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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Notte


    If you want a girlfriend I strongly reccomend you don't use that as a pick-up line. I dunno, That's how Alex got his. God, dont do 2 boys 1 girl! Thats gay! 2 Girls 1 boy is better
  2. Nope. Won't happen. It's main purpose is to get new players and hang-out with Mr. Green friends. Regulars can buy VIP with GC and enter parts of the 'world' which normal players can't. Have you decided the price? Want to save for it xD
  3. Dont like it, no fun if the server is empy
  4. You said it gonna be possible to have suits, i got an idea. What aboute connect the forums rank to suits? Greens can (if they want) have Mr.Green face on the shoulder. Idk if this is possible but it had been awesome.
  5. This is THE most super awesomest thing ever
  6. Something tells me that i have to stick to medic...
  7. Notte


    Thats not good And btw, whats your STEAM?
  8. Notte


    If the twin posts after each other, do it count like double post?
  9. Notte


    Hope you are awesome as brother
  10. We have americans on the servers xD And people from UK have problems xD Thats not what i expected xD
  11. As long i have played IW, its always been a bug like this. But its very rare. Maybe happned 10 times to me on 10 mounths xD
  12. Sound cool Im not a hard zs gamer but, isnt it many heath + regen upgrades in the shop already?(tell me if im wrong) Its easyer to just make "I am GOD" item cost 100.000 GC and give you godmode 24/7
  13. Thats very good EmRA and Mayco! I feel soo worthless
  14. Happen time to time, have been like this for ages. Not a big problem actually, if you get it as undead just suicide. if you are human you just unlucky
  15. I you need a program for uploade to megaupload, and that program fuck up WinRAR.
  16. Here Is my vid from the event http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADdhTqmKj4w If you want it in high-def-ish you can download it here: (The chat is kida funny) Mr.Green CSS Fun event.wmv
  17. I do not know if any of the gmod admins have retired, unfortunately i think you gonna get declined. If you look at other admin apps you see Ywa say he dont need admins atm :S Anyway Good luck You a you're a nice guyB)
  18. Long time ago i met Doc d now, i always leave game is he see me. But i did make a ban request on him a time ago. I remeber that he was an total ass. Here is th link
  19. After i played the new IW for some hours, I would like to give some feedback. * Fixed propkilling - Good, this was kida gamebreake if you looked around a corner and got prop killed. * Reduced survival time - OK, humans win more ofen now. * Behemoth now gets switched after 10 deaths- This is something I hate aboute the update. Behemoths "role" in the game is gone. Before it was the behemoth who run into the human camp with high HP and made a lot of DMG and made camping hard. Now all the behemoths is pussies who stand as far away as they can and try to "snipe" the humans. Everyone is afraid to die. This destroy the gameplay. * Changed speed mode blur - OK * Mines take a little longer to activate - Good * Improved networking on turret tool and sniper scopes. Good * Made Touchdown shop item more effective - You made a lot of people happy now * Turrets now auto-restore (VERY) slowly. Dont like it, this + the faster SUIT regen make the Experimentals a litte over power. If you make the turrets heal, when you regen it make it more balanced. * Experimentals regenerate suit power faster - See above * Added Warghoul master loadout with new trap weapon. Like the fact that its a new class, but i think the traps need some improvements. They are very hard to use. They dont drain a lot of suit, you need 4-5 traps before it become efective. And they are way to easy to destroy. Maybe make soo only explosives can destroy them? Personaly i think its bether if they was made like the humans mines. Walk whitin 2 meters, they say boom and you lose 10-20 suit. * Added new achievement, Zombie Ninja - Just super awesome
  20. Notte


    I have to confess that i dont know how a peanut taste.
  21. I'm 90% sure I'm not the firs who ask but, can you add this to det servers? Its just super awesome!
  22. Notte

    MiF's admin app.

    I think you have to be a 100% admin I know from gmod, you cant apply just for one server
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