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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Damien

  1. Basically my nickname is my real name, I couldnt come up with a good nickname and i like my name. So a pretty easy choice.
  2. Happy birthday Darkstar
  3. People can be annoying, we all have people we dislike. As admin i cant really help you with this, only if they cross the line. You gotta ignore them and hope that they stop. :/
  4. Already resolved this in-game and those are personal issues. You should try resolving it with them.
  5. those files are soundfiles and not music. Like it says, they are beats. Like one of them is a beating heart etc.
  6. 1 day ban for him.
  7. That would be kinda unfair. Being randomly picked multiple times is just bad/good luck. I would love being picked more often as zombie
  8. Oh god. Not this mlp again. :/ This forum isnt the place to put trolling like mlp on.
  9. @darkstar: i was playing zs before mr.green even had a zombie survival server and there was only nox zs. It was a very early zs version. BEAT THAT
  10. I agree with hundy, old zs times were before shop stuff and fancy things. Amazing times :/ and we are not ancestors pufu , we are veterans
  11. Lol, funny shadows as always. xD and some guy even send me a message, but you ask the wrong admin if you want to mute some kiddy voice.
  12. Happy Birthday
  13. Happy Birthday ywa
  14. 1 day ban for him.
  15. How dare you even compare iw to a masterpiece called zs.
  16. Have you tried watching again after a map change? Server could have messed something up though.
  17. Good luck!
  18. I just love carmageddon, i played out all carmageddon games and couldnt get enough. But i was seeing it go into the wrong direction. Tdr2000 was more about missions than what carmageddon is really about: destroying your opponents while doing laps. I just hope that they get enough funds to get carmageddon back on the map. And for anyone thats willing to contribute: www.kickstarter.com/projects/stainlessgames/carmageddon-reincarnation
  19. Good luck toaster
  20. A new zombie class could make it more fun for zombies, but i would have no clue what kind of zombie it should be. maybe use the iw system with behemoth, but for this new class.
  21. Good luck hundy.
  22. Im going to put my opinion in to: 1. Necrossin is gonna make primary weapons cheaper but less strong. 2 perk slots would give humans a better chance. Suit perk added later on. So 3 perks total (less than with old classes) 2. Slightly more would be nice, an extra 30 seconds would do. 3. We need bigger maps indeed but not huge ones unless you spread out zombie spawns. 4. It is 5 minutes atm, should be lower though. Like 2.5 minutes 5. Nah, old system had no waves so you basically already got a huge improvement. 6. That would ruin the dynamic. Some zombies want to trap humans. And its easy kills for humans.
  23. IW was always and will always be the little brother of zs. And darkstar noclipping to skybox fails, its better to noclip to roofs/unreachable rooms
  24. He changed thread title, i had the same issue as quert. xD Nice video anyway
  25. If he does it again, i will give him a 3 day ban (normally its 1 day)
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