So your main issue with FMA is that it's sci-fi / supernatural A lot of anime are like this, and that's why I like them. Lots more interesting supernatural stuff than in actual TV series. Not every series put down a set of rules like Death Note, but as long as there's no glaring contradictions or stupidly convenient plot devices, it's not that bad. Btw, there are two FMA series. The first one, and Brotherhood. The first one basically caught up with the manga before it was finished, so the creators just winged it and tied up their own story. Brotherhood is the faithful manga adaptation. Takes a few episodes before it gains some speed but it's the better version in the end (and the ending is a million times more satisfying). Anyway, if you want more realistic / less in-your-face supernatural / no anime culture bullshit stuff, you should watch something like Monster (thriller, bit slow), Mushishi (slow but nice), Rainbow (gay name, but it's awesome) or Planetes (hard sci-fi). After watching those you might warm up to other series. Or not, whatever suits you.