Yoshi's Filled In The Future Story: It's a normal sunday in your cool life. You sit relaxed in a barrel. Suddenly you hear "TUBBA BLUBBA!". Your mobile phone rings. You look and see the unknown number: "7074141707". You take it and you hear a gay voice say "Go with the moped to Australia. A suprise is waiting there for you." You are completely uninterested, but you decide to do what he says anyway. After 500 days you arrive in Australia. Nobody is there. You notice an apple with a note attached to it. You crouch to it. The note says "Catch Mall Pro Quick". You understand what it means immediately and you rush to a ugly wall and you tap the 64th brick from the left. A door appears. You open it with a chicken-wing. You step in a boring room. There you press the purple button. The room starts to shake. You fall asleep. 91 hours later you wake up. You step out the room. A sign says "2255". You are in the future! Friendly-looking dinosaurs are walking everywhere. They all have their own color. They look at you with their sweet eyes. You accidentally bump into one of these creatures. She looks at you and becomes blue. She blushes. You watch deep in her eyes and she in yours. You grab er hand and together you take the plane to the cinema. You buy tickets for the film "Yoshi's Story", an old classic. During the film you trade chocolate-cakes and sizzurp, you drink from 1 cup, with 33 drinking straws. After the movie you walk to the beach. As a goodbye-present she gives you a stapler. Thankfully, you bunny hop back to the button-room. There you slam the yellow button. The room starts to shake. 9098 hours later you suddenly hear "POWDERED DEER PENIS!". The Problems: I don't feel like changing anything further to this map since I gotta keep doing all checkpoints/spawnpoints/vehicle-change points over and over again so it probably sucks. There is a song in this map which should work. Don't blame me: I made this map a few days ago during AM, so it makes absolutely no sense at all. You start underground. Then you go a long, long, long, long way up (with a bike). Above, you change into an Elegy and go down. After a while you change into a Tug and you suddenly enter a beach. The weather is smug, I hope it won't crash everything. Same to the song. I hope it works... race-underground.zip EDIT: I completely forgot to thank .:SDK:., he did all the hard parts for me. So thanks!