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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. What means spam? Somebody said the whole time spam to me, a lot of times.
  2. Hi, ! In this topic its 6 year's ago! Thus 2day its 27 may 2004, and you must act like how you was 6 years ago! 4 X-Ample I was badder @ English and had a annoying-overhappy vibe 2 mah posts. Hey, haves somebody of you cheats for MK:DD? And knows everyone of you when GTA: SA released shall become? Thankxxx. q=þ How do you do a avatar? ----------------------------------- GameFAQs.com -- it'z mah home. [[if you are wondering, the last thing is a fail attempt to make a signature by adding lines to your post]]
  3. Happy Birthday! ^^

  4. Happy Birthday, Ywa! Time to ask Twink again. Yah? =D Hey, Twink! Would you like to go to the star spirits and ask them to do their sparkling stuff? It will grant my wish that Ywa will live many fun, cool, happy years. Of course I will do that! And I told them your prediction that Ywa will get a girlfriend before the 20th of April of 2011. =D Great! He has done so much for us, and is still doing so much for us.. you know, Twink, in fact, there wouldn't even be 'us' if it wasn't for Ywa... can you believe that? If it wasn't for Ywa I would probably be on the Super Mario 64 GameFAQs boards right now, dwelming between those assholes. Thanks to Ywa, I am now part of the greatest community ever! Yea, totally! =D If it wasn't for Mr. Green, maybe I would have never touched The Orange Box. I wouldn't be playing TF2 and MTA: SA, or I'd do it on a boring crappy server with boring crappy people! Sure! =D I'd just be listening to Cormega. Now I'm listening Cormega and posting this. That's a big difference! If it wasn't for Ywa... OKAY! =D You can stop now! =D If you are gonna say all the great things that Ywa has made true, then when we finish this post his birthday is over already. You are right. Good journey, Twink! Sure! Your wish will come true! ^^ Thanks. My present for Ywa, he will recieve it this year somewhere (I'll just be fair, because if I say 'this month', my lazyness will disappoint you). Ywa, you are the best!
  5. This is the third time, I'm still hoping you will be admin, you would be a really good one!
  6. Looks nice again!
  7. I've played the map in the server yesterday. I thought of a mixture of Acid and Speed or you have a very cool fantasy. I love maps that make no sense. ^^
  8. Wow, I really appreciate that you make so many good maps in notime! Keep it up!
  9. BlueYoshi97


    Ha, I know how I can use this situation. >=D Hey, hacker that is on Ywa's account, I find it really cool that you haxx0red him, great job! Reward me by making me admin! The real Ywa won't notice! If you do, I will help you on your evil plans and together we can rule the world!
  10. Yea, the geuzen freed my city. I don't know who or what they were, but they suddenly bulked in, somehow defeated the Spanish, gave us herring and white bread and called it a day, and I thank them for that.
  11. You know what, I think it's better if they keep talking Spanish. Because the only English words most of em seem to know are (all been said by W4rri0r): "FUCK <PLAYER>!!!" "FUCK YOU" "FUCKING NEGRO!!" "FUCKING N00B!" "SHUT UP!" "YOU DUMB!" "YOU ARE VERY STUPID" "STUPID FUCKING NEGRO!" "SHIT!" "FUCKING CHEAT!" "GAY NEGRO FUCKER SHIT-PENIS GAY FUCKER!!!" So I rather have the culos, putas and callates than failed attempts at English.
  12. Pipe.
  13. I like immature people. You and QTesla are a lovely add to our community. And lively. That is why I respect you guys! So even though I don't play CSS, I hope you will be made admin because you deserve it.
  14. I love it already!
  15. Dont say that! Everything is possible if you believe in yourself. Your real age is worthless. You choose your own behavior and your own 'age'. Officially I'm 16 years old, in reality I'm in my play-age with the clock standing still. So even when I'm 30 I'd still be a child, and maybe it works the other way around for leontodd. Plus, maturity in real life and on the internet are two different things.
  16. I wouln't ever feel like learning a whole 'language'. Sometimes I have waves of modding-interest, and then I install all the games I have one for one and open up all it's files and see if I can make some sense out of it. Then I try to ship out console commands and change all "0"s to "1"s and "True"s to "False"s and in reverse.
  17. Totally true. But I think everyone will get aggressive if they grow up in a country like that. I feel bad for Mister Darkness.
  18. I don't know if that is possible, how high is your ping normally?
  19. I wish you luck!
  20. Story: Bunny: Sup, bloodo! Shark: Hmpf? Bunny: Yea so I was wondering, do you guys like do anything other than being the evil of the sea, killing people with your teeth? Shark: Grmpf, of course. Bunny: Oh yeah? Like what, sharpy? Shark: None of your business. Bunny: But, you know Tony Turtle? He doesn't do any jack but I convinced him and his townmates to do a race, you know. I was just... yea I was hoping you would be just as much up for participating as the slowpokes. It would be a... much faster race of course! Shark: No. Bunny: But it's fun! And you ain't got jack to do. By th- Shark: Hold up! Where cha wanna grab a race from then? Bunny: There is one made already. In BlueYoshi's world. Shark: So quick? Doesn't he have better things to do, like learning for exams? Bunny: *cough* Yo umm stick to the script, seamate... Gods don't need exams ANYWAY, as I was saying.......... um, yeah. You're in, aintcha? Shark: Whatever. Bunny: You start and end at... hey where.. wh..wh-what are you doing? Shark: Oh, I was planning to eat you. Why? Bunny: We yet have to determine the name of the map.. Shark: Sheesh. Bunny: So my friend turtle came with "Haaienbaai" and then I said "Yo, in English, dufus." Shark: Swim to the point. Bunny: Yeah so, then I thought. This image I made years ago, of Arcanine in blue and black, so SharkANine. Shark: Can't we just call it Shark Race? Or... no, you know what, nevermind. Where are you going? Bunny: I can't hear you! Screenshots: Find them here (just got an error so maybe all the screenshots haven't uploaded). Thanks to .:SDK:. for the script, and BinSlayer who inspired me for this map. I hope it doesn't look like that map too much. Whoever is willing to test this map might stumble upon some parts that may not work so well, but maybe that only comes out with more players. race-sharkanine.zip
  21. Lol, doesn't matter. Thank you very much for the script!
  22. this leads to no file to download I mean fix.rar in his post.
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