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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. Honestly, this game looks like a 12 year old got access to the L4D SDK. The atmosphere is completely ruined and made place for complete retardation. I have to admit, the scavenge mode looks awesome, melee weapons aren't bad -- however, that's something there should have been in the original L4D already! Dude seriously?! Are you actually a complete ass?! OR SRSLY, ASS!?
  2. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

    Cakes. 87_
  3. This. That. These. Those. Wtfbbqlol'ese.
  4. Denz haiez Put mahz comment D:

  5. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

  6. This. That. These.
  7. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

    33. No shit?
  8. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

    Hey, it is a topic that idea is giving some 1+ post counts . 31?
  9. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

    I sed 1000 D:<!
  10. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

    1001, Done .
  11. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

    20 idiots.
  12. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

    So, I can 40 posts in once? 15.
  13. Lemon!

    1 to a 1000

    13. Fucking + post counters.
  14. I ain't moaning. I am telling the truth. Hundy doesn't like it either. Who would? Expect the clanmembermasticaticoaliasfoafslfs's.
  15. I ment that "Zombie help Human" Stuff. Mostly I have seen B.W doin it. It's unfair, retarded and stupid. So, you like helping humen as a zombie? Really nice teamwork, I don't belive really if your friend has turned into a zombie and he starts to help you instead of eating your brains.
  16. What's with Silver saying everybody "Hax" And that and this. Googley Hooooooore. ;D

  17. /Offtopic Smartass So. Now. We. Wait. Till. PANCAKES.
  18. zIhmenz thatz hz' alzes sez imz a nubz evenz firwghout zrzordon. shezgh cantxz youz gfylyosnderstand mezfdga at aszlxzx? /Translation I mean that he calls me a noob without a real raeson, Jeez, can't you even understand me at all?
  19. Lemon!

    They are the babies from Infected Wars.


  20. It's that...When you go liek "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB!" , Like ounce yoj deed ontoeh me andz yo xlaccel d me a nooba wuthotu rseusnon D:
  21. Lemon!


    Btw, I noticed something funny. If I take a place which is farer than the one which I take nextly. Like 1,1k miles and 400miles. The 1,1k was alot better, tho I have no idea. Mostly people get godly lag when the distance gets bigger and bigger. Lol at sacris, why no able to test packet loss :B?
  22. Lol nutgmelon Oh yeah 1+ count
  23. Ywa, I just tried to help. It's cause you are always so slow to answer D:<!
  24. Btw, I know why people hate L4D2 so much. It's cause they are angry, and afraid of it. Loldone. I hated it too, cause I was sad, but overall It looks fun . Gonna buy it after all.
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