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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. What happened to Peondon? :'D
  2. What the fuck is this? FACEBOOK?

    1. TheGreenGrasshopper


      GreenBook as a matter of fact

  3. Wash hands! Watch Porn or Ywa strip teasing?
  4. EAT THE LIVING PIG Would you eat your own shit or someone elses?
  5. Tell the host i hate him!
  6. This is... The best topic i've ever seen.
  7. It's great being English.
  8. Welcome home, brother. Not much has changed, 'cept we've all aged very slightly. This is where you belong, Lastion!
  9. I'd like a Big-ma... Only joking buddy. On behalf of everyone that hasn't posted already, happy birthday! This place just wouldn't be the same without Mayco's calming, yet strangly erotic undertones. Sort of like someone cross-bred Patrick Stewart and Stephen Fry. (Look those names up if you don't get the referance!) Once again brother, a very happy day to you, and we all wish you many more!
  10. Why are you trying to argue with him dude? That's like telling the guy with the gun that you fucked his mother and asking him shortly after to be rational. No no.
  11. Try to come across a little less forcful. Basing your argument about banning mic-spammers doesn't sell you as a balanced guy. But apart from that, I wish you the very best of luck. ZS needs some good admins, And i'm sure you fit into that category!! See you on that Admin panel soon, Matey!
  12. I think that any form of unnecassary use/abuse in anyway shouldn't be tolerated. Farming, botting, hacking, what's the difference really? it's just changing the game for the guys selfish use. Well that's my opinion anyway.
  13. Sorry it's a little late buddy, but happy birthday. To be honest, i think that without you, this community just wouldn't be the same. There would be no "go-to" guy about technical problems, no one guaranteed to be in a good mood and no one filled with the life and fun that you emanate to us all. So, on behalf of everyone, including all those who've already posted here, thanks for sticking with us, thanks for being so awesome and thanks just for being you. And although most of us have never met you, you do really feel like family. I wish for you another great year, and many more to follow. Once again, happy birthday to our hero, Darkstar! (oh, and you are SO sexy too...)
  14. You are mad. This whole world's mad. Why is there so many cubes? WHY? *jumps out the window*
  15. You've got my vote, buddy. Always there, always in a good mood, always raises a laugh, knows the game inside-out. Perfect. Good luck, babe!
  16. ZS is good, NECROSSIN is awesome, all the haters are stupid, what happens to ZS HAPPENS. Just let it HAPPEN! SO STOP WHINING. PLEASE. SAY CONSTRUCTIVE THINGS. FUCK!
  17. Who said Minecraft with guns wasn't a good idea? I was reading PC Gamer earlier today, and eventually flicked to the "Top 10 Downloads" Page. And i appear to have found something. Ace Of Spades is a freeware game that to many will closely resemble their latest obsession-Minecraft. And that's pretty much what it is- except with guns. Servers of upto 32 players can blast it out (with all of the games 1 weapon currently), And just like Minecraft, any old computer can run it. Here's a screenie i took in my first few game. It's great fun with loads of guys tunneling around and trying to out flank each other. Damn, they're onto something good! TO PLAY All you need to do is type in Ace Of Spades game into google, download a quick client, then click PLAY on the websites. This is your server browser! To change your name (because your default name will be Deuce) you should find the saved file and look for config. Remove Deuce there, add in what you want, then save. BE WARY- This is still a beta, and thusly Buggy as hell. Let us know what you think of the game, and remember to kick some ass!
  18. Oh that's just a load of Wank.
  19. Nice brother. Maps like this may bring me back to ZS!
  20. Need.... This game.... Like Heroin....
  21. SO FUCK YOU NOBANA! Mwahahaha. The system fails again!
  22. Sorry for the double topic EmRA! I've already got it! playing it tomorrow!
  23. Duke Nukem forever has become somewhat of a gimic. Previously we've seen him in a side-scrolling epic that arguable brought games of that ilk up to the current standard. Then, we saw him in Duke Nukem 3D- the next step on from DOOM. With multiple floored environments that were relativly free-roaming as well as very interactive, the Duke Raised the bar yet again. There had to be another Duke game, right? Wrong. Until now. For 12 and half to thirteen years, Duke Nukem Forever (The sequel to Duke Nukem 3D) was delayed over and over again, with the developers 3D realms chasing the idea of a perfect game, until going bankrupt. Enter Gearbox- Lifelong Duke fans, they thought that the game had to finished, bought the rights, and here we are. And infact, here i hold in my hands. If not for the game, buy a copy for the event- Play it, then tell us all what you think. Is the Duke back, kicking ass and chewing bubblegum? Or does the old Geezer need a rest? Tell us what you think and discuss the game here!
  24. We could rage or we could all be friends? Ah well. Good luck anyway buddy.
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