch Fast Anime thread are pretty positive about it.
  22. PC gaming master race http://i.imgur.com/Ytl7W.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek


    3. MiF


      And some say PC gaming is dying. Hah. Altho PC (as we know it) might die at some point

    4. Reap3r


      PC gaming is dying since the percentage of games playing on Platform has been down, but in reality the numbers for people playing on PC platform are actually increasing :P

  23. Banned all three their faction members and trying to patch up spawn a bit :/
  24. You'll always end up with someone having more enderpearls than you. I can just make it even harder to reach the public end if necessary.
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