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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    Uhm, I wasnt around either when you discussed about this. Could someone explain why did TC say no? I cant come out with any good reason to not change the DR server into Stock. And I cant think of any reason to keep the DR server up anyway.
  3. This topic isnt about your gameplay hours, you're not the one applying. My gameplay hours in past 2 weeks are 10 hours, because of school. I just hang around in IRC when no time to play. Darkness has been showing up in Surf server more often lately. Keep up the good work. G luck.
  4. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    Could we keep the conversation about the server, and not about Clavus's dick? Thank you.
  5. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    Oh, and you tried the DR server thing, even when people didnt support it (at least over 50% resisted?). So why not try this? If it doesnt work, you can change it back to DR or whatever, or shut the whole server down.
  6. Its 11th year of school. And 1st year of college.
  7. Raperaperape I would probably just do something ordinary.
  8. Thats old. Im not saying that because it offends me! Im not!
  9. Did you even try to search for them?
  10. Yes. But only if they mocked it with something that wasnt funny.
  11. For example, comics present Finland as alcoholists. Which we are.
  12. These comics are awesome because they dont insult any country. And if they do, they insult every other country as well!
  13. These things are fucking hilarious You can pick comics which contain the country you want.
  14. Less words, more funny shizzle!
  15. I dont think we understand what you mean, so how about you use Google Translate to translate your language into English.
  16. C'mon... Youtube Poops are liturally what they say they are.
  17. Nobana

    Fuck this photo!

    You guys just didnt get the joke... Its suppose to be only brown.
  18. Its not like you can do with the servers whatever you want. Maybe speak with Ywa instead of RALLYING THE CROWD like spartacus to take over the servers D:! But I like being like Spartacus And its not just me who would like Fun server more than DR.
  19. I think we discussed this in the IRC just a few days ago... Well I'm sorry for not being there. So could someone brief me about what you talked about?
  20. How can I put this gently... Why the fuck isnt the server changed back to Fun server? Its clear that people are losing interest in the DR maps, and the server player amount has been decreasing for some time now.
  21. Link to background? :3 Clickety clickety click! Every pic available in many sizes. I took all of the outer-space ones. Reach <3
  22. Combining the worst game ever with the best game ever. Best game ever is Doom.
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