Welcome fine tf2 gents, May I introduce to you: Our newest elitest corps of fine gentlemen willing to sacrifice their lives in competitive tf2 matches to defend the Left4Green's honour. We're still looking for some fresh recruits and that's why we need YOU. Don't get me wrong, you won't be able to join the #1 team without being screened (You need to be the best we can get) We're not aiming to be on the top leader bords, this competitive group of 6 players is aiming to have fun and learn something facing decent opponents. If you don't know how this works, you probably shouldn't propose yourself as a candidate. Things you need to have to be able to have a shot at #1 team: - Skill - Balls to use any voice communication program - Headset and Mic ofc. - Be able to talk decent English - Be a Left4Green community member, or a player of any Left4Green's server If you think you have what we need you're allowed to leave a comment with the class you want to be, if everyone wants to be the same class we will ofcourse pick the best player and recommend other decent players other classes. As for now, both me and Minky are already on the team, here's the current set-up and I will try to keep it up to date. Scout 1 : Mathijs (Steamprofile) Scout 2 : EmRa / Stardude Demoman : Silver Dot / Rui Roaming Soldier : Balmung (SteamProfile) Pocket Soldier : Achwell Medic : Dr.Minky (Steamprofile) Thanks for your application, the sooner the team is full the sooner training and selection begins. (Note: since this is still for fun, we might pick a little less skilled player because he's nicer, so don't be a dick if you want to show your skills.) Team will be presented the 18th of December (same day as the start of trainings). Mathi (Current TeamLeader) Minky (Current TeamLeaderAssistant) P.s. - Matches will most likely take place friday or saturday evenings. - We will take breaks when there're exams in school due a lot of people still are in school. - You can sign up for any class even if it's already taken - This is not the final team yet