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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. You've suggested this before but people don't go multiplayer for pve, nor does our current player base want to build, the set up we are running is definatly good because it's so vanilla (no economy/mcmmo) if we will change to just building there will be a fuzz in the beginning but you'll see that there aren't that much players that just want to build in multiplayer + that would mean almost no donations at all (not for obby/tnt/cloak). The setup we have is great and that's what the players want, but banning hackers is the only problem and I'm sure we don't need to change the server to pve of creative building for that. (Most people indeed sometimes want to pve just like me and I notice we set up our own server for that, which will be dead after a few days of pve because everyone got bored) It is frustrating indeed, neither do I can explain you why, but these decissions are all for the rest of the players' lives. Account permantly banned. They try to be as carefull as they can to not ban anyone that hasn't done anything wrong, and by doing this sometimes real hackers don't get banned, but as the proof stacks up it'll be more likely for him to get banned. What are you trying to say? That some players aren't banned for hacking because it's better for the rest of the players? I can see where you went with this, but hacking is hacking, and should be ban-able. I meant that if admins would ban players more easily for hacking there's more chance someone gets falsly banned ans that's the worst thing that could happen to a playersexperience.
  2. The server was running on a linux server but that one was to expensive and had a lot of problems, so they moved it to another windows server where all the other 'servers' already ran, which has better hardware. But why would Clavus ever invest extra money into the server if it is running pretty okay atm and he's not getting mass donations of it ?
  3. It is frustrating indeed, neither do I can explain you why, but these decissions are all for the rest of the players' lives. Account permantly banned. They try to be as carefull as they can to not ban anyone that hasn't done anything wrong, and by doing this sometimes real hackers don't get banned, but as the proof stacks up it'll be more likely for him to get banned.
  4. I agree that there are way to many hackers getting away with it, especially the xrayers who know their limits (not mining more than 15 diamonds a day etc.) But calling the admins lazy asses isn't helping either. I think we currently have nocheat on the server but that doesn't detect xray or forcefield (not sure about forcefield), and if it would who would ever want to read pages and pages of logs to find one hacker ? As for now, do as I've been doing for a long time, record everything and then report. You will loose some shit but nothing is more satisfieing than getting a hacker banned.
  5. Then it's still bannable if that is something you're not allowed to use, doesn't matter the occasion ..
  6. If not, you're screwed ..
  7. Is Avatar anime ? I don't know shit about anime, but I enjoy watching Avatar a bit.
  8. Anybody that believes the world is going to end can donate all their money to MrGreen, since you wont need it anymore. Thx

    1. Bidzman123


      Haha Mrgreen could use a major donation.

    2. Reiska


      easier to say that its not gonna end cause even if it ends nobody will be there to say: "i told you so"

  9. Passed all my exams, 3 weeks of vacation, here I come :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MiF


      "Passed" Huh? Is that an achievement there?

    3. Mayco


      Yes MiF, we see succesfully advancing in your education as an achievement here

    4. Mathijs1996


      Achievement unlocked!

  10. Why would a new player ever donate to a server he played on for like 5 minutes. That's retarded ...
  11. That would be a disadventage for new players, since they wont donate unless they've played for a while + it needs an additional plugin which is just a loss of cpu space imo
  12. Hey man, I'm in the middle of my exams, I'll be back thuesday. I think I forgot to change my description to "exams". Anyway, I'm back soon
  13. I don't know what you're exactly allowed to use but you'ld be using scatter, pistol, bat. Reskins are fine to; festive, luger, fish. We're starting with pugs and then we'll move up to open european lowest, from there on it's just getting into a higher league once in a while.
  14. Training will start when my exams are over, 18th of dec (next thuesday). I think this will be the final team, since nobody is really aplying anymore, we'll see who gets demo since both rui and silver applied. Worst case scenario they can both play during trainings and pugs. According to results we use the best demoman for ranked matches.
  15. Use media mate [.media]YOUTUBE LINK[./media]
  16. I'm letting everyone apply, those who apply will get into training, we'll see how it rotates, if the teal works out it's fine for me. If nobody extra applies, why would I host a server if there's only 6-7 candidates ?
  17. Thx <3
  18. Apply for your spot on the L4G tf2 competitive team ! :)

    1. Hundred2



      mr green comp tf2


    2. Reap3r


      @Hundred2, exactly my reaction.

    3. Mathijs1996


      It'll be fun .. :o

  19. Since this is your first post on the forums and you're a relative new member, I'll talk to you on steam soon (exams atm) . Be aware that older community members will have a bigger chance in getting that spot you applied for. But we'll see, as I said we'll talk about it
  20. I'll start adding both silver's and rui's steam link in the original post as soon as I can acces my pc (Most likely friday) I'll add you aswell on steam if I haven't added you yet. I hope that you all understand that you shouldn't sign up for the team and resign a few weeks later, since the rollouts and other strategies are based upon the members and their skills. I think this shouldn't be any problem. Anyone that doesn't make it for a spot can sign up for another free spot or to be a reserve, don't get me wrong, a reserve wont be used that much to be honoust, unless the main player isn't really into the team and doesn't show up on time or sth, then he'll be replace by you even if you're worser, doesn't matter, we're still a community of friends trying to play, so take it a bit serious so everyone can enjoy the experience Thx mates Come on lads, we need 1 more scout and a pocket soldier!
  21. Just say which class you would like to be, we'll figure out later who gets which class. 1v1 is not an option for both medics and scouts imo, you'l find out who's te better scout v scouts but we need scouts to pick a damage class or a medic, maybe even pop the medic. Don't be to worried about you getting a spot, we'll figure it out later.
  22. Standard 6 player layour mate
  23. Beh, it's the time of the year I go DED for 2 and a half weeks. Exams, yep ...

  24. Welcome fine tf2 gents, May I introduce to you: Our newest elitest corps of fine gentlemen willing to sacrifice their lives in competitive tf2 matches to defend the Left4Green's honour. We're still looking for some fresh recruits and that's why we need YOU. Don't get me wrong, you won't be able to join the #1 team without being screened (You need to be the best we can get) We're not aiming to be on the top leader bords, this competitive group of 6 players is aiming to have fun and learn something facing decent opponents. If you don't know how this works, you probably shouldn't propose yourself as a candidate. Things you need to have to be able to have a shot at #1 team: - Skill - Balls to use any voice communication program - Headset and Mic ofc. - Be able to talk decent English - Be a Left4Green community member, or a player of any Left4Green's server If you think you have what we need you're allowed to leave a comment with the class you want to be, if everyone wants to be the same class we will ofcourse pick the best player and recommend other decent players other classes. As for now, both me and Minky are already on the team, here's the current set-up and I will try to keep it up to date. Scout 1 : Mathijs (Steamprofile) Scout 2 : EmRa / Stardude Demoman : Silver Dot / Rui Roaming Soldier : Balmung (SteamProfile) Pocket Soldier : Achwell Medic : Dr.Minky (Steamprofile) Thanks for your application, the sooner the team is full the sooner training and selection begins. (Note: since this is still for fun, we might pick a little less skilled player because he's nicer, so don't be a dick if you want to show your skills.) Team will be presented the 18th of December (same day as the start of trainings). Mathi (Current TeamLeader) Minky (Current TeamLeaderAssistant) P.s. - Matches will most likely take place friday or saturday evenings. - We will take breaks when there're exams in school due a lot of people still are in school. - You can sign up for any class even if it's already taken - This is not the final team yet
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