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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from Jeremiah in Stuck on the Zombies,Restricted Area and No animation for the Zombies   
    couple would be howler spam (howler range + so much shaking on your screen) and fact that people get annoying ass shotguns at the start of the round
    and also the crate gives you shitty ass auto sniper that is worse than smg at 1700sp when im againts over 20 zombies on my own, and its the third time today
  2. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to FMJ.MD in Pictures of thyself   
    This topic is totally outdated.. but I need to show you how sexy I am... the guy on the left

  3. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from michaelwang22 in What Jesus thinks of the situation in Israel   
    yes judge a whole region because couple of lunatics decided to kill teens
    the situation has been tense for long time in the region and as long as brainwashing from both sides remain they are going to kill each other until the end of times
  4. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from michaelwang22 in I WANT MY GCs   
  5. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from Quad_Tube in So we've been hacked   
    my guess would be,,,alot of ppl
  6. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from Toxik in Live Zombie Survival development tracking (changelog)   
    somewhat better. Now some things that need to be made on next update:
    + buff melee
    +increase normal zombies health
    -make normal zombie slower
    when many ppl cade and there is only couple of zombies its hard to break the cade when you die so easily as zombie, but when its a running map you die too easily as human cause the zombie is so damn fast. The weapons are pretty powerful so increasing zombies health shouldnt add any unbalance, but then meleeing would suck so the melee weapons need to be buffed at the same time
    also poison headcrabs should be unlocked at wave 3 or 4 cause they are so damn annoying
  7. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to Damien in About the new gamemode   
    So where's the zombie players? I've replaced them with NextBot zombies.
    What the hell , Removing human controlled zombies is like removing the essence of zombie survival. It will just be another zombie outbreak type gamemode. Zombie survival is so fun and dynamic, because everything is human controlled. AI is always stupid, how complex you even make it. It will always be predictable or act in certain ways. Humans are unpredictable and make the fun in zombie survival happen. Even on the same map the outcome varies alot between rounds. 
    As for the rest of the changes. They sound very cool.  
    We need a fresh zs and this sounds like it really could work out.
  8. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from test1 in Pictures of thyself   
    A nice after shower cigar 
  9. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to Snotteh in Badges   
    because fuck you thats why...
  10. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from robbert in Live Zombie Survival development tracking (changelog)   
    somewhat better. Now some things that need to be made on next update:
    + buff melee
    +increase normal zombies health
    -make normal zombie slower
    when many ppl cade and there is only couple of zombies its hard to break the cade when you die so easily as zombie, but when its a running map you die too easily as human cause the zombie is so damn fast. The weapons are pretty powerful so increasing zombies health shouldnt add any unbalance, but then meleeing would suck so the melee weapons need to be buffed at the same time
    also poison headcrabs should be unlocked at wave 3 or 4 cause they are so damn annoying
  11. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to Damien in Normal zombie and infected   
    I like the recent changes, but one is just complete shit :<
    Bring back normal zombie and nerf infected or remove infected instead of normal zombie.
    We now have way to fast zombies that take 3 to 4 hits with freemans spirit and axe.
  12. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from Quad_Tube in Hello   
    hellou and beware of trolls assholes and other strange mothafuckers
  13. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to Pufulet in Live Zombie Survival development tracking (changelog)   
    If there are any bugs or problems regarding somethings in current Zombie Survival please post them here for now on. Do not post suggestions for new things or any other information that no doubt we have already seen in several generic "my zs suggestions!" topics such as "good suggestions" or "what about refunds and classes". This should be about making current Zombie Survival less horrid by using what already exists and not suggesting new things until a completely new mod could be released.
    Make it look like this:
    Remove the blood overlay around the zombie HUD. Use 3.0 Zombie SWEPS. Remove ironsights. Double accuracy of all weapons. Increase Headshot Multiplier to 2. Make Reiska admin. Check if Katana is actually considered a melee for the "Freemans Spirit" perk. Change the view model for the Fresh Dead hands back to Zombie hands as they look terrible with most player models.  
    Set the "SP Bounty" accordingly to the following:  
    Fresh Dead - 25 Headcrab - 15 Fast Zombie - 25 Wraith - 20 Poison Zombie - 50 Zombine - 40 Howler - 25 Poison Headcrab - 20 Remember that these are not actual "fixes" for broken things but are what I believe would improve the quality of the mod.
  14. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from Snotteh in Reiska - admin application   
    gameserver: Garrys mod - Mr.Green Zombie Survival server
    country of origin: Finland
    link to steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993884228
    something about me and why I should be an admin:
    well first off, i know many have been waiting me to make an admin application and since my vacation started I figured it might be time for a change (and so many faggits have been pressuring me to make one) . Well to begin with I have been playing zs years and have not left it even though it has been changing over the years many times. I have also given ideas and suggestions on how the server should be developed by listening to the players and seeing myself the good and the bad things on the server. 
    of course im playing on the server alot so it would be nice to have more active admin. And I will continue playing in the future
    also I pretty much know every player that has been playing more than 2 weeks.
    now i might not be that much active on Irc or anything but at least I might be the most active player on the zs server at the moment . 
    one more thing: I don't have that much of an experience being admin but im sure many present admins would help me on that fact
    feel free to leave negative comments I always enjoy a good laugh 
  15. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from Toxik in The-Temperature-is-too-damn-high Topic   
    yeah but wait when its winter in finland...last time my fucking balls froze to my leg in 3 secs
  16. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from Bob_Taylor in Reiska - admin application   
    gameserver: Garrys mod - Mr.Green Zombie Survival server
    country of origin: Finland
    link to steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993884228
    something about me and why I should be an admin:
    well first off, i know many have been waiting me to make an admin application and since my vacation started I figured it might be time for a change (and so many faggits have been pressuring me to make one) . Well to begin with I have been playing zs years and have not left it even though it has been changing over the years many times. I have also given ideas and suggestions on how the server should be developed by listening to the players and seeing myself the good and the bad things on the server. 
    of course im playing on the server alot so it would be nice to have more active admin. And I will continue playing in the future
    also I pretty much know every player that has been playing more than 2 weeks.
    now i might not be that much active on Irc or anything but at least I might be the most active player on the zs server at the moment . 
    one more thing: I don't have that much of an experience being admin but im sure many present admins would help me on that fact
    feel free to leave negative comments I always enjoy a good laugh 
  17. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to rui_troia in rui_troia 's Admin Application - Mr.Green Zombie Survival   
    Gameserver: Garrys mod - Mr.Green Zombie Survival server
    Age: 15
    Country of Origin: Portugal
    Link to my Steam Community profile: rui_troia  http://steamcommunity.com/id/rui_troia/
    Little somenthing about yourself and why do you think you're fit to be an administrator...
    I've started playing on the Mr.Green ZS server back at 2009, back when Deluvas used to be the modder and classes used to exist. I used to be new to Garry's mod since then, but the times were passing and I was getting the hang of it better and better, invited a few friends to know about Mr.Green's Zombie Survival server (Quert was one of them ).
    Later on 2010 I've though about making an admin application, since I've used to spend alot of lifetime and playtime on the Mr.Green ZS server, but yet I've decided to keep quiet and wait for the right time. At 2011 I've created my forum account here to know how everything looks like and to be updated with what's going on on the Mr.Green community.
    Times passed and things changed, in 2012 I was trying to prepair a good admin application, but I've had no time for that because I had to focus in my studies and real life too. But yet, I've always managed to get some time to play on it and see how things were going
    Since 2013 started, I had support of a few people, specially Damien, to tell me how administration works and how did they get it. I've started doing a job as moderator in a ZS server known as ''X52Gaming Community'', and everything looked pretty basic and simple, it's the same thing as being a player but with responsabilities, in my opinion.
    So, I guess its time to give a try to administrate for my home-server, Mr.Green Zombie Survival, (if studies don't stop me, of course).
    Well, this was my admin application for Mr.Green Zombie Survival, it's up to Clavus and Ywa now to approve/decline.
    I'm also proud to say that I'm not that active on the IRC.
    Edit: Not anymore^, thanks to Tycoonman500, I've managed to install a better chat system than Mibbit. Now it's easier to be in IRC and on Gmod at the same time.
  18. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to Clavus in Fun with autobreeders!   
    You kids are all horrible posters. Grow up.
  19. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from Toxik in Questions and Discussion   
    yesterday every time I died as human was cause I got stuck so yeah something is wrong here
  20. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to rui_troia in Questions and Discussion   
    Mini sentry and nerf fagsties pls.
  21. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to xeim in Forum software update tomorrow (24th)!   
    Please a Giant dick on each side of the Forum, Thank you
  22. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to Jeremiah in Zombe Survival Rampage   
    After two years I finally found time to edit my zs_hospital rampage on Mr.Green.
    Enjoy watching
    P.S.: This is when ZS was good.

  23. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to terminator in Mrgreen mc is great :D   
  24. Upvote
    Reiska reacted to Quert in Memorial   
    Bumping a nonsense topic. So epic
  25. Upvote
    Reiska got a reaction from Pufulet in [Results] Zombie Survival - The Gauntlet   
    and that's why you don't die and become zombie HAHAH
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