HaRCoR7 Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 (edited) So after seeing what is going on in the community for a while, I have something to say, mainly about bans and poor admin behavior. I post this to protest for Ras, SandySweet, and anyone ever banned from Mr. Green. Why are you guys doing this?! This makes me really sad seeing the most old, entertaining and cool community members being banned after playing and being loyal to greens for years!!! for the worst idiotic reasons ever!! Come on, you are killing the community with this shit! SandySweet, a loyal and a very old community member that played on Mr. Green for more than 7 years was banned just because some dumb brainless admins are triggered by "noob" and "stupid" and ban for provoking, are you really that dumb? provoking?! And all other bans for people just for talking shit in chat, how can you be serious towards people who talk shit in a completely non-serious game? Why can't you just ignore and move the fuck on? The situation is out of control? A temporarily mute will solve your problem, even if for the third time! You don't ban players, especially community players that have been around since day one, just to satisfy your ego! An admin doesn't like a player? Better not ban him you dick, either ignore him or TEMPORARILY mute him if you're too sensitive, and he might hurt your feelings over an online-game's chat. This is a game for gods sake, it's meant to be fun, and you'll meet all kinds of people; funny and sarcastic, loud and bad mouthers, talkative and silent people. All of them is what makes this community so great and extremely fun! Ban players only if they do real legit damage to the community and it's servers, whether it's hacking any property of Mr. Green, or using ACTUAL hacks and cheats for advantages in gameplay! Are you so bothered that Ras is 1% faster than you on a straight GOING-DOWN map? How dumb could one get? Not like he's emptied room for you guys to set toptimes on the server, that would be real advantage if it is CONFIRMED that he uses some kind of hacks! But you tell me, 5 maps 2 toptimes is worth banning a player that's been around for years? And is active more than any of you? Also gives the server laughs and chills with his extremely sarcastic and fun way of talking that he does? I find this person genius and funny, and I admit I tend to play more on greens when he's around! Plus, he might be innocent of all this, I mean who would risk fucking up his PC for speed advantage in a MTA:SA map? This is a bug in MTA that's been around for years, ever since I started playing back in 2007, shit happens sometimes and a player can go 0.87% faster than you on a 3km long drag race, such a big deal! He has one or two toptimes that you think are not fair? Delete them, not the player! Trust me I played with them for tens of hours, and their primary intention is not shooting all of your toptimes down, not even on straight going down maps, no! They just like to have fun like we do.. Now, you, the admin that is doing all of this, do you have any idea what are you doing? You're killing the entire community one by one, just to show-off your amazing superpower capability of banning other players and ruining all the fun! I think people like those admins should be perma-revoked until he behaves accordingly. Being an admin doesn't mean you can do anything, there should be strict rules and limits, you should never ban anyone just for feeding up your scummy ego. Also, think about it, it's not the toptimes that make greens great and alive, it's the players, the community, people who have been around for years now, and if this is how green stays, the end will be very soon, unless something is done about it. I'm pointing at the top staff, because the people they chose to take care of the server, are doing the exact opposite. You want my opinion? Let there be new rules, new systems, and take protests and ban appeals more seriously. If you want this community to live on, lift all of the bans, make it a fresh start, treat players accordingly, bad behavior? Temp mute! Player insults player? OR you have a laugh at it and move on, or you /IGNORE him because that's what this command is made for! Player talks shit to admin? No, you don't ban him, you do the same because you're no different you fuck, either ignore or laugh. (gets too serious? temp mute!). Let's have a fresh start for the sake of this community, I'm really worried because I love being around greens, and I want to help make it greater, not the opposite. It's time for you to step in, sleeping top-staff. Edited February 11, 2018 by HaRCoR7 inteLzzz, waspy., KneeLzy and 7 others 7 3
Cena Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 I am gonna speak about Sandy only. I don't know Ras. Sandy is just simply a troller. No matter how many times I mute him or any other admin mutes him. He still acts the same. I always try to go easy on him and remove his mutes and even bans for a "2nd" chance, but he just never learns. I gave him uncountable chances so far. What did he do after getting banned by SkyNET? He came to forums and starting talking about how he is great and how bad MrGreen is in the chatbox.... If he have been quiet. He would have been unbanned by now. After he did that I banned him in forums for ~2 weeks. Idk if he is even bothering to visit the forums anymore, but idc about him because he doesn't care about this community or the staff. Players like Sandy treat the admins as their personal worker and not friends who are willing to help you out. "I should do whatever Sandy says". Well, thats not how it works dear Sandy. If you keep on the same bad behavior, don't expect us to treat you well. Anyway, Bier, Ywa and I just spoke today about the bans we have. We agreed not to make bans more than 3-6 months. Also these bans will be happening when something is like advertising or something similar. Otherwise punishments will be usually a mute/blocker mode. 24 minutes ago, HaRCoR7 said: You want my opinion? Let there be new rules, new systems, and take protests and ban appeals more seriously. If you want this community to live on, lift all of the bans, make it a fresh start, treat players accordingly, bad behavior? Temp mute! Player insults player? OR you have a laugh at it and move on, or you /IGNORE him because that's what this command is made for! Player talks shit to admin? No, you don't ban him, you do the same because you're no different you fuck, either ignore or laugh. (gets too serious? temp mute!). Let's have a fresh start for the sake of this community, I'm really worried because I love being around greens, and I want to help make it greater, not the opposite. It's time for you to step in, sleeping top-staff. We are willing to remove all old bans as well. We literally spoke about all of this this morning. Btw, I don't like the way of your talking. Be more respectful.... BoNd 1
MoshPit Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 Ras is using some kind of advantage that he has now given to his friend Roba. Roba beat a top by 7 seconds on a map that has less than a second difference between all other tops, his top on this map is not possible. Whatever they are doing allows their cars to exceed maximum speed limit, which IMO is unacceptable. They have played here for years without having the mod,bug,hack or whatever it is, which means they are capable of removing whatever it is they have done to give them the advantage. Gonzalezo 1
MrGrnBanneDz Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 Hug! jst unban 4 c !we dnt use any hx...roba 2.....!! if not tell whts ban durxion (ur toXic) .....!4 tell Cya!§!
wooozie Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 (edited) lets see how you react, when you actually drive a good time, get miracously overtaken by someone whos faster in the same car, who then proceeds to block you by failing 10 times. only to drive the top1 in the end. i hope all their tops get deleted and they stop with their ridiculous excuse of "fsb.exe". good riddance. why would you even make this shitty thread, when they are obviously cheating. it makes no fuckin sense whatsoever. the fact that robas for a long time tried to make it look legit by timing it, is also a dead giveaway. they both know very well, what they are doing. Edited February 11, 2018 by wooozie Gametaff 1
MrGrnBanneDz Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 FAKEuF1RST! ur a ADMIN BLL §KR! wy dnt ask! ? & after ban or smthin! i run withit (fsb...) 3...4month ago but last month i change all th pc! 4 trnkiLLity! now its no possible to use this! cs not compatible! my new & old tops R without hx or ur shit of wofwof! thts 4 me! Roba! i give him 4 other games 4 him&her son!§! but he use lotof (test) config.....!ù;ùmk;mk!!!! he tell not use this /ht again!! ok!!? & FaK aLL wrong EYE!D!iZ! R &R
Bierbuikje Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 (edited) I want Rras and Roba around too but I don't understand how they suddenly got such a speed advantage. And it wasn't just a subtle change, from one to the other day there was an advantage like they installed a mod. I would be glad to have them back but I don't want them to cheat. Edited February 11, 2018 by Bierbuikje HaRCoR7 1
Gametaff Posted February 11, 2018 Posted February 11, 2018 It seems you only know one side of the coin. Sandy is far away for being a nice and helpful member and, as someone says above, he's a troller and he has insulted my country (and from other users too) several times, plus he's talking bs 24/7 so his ban is well deserved and the admin who banned him made the right call, if you're gonna troll and expect nothing then the whole server would be a total mess, the less toxic people, the better so I'm ok with that. Also, there are members who have been playing in mr.green before than him and they don't ask to be treated as kings. About Rras, nothing much to say, he's a cheater and a cheater deserves a ban, simple as that. Teroth2 and wooozie 1 1
KneeLzy Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) Just one thing if we talking about sandy, hes loyal player for mrgreen and was for it like 7 years (as someone said). Thats weird how other admins do their jobs, cause as we know the player “Mariana” got muted many times and for months and also had ban. But after all fines she/he still playing in the server and getting many chances to play. So i think sandy deserved also even if he insulted many players. Just use ignore command or mute him for like 6months, but still let him play. And also im not gonna mention that admin , but one admin is not deserved to be him, because he joins bans someone and again leaving for days. And always will be his truth. Whatever i think people who dont use cheats deserved chanse to get back into server. “Maybe” after this long ban term they learned something. Edited February 12, 2018 by KneeLzy sweetsandy and race 2
sweetsandy Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) I just got tipped off about this topic and i wanna sincerely thank you Harcore for standing up for me but honestly i had that all coming. I stepped in mix world from race where admins were always laid back not giving two fvcks about insults. If there was a bigger fight on the chat they would step in and tell them to shut the fvck up and the situation was solved. Mix is a complete different world where admins desperately try to keep it clean as if it wasn't a 18+ game. I didn't adjust. Even though my insults were limited to 'asshole' or 'monkey' that still was enough to gain the most toxic player title. Like i said before, i wasn't smart enough to avoid it. As much as i expected a biased post from Cena coming from a personal haterd towards me i didn't think Gametaff was so buttuhrt and angry with me. Me and him played in the same server for many years and not once had we exchenged words or even said hi to each other. Until shortly before my ban when we had a little altercation in the chat about some non-important discussion. Gametaff, you started that and you were the first to come up with country 'insults' like 'typical polish' stuff. I never insulted south americans. What's more, when someone complained about their ping affecting the fun of racing i kept saying it's bearable and not that big a deal. You're the next person to have personal issues with me. I don't know if you dislike me because i never acknowleged you or because i always beat you in racing. But coming out on the forum whining what a bad sport i am while you were the arrogant one? That's just low, mate. Once again i wanna thank and make a shout out to my race fellows especially Fak who said i'm missed in race. I didn't expect that such an unlikable cunt like myself may gain some fondness and i also miss having fun with you guys. But i'm not planning to want to return any time soon. As for ras thing i can't really relate to it since the case got big when i was already gone. Damn that's a bigger wall of text than i expected. Click. Edited February 12, 2018 by sweetsandy race and Maher 2
SkyNET Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) 4 hours ago, KneeLzy said: And also im not gonna mention that admin , but one admin is not deserved to be him, because he joins bans someone and again leaving for days. And always will be his truth. For everyone: He is talking about me. And yes i ban players now that provoke others for years. You are the same person as sandy that provoke people without any reason. Sometimes the only solution is permaban. I banned mariana for it i made the decision to unban him when it was Christmas ( Christmas gift) i mentioned if any topic comes about his behaviour i will ban him again and no more unban. About Sandy: 7 years of loyalty? more like 7 years of provoke. He is not a simple troll. He offend people for purpose because he enjoys it. I have been here for 10 years and i can show like 10 incoming pms of these years aboout complains on him. And you my friend should take it serious because i think the only solution to stop players like you and sandy is to remove from the whole community for ever. End of the story Edited February 12, 2018 by SkyNET Stig and Gametaff 2
sweetsandy Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 3 minutes ago, SkyNET said: For everyone: He is talking about me. And yes i ban players now that provoke others for years. You are the same person as sandy that provoke people without any reason. Sometimes the only solution is permaban. I banned mariana for it i made the decision to unban him when it was Christmas ( Christmas gift) i mentioned if any topic comes about his behaviour i will ban him again and no more unban. About Sandy: 7 years of loyalty? more like 7 years of provoke. He is not a simple troll. He offend people for purpose because he enjoys it. I have been here for 10 years and i can show like 10 incoming pms of these years aboout complains on him. And you my friend should take it serious because i think the only solution to get rid of players like you and sandy is to remove from the whole community for ever. End of the story I seriously don't get how you're the one talking about morals and stuff while every time you get online you greet people with 'hi faggots' and the most frequent phrase coming from you is 'fuck off'. Can you take a stance to that? You're joking, of course. That's your double standard bullshit. Berg, fuck and race 3
SkyNET Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) 5 minutes ago, sweetsandy said: I seriously don't get how you're the one talking about morals and stuff while every time you get online you greet people with 'hi faggots' and the most frequent phrase coming from you is 'fuck off'. Can you take a stance to that? You're joking, of course. That's your double standard bullshit. yep. joking and honestly this is all communication i do with players takes like 3 seconds to welcomeing like that. Then i am going and playing in silence not continue provoke ppl on pupose like you. This is the difference between you and me. Edited February 12, 2018 by SkyNET
sweetsandy Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 Just now, SkyNET said: yep. joking and honestly this is all communication i do with players takes like 3 seconds to welcomeing like that. Then i am going and playing in silence not continue provoking ppl on puporse like you. This id the difference between you and me. Thanks for making me giggle. hulpje 1
Flo Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 20% of the horns are insults and anyone complain about that, sometimes when I play a horn which is an insult I do it with all the intention and nobody says anything ....If i say ''Fuck You'' on chat ppl got offended , but when i play a horn nothing happend...how is that ?? Whats the logic...
HaRCoR7 Posted February 12, 2018 Author Posted February 12, 2018 16 hours ago, Cena said: I am gonna speak about Sandy only. I don't know Ras. Sandy is just simply a troller. No matter how many times I mute him or any other admin mutes him. He still acts the same. I always try to go easy on him and remove his mutes and even bans for a "2nd" chance, but he just never learns. I gave him uncountable chances so far. What did he do after getting banned by SkyNET? He came to forums and starting talking about how he is great and how bad MrGreen is in the chatbox.... If he have been quiet. He would have been unbanned by now. After he did that I banned him in forums for ~2 weeks. Idk if he is even bothering to visit the forums anymore, but idc about him because he doesn't care about this community or the staff. Players like Sandy treat the admins as their personal worker and not friends who are willing to help you out. "I should do whatever Sandy says". Well, thats not how it works dear Sandy. If you keep on the same bad behavior, don't expect us to treat you well. Anyway, Bier, Ywa and I just spoke today about the bans we have. We agreed not to make bans more than 3-6 months. Also these bans will be happening when something is like advertising or something similar. Otherwise punishments will be usually a mute/blocker mode. We are willing to remove all old bans as well. We literally spoke about all of this this morning. Sandy or anyone else trolls? What if everyone just ignores him? Mentally or just using the /ignore command if you're easily triggered and can't obtain yourself from unleashing a super-ban on him! I like players who throw unnecessary jokes and statements in chat, they make the game way more fun, I always have a laugh or two whenever they're around, they make the game more fun! Now, Mr. Green has some optional functionalities for players that easily get butt-hurt from such situations, you feel like Sandy took it too far with a statement involving your country? Maybe a racist joke he liked? Well, choose, either ignore him or report him, it doesn't have to be a mute unless he continues and EVERYONE is bothered by him, however if ONLY a person is bothered by another person, you can't mute him, you only get to ignore him! 17 hours ago, Cena said: Btw, I don't like the way of your talking. Be more respectful.... I'm not pointing out to any admin or staff in the community, I'm talking about the corruption itself within the community, so you have absolutely no reason to be bothered by my way of talking! 1 hour ago, SkyNET said: For everyone: He is talking about me. And yes i ban players now that provoke others for years. You are the same person as sandy that provoke people without any reason. Sometimes the only solution is permaban. I banned mariana for it i made the decision to unban him when it was Christmas ( Christmas gift) i mentioned if any topic comes about his behaviour i will ban him again and no more unban. About Sandy: 7 years of loyalty? more like 7 years of provoke. He is not a simple troll. He offend people for purpose because he enjoys it. I have been here for 10 years and i can show like 10 incoming pms of these years aboout complains on him. And you my friend should take it serious because i think the only solution to stop players like you and sandy is to remove from the whole community for ever. End of the story I can't tell if you're arrogant, or you're trying to act like one... Are you really that old as it states in your profile? Because by reading your own words, I can see a hurt little boy being triggered by online trolls for "provoking him" lol.. I sincerely think the solution is that you and your look-a-likes grow up a little, and take nothing serious from the game, it's a game after all and it's meant to be fun. 1 hour ago, SkyNET said: yep. joking and honestly this is all communication i do with players takes like 3 seconds to welcomeing like that. Then i am going and playing in silence not continue provoke ppl on pupose like you. This is the difference between you and me. If you think you can call anyone a "faggot", why don't you don't think other players can call you similar stuff? You're doing the same thing, only because you have rights to mute them and they don't? Why can't they do and talk the way you come at them? Common sense isn't it?
SkyNET Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) 22 minutes ago, HaRCoR7 said: I can't tell if you're arrogant, or you're trying to act like one... Are you really that old as it states in your profile? Because by reading your own words, I can see a hurt little boy being triggered by online trolls for "provoking him" lol.. I sincerely think the solution is that you and your look-a-likes grow up a little, and take nothing serious from the game, it's a game after all and it's meant to be fun. if you are on this opinion then why dont you just play in silence instead of starting topic like this. I tell you why because you are a player too that likes arguing. 22 minutes ago, HaRCoR7 said: If you think you can call anyone a "faggot", why don't you don't think other players can call you similar stuff? You're doing the same thing, only because you have rights to mute them and they don't? Why can't they do and talk the way you come at them? Common sense isn't it? I am always talking generaly not towarding to a person. If you cant take that its not my fault. There is a very simple unwritten rule. You dont talk to me i wont do anything. Fucking easy dont you think it? I never started provoke players. If i ban someone for it thats because he cant stop what he started. And mariana's situation is the prof of that I punish players that arguing with the whole community without any reason Edited February 12, 2018 by SkyNET Gametaff 1
HaRCoR7 Posted February 12, 2018 Author Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) SkyNET, I think you should step aside, you're only repeating yourself over and over.. You've also got a bloody past behind you and you're still going with it, from doing what you've been always doing, stop acting like you're the boss and you can do whatever you want to do without consequences, from banning/muting/kicking players for doing absolutely nothing. Look at all the reports, they're all facing you. Quote HeArTBeaT @ May 6, 2015 EX SkyNet started insulting me for no reason (racist insults) and after i replied (told him that as a admin he acts like a kid and does a poor job ) i got banned, after i reported with clear proof, still no action was taken against him. Quote SkyNET @ July 1, 2017 if i was an admin i would just ban him for pretending to be a girl.... oh wait... i am an admin.... You tend to ban players for absolutely idiotic reasons, you like that don't you? Even if someone just replies to one of your dumb statements, you ban them just for replying! After digging in your posts, I found out that you've been a victim of talking shit, swearing at and insulting other players, you've been muted several times. Now you're an admin, what happened? You're doing to others what have been done to you! Tables have turned.. Why don't you just ignore everything any player has to say and enjoy the game? Will it be that hard for you not to show-off your knockoff poor charismatic personality and ban players? If so, you've got problems, and I feel pretty bad for you, pity.x o Edited February 12, 2018 by HaRCoR7 inteLzzz 1
Cena Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 @HaRCoR7 Just to note it out. Admins are preferred not to /ignore players. Otherwise they won't be able to take actions if someone is reporting someone. IMO, you are just talking knowing 1 side of the problem. You don't have the clear/full image... Nothing more to say.
r0cK Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 It's a known fact that the community has one or more admins who are not fit for the job, they have been reported many times and behave like children most of the time. Yet they continue on a daily base without any measures taken against them. It's sad how the top administrator team has to deal with their shit every day. I would like to propose to review the entire administrator team and remove those who are not fit for the job and accept only those who are mature enough to handle the admin panel. Greetings x Flo, Micha3lo and Cena 2 1
SkyNET Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) 37 minutes ago, HaRCoR7 said: SkyNET, I think you should step aside, you're only repeating yourself over and over.. yep and i am repeating myself last time. Stop talking to me and i wont do anything. Last time. Getting bored of random players like you and your band Edited February 12, 2018 by SkyNET
inteLzzz Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 (edited) I will read the whole topic later, but thank you HarCor for the service to the community, I've been sperging out about this for a while in the ingame chat to no avail. Just gonna make it short, unless a player is hacking a ban is unnecessary under ANY circumstances, its just admins flexing their powers at that point. Mosh doesn't even like me, but he'd agree, bans are not necessary. Why were the blocker/lagger scripts made? for fun? respect the developers at least. And as for insults, worst case should be a 3 month mute, a mute is way more painful than a ban anyways, since you can play but you cannot speak no matter how much one is trying to provoke/trigger you. Also @SkyNET by doing shit sandy says, you are promoting trolling and insulting/swearing as an admin, think about that you should know how to work with people before you want to admin a server. 10 minutes ago, SkyNET said: yep and i am repeating myself last time. Stop talking to me and i wont do anything. Last time. Getting bored of random players like you and your band 1 more, "random players" he is playing from 2012/1, that is the point of this post, shit admins like you banning old players. Edited February 12, 2018 by inteLzzz
SkyNET Posted February 12, 2018 Posted February 12, 2018 4 minutes ago, inteLzzz said: Also @SkyNET by doing shit sandy says, you are promoting trolling and insulting/swearing as an admin, think about that you should know how to work with people before you want to admin a server. sorry i cant take any random players with their few months exp on green serious. Else i would have a lot of work. But feel free to talk to me in 7 years later with 7 years exp. Gametaff 1
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