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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. So. People getting this for PC? Might pre order it, just dont know will it lag on my PC. Main reason is that you get the BF3 beta key.
  2. *COUGH* Rounds timelimit is 5 minutes in that map.
  3. Oh. I might buy it then. NOT! But it's CoD, what more can you expect from the multiplayer.
  4. Looks just like MW2. Son, I'm dissapoint.
  5. Seems like a nice guy, seen him in surf. Be active in IRC and forums.
  6. I heard that they have a massive raining season going on there, could last months.
  7. Bioshock 1 doesnt have a multiplayer(?).
  8. Hell naw, vegatables is the best surf skill map we have. It's just the odd one or two people that have a undying hatred of skill maps that rtv. Agreed with Dusty. Though I normally hate skill surf maps and never play them, maybe because I havent bothered to learn them, but still this(vegetables) map is fun. At the beginning, I couldnt pass some stages at all, now I get through them at first try. I've changed my opinion about "no skill maps to the server". Its good to have 1 or 2 skill maps, so people occasionally play/learn them. But the other skill map sucks arse(surf_omnibus?).
  9. Definately the 1st one. If you would buy Bioshock 2 first, its like watching Star Wars movies in their creation order(4,5,6,1,2,3).
  10. I cant bhop at all. So its not like I dont want people to be better than me at it. I just dont think its s good thing that regulars can have better settings than the new players.
  12. Oh, so its kinda like reserved slots, but on the Terrorists team? Why didnt you say so?
  13. Wait, what? I didnt get this. So people should pay to be dead? If they dont wanna play, they can join the spectators. He means opting to be a terrorist in deathrun. In Gmod deathrun they're called deaths rather than terrorists. Two terrorists per map is already enough. And in some maps the limit is 3 or 4 terrorists, which is too much, so I really dont support this idea. Would be too unfair. Reduced falldamage sounds good, dont know about ammo, in some maps it would be good, in some, not so good. No opinion about the sounds.
  14. Wait, what? I didnt get this. So people should pay to be dead? If they dont wanna play, they can join the spectators.
  15. Hell no. Not that, it blows. Me too. Way better than the new one.
  16. Then we only have 4 fun/minigames maps left, to be honest. We can't run a whole server on that. I can help with the searching, just name the map type. Are you stupid? I've stated already 6 times in this thread it's about fun & minigames maps. ... Like what fun maps? Multigames? Racing? Random shizzle with guns?
  17. Then we only have 4 fun/minigames maps left, to be honest. We can't run a whole server on that. I can help with the searching, just name the map type.
  18. Going to my grandparents for a week, I'll be back on saturday or sunday. Probably wont be able to visit IRC. I may check the forums few times.
  19. If this is what you want, alright then. I didnt expect this at all though. Hope you still keep playing CSS with me. Did the CIA make you do this? I hate those guys, Listening to our thoughts... They're everywhere...
  20. What if I find the maps you require Suggestions are welcome. Just not crap ones. Put 'em in here "Map #3, mg_fun_multimods There is many multigame maps in the server, but few of them suck. So, this is somehow different, includes different types of modes, not like some maps which contain 10 maps where only difference is the gun you use. Pictures of all modes in here."
  21. I agree with Proxy. If not possible to make it like it used to be, how about 50/50? At least I get bored to the deathrun maps quite fast, they repeat themselves too often. There is always the possibility to look for new maps when old maps arent fun anymore.
  22. Bump. Added mg_fun_multimods to the list, seems pretty neat. Also, if you may consider changing the deathruns, at least that deathrun_mario.
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