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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Uhm. I understand. Just to let you know, no Google or TV used, kthxbye. And I dont know why I would want to become a bit more popular. You know, you got no more proof than I have. So all this that you're saying, can just as well be used against you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ E: First ontopic respond from me. I consider myself an atheist, which Im not. I do believe in God/Higher power/Mr. Allmighty/Creator of heavens. Its like to have some sort of simple explanation for everything. I dont really believe in Heaven or Hell, but I do believe that something does happen after death. Rebirth? Maybe, I always imagine it like Heaven, that some day I can be a "spectator" in all this, just like my passed away relatives are.
  2. Argh, no shit? I kinda dont have the time to translate >400 lines of text into English just to explain to you what Im saying. And by the way, with the power of small nuclear explosions, it would take less than 50 years to reach the nearest star(not Sun). This engine will produce the speed 10% of light speed. Get your facts straight. E: Here they are. You're welcome.
  3. Uhm, did you really study this matter. They are exploring possibilities to do this. For example, studying how to create wormholes, you must create a stable black hole to do so, but how? They are also working on possible engine choises, like engines working with small nuclear blasts exploding 5 times per second. E: You cant seriously try to say that space travelling is impossible because poverty in some countries? Back on track to the religion? Though I'll keep responding to your comments most likely.
  4. The thread has evolved into an interesting and thought-provoking debate. Deal with it. I'll believe this theoretical future when I see it. But I ask you this, light is energy. It is a pure form of energy that can move without friction or deceleration. How could something possibly be faster than light? Uhm, I think it was sarcasm. Deal with it. Theoretical future? Why is our assumptions theoretical future and yours arent?
  5. Fixed. And agreed. @ Crowbar, who knows what humanity will be able to do in future? Certainly not me or you, none of us.
  6. Are you really sure about that? People used to think we couldn't fly. They thought you were crazy if you even said you could go faster then the speed of sound. Ofcourse we will never understand our universe it's to large for that, but I think we can atleast travel inside the galaxy. ( Galaxy = milky way , if thats what you mean, but never around the entire universe) I disagree with Crowbar and agree with Hundred. If you would have studied it, you would have known that humanity will be possible to have technology needed to travel between galaxies. Maybe not in 100 years, maybe not in 500 years, but some day humanity will have the techology needed. Just think about how much techology has improved in a time no longer than 50 years. We got computers, beepers small phones that can do almost anything. All this would have imagined impossible only 100 years ago. But today, we couldn't live without them.
  7. K boss. I just dont get why must there be another thread about same stuff, just because the other thread is old? Is it illegal to bump old topics, so you must create a new one? And when you say that this thread is a nice little conversation with no flaming, why couldn't it be in the old thread. Excuse me for not realizing your point.
  8. I though this wasn't suppose to become a flamewar? So can we NOW start talking in the old thread? Two flamewar topics about same thing is useless. THANK YOU!
  9. Can I cry now. What about we keep talking in THIS topic, so we would have only one flamewar topic about religion, instead of current two?
  10. Happy birthday! Wish you spend a nice weekend!
  11. Pr0nstar, you look like some American pretty famous film star, I dont remember his name, but when/if I remember it, I'll be sure to post a picture!
  12. Agreed. Its like blaming all of Earth's Islamese people of 9/11. They didnt have anything to do with it but still in every bombing, No.1 suspect is arabic if possible.
  13. Should I create a 3rd thread for this? Or could you kindly keep talking in the other thread. E: This.
  14. Yes. There has been a "debate" about this, and quite a big one. Possible to find it with keyword "religion". Would that been hard E: Use the other thread...?
  15. Nobana

    My resignation

    E: God dammit, wrong thread. Stupid me.
  16. Nobana

    My resignation

    Danni, PM/or something me your name so I can add you in Facebook
  17. Doublepost who cares. Anyway, just played 5 hours of singleplayer. Havent touched anything else than Campaign so far. Its good, maybe a bit less awesome than Halo 3, maybe because the theme and such? Halo 3 was more "revolutionary" in its day. Still, I dont have anything bad to say about it. After I finished Campaign(maybe on Friday?), Im gona try matchmaking and Forge.
  18. Nobana

    My resignation

    He does. He's had it for quite a while What I ment was that I dont have him as a friend in Facebook, and I would like to add him. Danni, whats your name?
  19. Nobana

    My resignation

    God dammit. Well, it was fun as long as it lasted. I hope you visit us when you can! PS. I dont recall having your facebook?
  20. ITS HEREEEEE! I GOT IT, I GOT IT! And I also haz Recon.
  21. Oh of course not. My activiness in IRC and forums aint changing, I hope.
  22. I prefer drama queen ^^ Anyway, my activiness in IRC and forums wont change. You'll still see me here.
  23. Difficulty? @ Peon, YOU HAVENT ADDED ME YEAT! WhiteDeath FIN
  24. Hello everyone, as you may have predicted, also I am leaving the admin team. Well, first of all, Ive been really inactive since the CSS update, on my opinion, surf(as a mode, not as in server) went downhill ever since. The Stock server might have changed me back to active, but it wouldnt really affect my choise. Dont worry, I didnt get a life or anything special, school is just so exhausting. And since Reach came out, I will be spending a lot of my gaming time in the world of Halo. Im sure I wont stop visiting forums and IRC, you aint getting rid of me that easily! I will still visit IRC like always, and forums will stay as my default page for a long time. I will of course visit Surf server always when possible, and report possible problems in there. Thanks for the fun moments that I've spent here, I will always remember this place. Thanks for Ywa, Clavus and Mayco for the opportunity of being an admin here in your servers, its been great. Thanks for all the members, Greens and other admins for the time I've spent with you in-game or in IRC. I guess thats all for now. Carry on. -Nobana
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