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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Yep. See what I mean? I sorta agree. Maybe the behemoth needs a pistol as well? A decent player can almost always survive a behe going solo. Instead of that; I believe now he needs either more damage, higher splash damage with a greater radius, more movement speed, or a mixture of the three. I personally enjoy Behemoth's tank feel. Nah. The only thing that makes playing behemoth irritating atm is that humans can easily regenerate enough to withstand the next shot during the reloading time for the meatcannon. By introducing a pistol the behemoth could fill in that otherwise dead time with shooting the guy, putting more preasure on the human. I believe this is the only change that's needed. edit: Rui is still being crazy.
  2. Yep. See what I mean? I sorta agree. Maybe the behemoth needs a pistol as well? A decent player can almost always survive a behe going solo.
  3. Satchel Charge: - Left click to throw on the ground. Right click to detonate. - Same radius as C-4, only does about 30-50 damage. - 3 from Large ammo box, 1 from small. - More than one satchel charge in range with one another will cause interference, causing them both to disarm. I love it! I'm not sure about the ammo though. perhaps 2 from small and 6 from ammo box though, as you regularly find more babies than boxes if you're not killing zombies. I also think it should do 60 dmg, so that it also kills the babies of people that has the triple health upgrade
  4. High quality application. Good luck.
  5. ... and to sum it all up: The only thing Ares is better for is Bullet Storm. I've been thinking about a new human class for a while, but I can't find any weapons that would fit etc. The basic idea for the new class is that it's a roaming class made to run around with less firepower, but a lot of defence. It's objective should be to kill sacrifical babies placed by the undead. Killing the babies is actually one of the most important things to do in IW, as every baby killed delays the undead a lot. Do you guys have any suggestion for weapons / stats? I'm thinking a suit that drains at half the speed, about 200 suitpower and 80 HP. The weapon shouldn't be very strong, and his running speed should be the same as the assaults.
  6. Rui you're crazy
  7. Before your time, dear. Before your time.
  8. Good luck <3
    1. VMR


      This video is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  9. Wtf do you think necro is trying to do... The last day he said "No I don't think so" on gamemodes. The reason why I ask Clavus is because he had the entire idea for the game. Wasn't that what Ragnarok Conflict was supposed to be? Kinda... ?
  10. The only greencoin rewards i see fit are 1 greencoin for marking an unmarked human 1 greencoin for killing an undead 3 greencoins for killing a human 1 greencoin for every 75hp healed as human It doesn't need "fixing". It's a feature NECROSSIN might choose to add, but it's really not necessary. I don't think I've encountered this bug, does it happen often?
  11. +1 totally agree 10/10 no seriously, yeah. do this please. at least for zombies killing humans, yo. Like, we need the kill assist count as kills too, would make the game to Hard to Normal. OR Deliver the killing bow to those who inflict more damage. PS:Make those assists/Killing Bow to Special ops AND Undead Legion. And ALSO, NECROSSIN, when I go damage a human and almost kill them, they suicide and I dont get my wanted kill, Do like ZS, If you damage a human and he suicides, HE DIES AND SHOWS MY NAME AS KILL. I don't agree with the killing blow going to the person who did the most damage. At all. What if a zombie hurt a guy a lot, but the guymanages to kill the zombie and gets away to regain health, but a bones follows him and manages to shoot him down. Doesn't the bones deserve that kill? I think assists for humans would be a bit wierd, since you generally don't need help taking down an undead. I think there should be a rewarding system for marking a human as a Warghoul, and possibly draining suit energy with the hellraiser. Also: Try to fix the 'armorbug'. And don't say it doesn't exist, because you're not supposed to get instantly killed by the behemoth. If you are, you should fix the bug where people survive the shots.
  12. I approve of this application. Good luck.
  13. I think some of the exploit blocks are still there, I think Navo managed to jump into a exploit block. I only saw one on the map I played, and I could easily get out of the maps in places there should've been blocks.
  14. You need to get all the exploit blocks back up. I think that should be one of the top priorities.
  15. Made it to level 10 as an elementalist. Too bad I had so little time to play.
  16. More COD players inc.
  17. Not enough IW. 1/10.
  18. And this was either a lame joke or very pathetic. Either way it's hilarious
  19. Your link doesn't seem to work...
  20. Any info on when we'll be able to DL the client?
  21. VMR

    Crysis 3

    Crossbows and bows are epic. Although I didn't get the second one, I'll definately buy this one.
  22. Legend of Grimrock is awesome. Buy it!

    1. Pufulet


      I will soon.

  23. MW3 on PC and BF3 on console.
  24. Welcome
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