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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. There already is noob settings because 66 tick.
  2. Yea, seen you on, dont remember for how long. Maybe since January or so? Otherwise good, but be active in IRC and on forums too(no spam).
  3. It's "[/*media]", not . E: Yes, the video is seen clearly in the 1st message.
  4. BF2(not BC2!) is the best so far. Crysis is the worst, and it can only be replaced if I buy Crysis 2.
  5. I still dont know what you mean. What exactly you would like to change? Yes, in surf_10x_reloaded you can skip the map if you got enough skill, but its mainly the maps fault. And by increasing airaccelerate it would make it easier. And by decreasing it, well I dont know what would happen then but it would affect the other maps as well.
  6. Airaccelerate is just fine. Bhop isnt needed in surf server.
  7. Better in what way? Easy enough when the damn update changed it into 66 tick... I dont see any other problems in it?
  8. Someone needs to teach my how to use Photoshop/something so I can make myself a new spray into CSS
  9. Inb4lock x2 Inb4lock x3 Inb4lock x4
  10. So basically you're saying that we need more suicidal people here?
  11. I-HAZ-ALIENS Some hot air balloon flied right over our house, didnt get pics off that coss I had to get the camera first. But here's some shots.
  12. Nobana


    Yea, looks good, I like the lights more in the 2nd picture, but the final one is more realistic(=better?). Oh, try to model some Halo guns? For example, Needler, Beam rifle or Spartan Laser: Spartan laser pic is big so lets keep it out from here. Beam rifle(Covenant sniper rifle)
  13. I rest my case. I LOVE YOU!
  14. 1. Bad idea to make a video like this on my opinion. 2. YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO DRINK BEER, PUT IT BACK TO THE FRIDGE.
  15. Movie coming December 3rd 2010 in Finland. Will be released if not in same day, at least within the same week in other countries. Cant wait to see it, been waiting for years now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JIz7I5yzwQ&feature=PlayList&p=29E5D2A0C45A68C3&playnext_from=PL&index=0&playnext=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z4OvK3Vn44
  16. http://www.rareexportsmovie.com/en
  17. 10/10 for the show. 3/10 for the music.
  18. DICE has taken another step closer to the players by requesting direct feedback from Bad Company 2's current situation and its problems. You can also send your wishes to this thread, and the most the most relevant and feasible will be updated to the 1st message. That thread contains the things that people want and what DICE is aware of. Issues that DICE knows are pain and is working on: Revive invulnerability Blue square box chat on some PC's and settings AT4 weapon balance Reload text in the middle of the screen VoIP Insignia bug (no Requirement for SPECACT) C4 Does not always work Custom resolutions Horn Audible Thurs isn't mutch players White Pass is a UAV crashes into trees must first use Being shot only affects the model and animation Not the AIM. It think there Recoil the AIM too No vertical line is GOL Sniper reticulata Server lag
  19. Hacker! Nope. I can view the IP for a post, and then using a geoip lookup I see where that person is from Hacker!
  20. None, they're my friends (and Ywa) You haz free strippers.
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