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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RoboRobb

  1. This was really really fun. Cant wait for the final version of this level & I am really looking forward to seeing other L4D maps on the server!! Well Done Ywa.
  2. You bet your sexy ass Im sexy!! :D

  3. This is turning fucking epic.
  4. haha nice one Emra, but Seriously - What the BALLS! I get China?? Hmm well maybe with the Billion of people I have, I shall invade everywhere else!! Should be good fun. At least il be able to eat infinite amounts of Chinese food (Chicken Chow Mein, mmmmm)
  5. First person to get the Mr Green logo shaved into there head gets 100gcs?
  6. What? first of all, I didn't enter last time. Second, By getting people to explain there decision to vote, you wont get random people voting and it will be a more fair contest, & not a popularity contest. Sorry if this disappoints you, Just thought it would make it more fair for everyone.
  7. I have a suggestion, take it or leave it- Instead of the voting poll where everyone can anonymously vote for whoever they feel like without a valid reason, Why doesn't everyone instead post a reply, stating who they voted for & there reason... - This will then insure that the votes would be fair and valid... Thats what I think should happen
  8. Stunning Attempt. Your Photoshop skills are godlike.
  9. Looks pretty cool, good job! Did you use Photoshop/anything else? Wheres the original picture from?
  10. I feel vain editing information about me but I love it at the same time
  11. we should make a forum topic just full of gay cyber chat!!!
  12. Sounds great, I think it would be good for new players to get the basic information on how the servers & the community are run.
  13. I love your face & your rim.

  14. I like the pound to, its superiority over all other currency's is lovely. It makes me feel better about myself knowing we all think we're better than the rest of Europe ()
  15. Is this coming anywhere in the near future or should I not expect it for a while? I understand if you're tweaking the sub-mode to perfection or you're just busy.
  16. I voted Redgord. Technically his one was by far the best. Captain Garms one was really really awesome too.
  17. mayonnaise.
  18. oh no not at all, I was directing it not just at you but at anyone that claims that we're not as active as we really are. Just see it from our perspective But yea, Dusty's a great guy, everyone that knows him on the server knows that.
  19. I understand why people say "there are never admins on" - because they want people + topcrew to believe that they need them to be an admin on the server. I completely understand this & using every gun to get admin status but its just not true. I would say theres nearly always an admin on at the busiest hours.
  20. I voted for Killing Floor, because its quite a fun game & it would be good if we could all gather on a reliable Mr Green Server. 2nd Choice would probably be CoD4, 3rd Red Orchestra.
  21. nah if you think about it, a player with 100 kills is rarely achieved but not too rare. Also at that stage zombies wouldnt have a serious chance of winning the round, so a special weapon isn't going to unbalance anything. Its just going to let Human players have something to strive to get.
  22. *beep beep beep beep* urr hello is this the urr gametesting bullcrap??? urrr? what am I wearing? Just speedos thanks. on topic - Smg blows, its an annoying gun (what is sounds like, weak damage etc..). I demand a chainsaw at 100 kills or something epic that would just be only for the elite players that get to that level. I also downloaded a Longbow in Gmod recently that was pretty rad. I can imagine zombies being pinned to the walls. sexy.
  23. Red Orchestra Server would be cool, & CoD4.
  24. Thats pretty awesome did you work off a picture you took then?
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