+1 totally agree 10/10 no seriously, yeah. do this please. at least for zombies killing humans, yo. Like, we need the kill assist count as kills too, would make the game to Hard to Normal. OR Deliver the killing bow to those who inflict more damage. PS:Make those assists/Killing Bow to Special ops AND Undead Legion. And ALSO, NECROSSIN, when I go damage a human and almost kill them, they suicide and I dont get my wanted kill, Do like ZS, If you damage a human and he suicides, HE DIES AND SHOWS MY NAME AS KILL. I don't agree with the killing blow going to the person who did the most damage. At all. What if a zombie hurt a guy a lot, but the guymanages to kill the zombie and gets away to regain health, but a bones follows him and manages to shoot him down. Doesn't the bones deserve that kill? I think assists for humans would be a bit wierd, since you generally don't need help taking down an undead. I think there should be a rewarding system for marking a human as a Warghoul, and possibly draining suit energy with the hellraiser. Also: Try to fix the 'armorbug'. And don't say it doesn't exist, because you're not supposed to get instantly killed by the behemoth. If you are, you should fix the bug where people survive the shots.