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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Lol fail assumption, Halo reach isn't the only game on the 360. Well it sure is the best so far. If LEGO Indiana Jones doesnt count. AND WHERE THE FUCK IS MY REACH, FUCKING POST OFFICE WHAT THE FUCK, THEY SENT IT TO ME ON THURSDAY, AND IT STILL ISNT HERE!?
  2. Lulwut? Since when have game ratings been the law. Just because some website says something is good doesn't mean it is. So Yeah, I can call it shit. Or, you could be quiet and let those of us who realize how good it will be, just wait it in peace. I understand if people dont like Halo games, thats ok, but to call them "shit". Thats just really, really stupid.
  3. I haz no Reach yeat It must come in the 12 o'clock mail right!? Anyway, the Campaign is gona be sick! Bungie empleoyees died 76 times total in the first mission when going it on Legendary.
  4. ^ Cool I really didnt have any place to put that statue, and I dont need the book either. ^ Sad Didnt quite catch your comment. Dont know what the first sentence means and didnt realize the 2nd either.
  5. Why are people saying that, its obviously not true. You just trying to seem as some veteran player. E: Pfft. All CoD games after 1 are shite. I keep saying that but everyone still keeps defending them. Nothing new into them after CoD2, unlike Halo's.
  6. You dont say that about CoD's. Meh. All I care that tomorrow Im gona lay my hands on the sweet sweet Reach case. And I would say that 40 euros for the BEST GAME OF THE YEARZ is waste of money.
  7. The place I ordered it sent it to me on thursday, but it still aint here. Im so gona murder 'em if it aint here tomorrow. Anyway, Im eager to see the new Forge and firefight. New gamemodes(Invasion etc) are sounding cool, at least they kicked ass in Beta. Credit system sounds cool, though I dont know about the thing that you get then in Forge too. First week Im gona spend in Campaign and Forge. Then Im gona move into the matchmaking after all the noobs started it too, (only Generals at beginning). REACH REACH REACH!
  8. Nobana

    Last words

    Oh, I'ce heard about that "life" thingy. I heard it got and exellent Anti-Aliasing and an awesome FPS with no lag at all! Too bad that my PC wont run it. We'll miss you a lot! Added you on Facebook btw.
  9. Brush your teeth so their so white that they shine like in the Pepsodent commercial, and create the light needed to go in the tunnel. I miss EmRA's Green Earth DLC's...
  10. So, Im sure we've got some new members who havent seen this thread or just ignored it. Do as the title says!
  11. Shame on you! How dare you mock our awesome...Great...good... lovely...OK president!
  12. Every website is allowed/open in our school.
  13. Why are you constantly comparing hardcore gamers into casual gamers? You cant seriously think that either Kinect or PS3 Move is made for hardcore FPS game fans. Its supposed to bring those who dont usually play a lot/at all to the TV screen. No matter how stupid you think it is, but Im sure that a family of four would rather wave their hands and laugh, than quietly play Modern Warfare 2 on 4-player co-op. So please stop with the "I would never wave my hands like that etc". You just arent in the focust group.
  14. Aww, his so cute <3 Do all dogs do like that/this?
  15. Well, it isnt ment for those "hardcore" gamers. Its ment for families and such. Like Wii. Attempting to get those who never played games, into the console world.
  16. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    I dont agree with you at all, but its your opinion. As asked before, how do you know? People said that DR would be more popular & fun than the old MG server. But look how that turned out to be. Theres really nothing to lose. You cant say that keeping DR is better in any possible way. Step 1. Change the DR into Stock Step 2. Keep it as Stock for at least 2 weeks. Step 3. Either shut the whole server down, or keep it running if it works. Facts delivered, Nobana out.
  17. So, as we all know, both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 are getting a movement-based gaming system. PS Move will use same kind of technology as Nintendo Wii, so it will be same kind of waving sticks, but way more accurate. And Xbox's Kinect will be like PS2's Eyetoy, with a bit more accuracy. It was originally be supposed to detect finger movement, but this got canceled due to higher production prize. So now its basically like Eyetoy. I was kind of waiting for Kinect, just to see what kind of games they can create, but now it will just be like Eyetoy. So even though I dont have a PS3 yeat, Im waiting for PS Move. Anyone else waiting for PS Move or Kinect? Which one and why?
  18. 5 years? Dont you mean 3? You can drink in the age of 18. And 16 in Germany, I think.
  19. I think you'll just have to wait a week.
  20. And I muted you today too for micspamming. Just a week, right?
  21. Fuck you, wanna trade that to my normal edition? Happy birthday!
  22. Nobana

    CS:S Stock

    If that is your only worry, its exactly the same with DR server. Though we dont even play on it now and then. If I may say it out loud, DR server sucks ass. You cant really say that Stock server would get less players than DR. It isn't possible(you cant go below 0).
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