Dusty Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 I agree Zombine's health should be lowered, even if you do manage to kill the ones that run right up to you, their grenade finishes you off. Quote
Holy Posted July 19, 2010 Posted July 19, 2010 We do need Class spefic weapons and HL2 ones aren't enough for that, there are tons of good weapons on the Internetz.And think about the Classes.(I don't know what you do atm so)Commando: Useless, nothing special at all. How about some Team Buffs (Humans in a range of X have X more damage/defense for X time)Berserker: Well, A dude that sits in the Corner with +attack activated. (No Point at this Class in my opinion.)Engineer: Mines in the wrong hands means death for Humans. (Needs Something special Engineer-ish(Laz0r Nukes that crash the Server).)Support: Mingebags as Support means nothing good for the baricades. Don't give away Hammer on low-levels. (I know that the Class has nothing else but it just annoy everyone if they run around after spawn and randomly naill everything you could use to baricade.) (Also give them ammo packs to drop and make it unaible to be picked up by yourself.) Quote
Damien Posted July 20, 2010 Posted July 20, 2010 Medics are already getting a new gun, but more weapons would be cool.Squad system will hopefully bring a solution to all the classes.I think these should be the class specific weapons:Commando: grenades and famasEngineer: turret that follows owner and pulseBerserker: special melee weapon and flashbangsMedic: nailgun and medpacksSupport: hammer and sniper Quote
Albino_Gunner Posted July 26, 2010 Posted July 26, 2010 so here are some class update sugestions and zombie levels sugestionshumansMix engineer and support together so give the engi the hammer and take the turret and cades off. make is the hammer and mines to get to lvl 4 and then al lvl make th hammer repair props by like 1-5% total prop health and have like repair 10000 repaired damage to lvl. also get the pulse rifle chance at like 10% at lvl 4return zerks to their previous strength (ill say why in a bit)Medics there are fine i think if you can get the heath vial thing to work.commandos are fine i think zombiesNormal do like 8000 damage to humans and get 50 propkills to level, get increased damage by like 10% for lvl 1. at lvl 4 get teh ability to pick up props to aimt prokills better.Fast do a total 4000 damage to humans and get 1000 succesful jump hits. at lvl get longer jump distance.at lvl 4 get a critical chance so get like 5% chance to do 5 extra damage to a human.Poison basicaly the same as normal but get like a 5% speed increase at lvl etc. at lvl 4 get a poison damage that does 3 damage per second for 2 seconds if killed withing a meter of a human.Etheral Spend X ammout of time near humans without being hit. do X ammout of damage to humans without being hit. get a small dammage increase per lvl. at lvl 4 dont show up on crosshairHowler do X ammount of damage to zerks. make X ammount of screen shake. level ups increase damage to zerks. at lvl 4 get a flash sort af ability that makes the victims screen go white for like 1 or 2 seconds.Headcrab hit X ammount of humans in the head and do X ammount of damage to level. leveling gets longer jumps. at level 4 hets hump ability so can latch onto a humans head and do 5-10 extra damge.Poison headcrab Poison X ammount of humans and do X ammount of damage with poison. at lvl 4 there is no dela between pessing jump and actualy jumping.Zombine sprint X distance with a cooking grenade and do X ammount of grenade damage to lvl. get the ability to throw grenade a small distance or do extra prop damage with grenade at lvl 4.tell me what you think or if i missed something out. thanks. Quote
The Lazy Peon Posted July 26, 2010 Posted July 26, 2010 Heres my idea:we stop increasing tiny little percentages- they dont do anything. Due to the frantic nature of the game, small percentages make less than a second difference. To me, that makes them pointlessA good idea is a drastic idea. Something that really changes the game.My suggetion would be to make ZS more accessable, yet tougher. At the moment, it's really easy for the humans to survive. There should be a 'Zombie Rampage' or something that triples the zombies damge for a while.I think there's too many ways to heal. Health should be like the games currency- Rare and very valuable.I have been firmly behind the class idea for a long time. However, i think that the current ones are a little pointless:REMOVE THE MEDIC and ThE ENGINEERMake the BERSERKER do more damage with melee- back the old versionCommando is fine. Change the name to Rogue marine or something- makes the game sound more chaotic, like the world has collapsed.Make a few other classes, like a Thief (Faster movement) and Ex- Cop (Has more health, like 150)To most of the old players, ZS is dead. I think this really needs to change. There's to many memories and legends to be just forgotten.Please, some one return this game to its former glory. Quote
Griffon Posted July 28, 2010 Posted July 28, 2010 Well i have been here in the shadows awhile but i thought i might as well post for onceFirstly id like to say hi to all ive met on the server and to all the forumMy main ideas are for balancing Firstly the difficulty rating should increase with time and not by amount of players as zombies as thats just making in twice as hard as more dmg+more zombies= harderisnt it more reasonable for those who have survived most of the round to actually be pushed to there limits as even one hit could be fatal?Also on this note zombies should be unlocked with more players as more mass of horde should equal more variety these two changes make it easier for the more casuall players and more intnse and rewarding for those who survived the mostSecondly my problem is with some of the weapons i find this a problem when im playing and im using my glock 3 instead of my m4 irl 3pistol fired in a burst would do less damage than 2 roundds from any assault rifle. I have unloaded an entire clip into a normall zombie and not got a kill and then i fire my glock 4 times to another normall zombie and get a killMy suguestion would be to increase damage to the higher end weaponds of each type p90,ak,famas,m4, simply speaking you get from supply crate or otherwise the weapons your class is proficient atA comando at 25 kills is more likelly to unlock a higher end assault rifle as its his speciality.compared to a support who at 25 kill is likely to unlock a p90 over an m4.if you increased the dmg of the higher end weapons a support with a p90 is as well of as a commando with a famasbeserkers get prefrence for mele weapons and magnums and such,while engi get a higher chance at hl2 shottycomon weapons like the mp5 should be obtainable by any class but the higher end weapons should be unobtainable before say 8:00min left in round or require a higher score to getexample timeline(may seem harsh but class specific weapons should have higher damage)Start > 5 > 15 > 25 > 45 > 60 > 75usp better pistol Smg or magnum better smg class specific upgrade best weapons Shotties okay class specific problems beserker was op change beserker to survivor increased dmg in mele and sniper rifles so basicaly your shoting or meleing as he shouldnt have anyting better than a magnum (no g3 for him)comando is fine although assault rifles are underpowerdmedic is fine but improve spitt/poison on the pcrab but then give the meidic like 3 antidotes that instantly cure poison (healing should reduce the effect but not stop it untill its done a good 20 dmg maybe 50 if not healed so a medic even without antidote does a big difrence but poison would distract medic s from other players support has smg + nailing skills but perhaps gets an ability to deploy a mini suplly crate (with no health though) but only once in the entire round as anymore than that would lead to spamengi is fine with c4 + turret if it gets put back innormall zombies fineethereals are finehowlers arent op anymore but ber haps increae their damage but make it so their extremly short sighted and must be stationary to howl howlers alt fire should be a mini howl that does no damage but allows it to see for a breif 2 sec period a sort of echolocationpoison headcrabs a tad weak (see medic sugguestion )headcrabs very underpowerd/underused maybe add a 25dmg crit if they headshot (very hard onmoving human) this should encourage players to think outside the box attack from above.zombines a tad overpowerd and a stamina bar as alli see is zombines constanly running they might as well be on autosprintthanks for reading hope you like my ideas (and maybe use some)if you want any clarification just askyes i know i probably have some typos but i type really fast xD Quote
Albino_Gunner Posted July 28, 2010 Posted July 28, 2010 the time would make the game to much like other ZS servers that aren't as good as the green one. time for crater woulsmake it even more difficult to get a good weapon if your the last human left within like 5 mins of game time. zombies win like 90% of games anyway at the momment and howlers are stationary when they howl. the medic thing i agree on and engi's do need their turrets back i think. i saw QTesla sugest this though and i think that would work for the cade kits "Cant he make it so zombies get stuck on it but humans can walk through it? That way the humans can't get out map... ". i think headcrabs do need a slightdamage increase but 25 damage for a headshot is very OP despite headshots not working atm. ive watched 1 headcrab take about 30 seconds of non stop melle attacks becasue they get cluster fuckked and because you cant hit or shoot through other people it wouldnt die.i have the problem of poison headcrabs taking like 4 auto shotgun blasts to die if i shoot at them past like 2 meters. Quote
Griffon Posted July 28, 2010 Posted July 28, 2010 (edited) On 7/28/2010 at 2:17 PM, Albino_Gunner said: the time would make the game to much like other ZS servers that aren't as good as the green one. time for crater woulsmake it even more difficult to get a good weapon if your the last human left within like 5 mins of game time. zombies win like 90% of games anyway at the momment and howlers are stationary when they howl. the medic thing i agree on and engi's do need their turrets back i think. i saw QTesla sugest this though and i think that would work for the cade kits "Cant he make it so zombies get stuck on it but humans can walk through it? That way the humans can't get out map... ". i think headcrabs do need a slightdamage increase but 25 damage for a headshot is very OP despite headshots not working atm. ive watched 1 headcrab take about 30 seconds of non stop melle attacks becasue they get cluster fuckked and because you cant hit or shoot through other people it wouldnt die.i have the problem of poison headcrabs taking like 4 auto shotgun blasts to die if i shoot at them past like 2 meters.well the problem with headcrabs not dying is simply due to the fact that shotgun fire a spread of pellets on a large surface this is ideal for killing big zombies but tring to hit a small flat`ish surface with a spread weapon doesnt work so u dont get so much bang for your buck. If you shot at them with a very short burst from a saw they would be dead.But yes perhaps 25 is a tad much but it was only a rough figure. All im thinking about is simply creating a balanced more rounded game were all classes have there unique uses as many classes are underplayed or underpowerd and im simply trying to fix thison a side note i know the assist/kill reward isnt working as normall but i do have an ideaits anoying to see so much kill stealing i hav invested an entire clip of ammo in killing a zombie buts whats the point when some fast triggerd tmp wielder steals a kill at the last secondI think if we were to break it down to the person who kills(last to damage the zombie) it and the person who does the most damageas zombies get 2 score per kill why not humans?1 point for doing most damage and one point for killing a zombie this will allow a more even distibution of kills while actually there still being a point to shoting at a zombie freinds have been shoting at for 5 seconds before you Edited July 28, 2010 by Griffon Quote
Albino_Gunner Posted July 28, 2010 Posted July 28, 2010 another problem is the game taking the magnum and giving me a 5-7 or glock. 5-7 is useless and glock also has a spread making it useless at range. i know ive sugested this before but there should be some way to decide what gus the game takes away, so if i want to keep my magnum and not get a 5-7 or glock i should be able to keep my magun. or if i want to gettp and axe instead of getting a crowbar ot keep a saw and not get a shotgun, etc.but yea i know its because of spread but still if i have a glock or 5-7 sidearm i cant do shit to stop the poison headcrabs or normals. Quote
Pufulet Posted July 29, 2010 Posted July 29, 2010 Griffon you got some good ideas I agree that probably most rifles are weaker than magnums and glocks. Spread out the weapon reward for kills.i would say because as soon as you get the SAW its like so damn easy to get the shotty because you can blast the living hell away at everything. Add a bigger variety of pistols so avoid lots of magnum campers, Duel elites silenced pistols colt etc.5 15 30 45 60 75 90Howlers I think are still a bit over the top. I totally disagree with 360 degrees.ExampleIm on 5 health. running towards the supplies and their is a howler chasing a person on 60hp. The howler has no idea that im there and im behind her. She screems and kills me. tsk tsk tsk. Make it 180 degree. I mean seriously ur behind her nothing should happen.Headhumpers r to week. Griffons idea is good.Zombines should either be slightly slower or less health.Support seems quite useless except nailing.nobody really plays engi anymore since they only c4 and that blows them up... lulzCommando seams.... regular player with nothing special on him or dosnt do anything special in my oppinion.Shitloads of berserkers only because its the only class that you can lvl so theirs nothing wrong with them. The attack regenerating is a bit small.. only 4 to get to 50000 to lvl up....Those are my ideas P.S will post my ideas for new acheivements and upgrades.God-Like - Kill Pufulet 25 times using normal zombie Quote
Hundred2 Posted July 29, 2010 Posted July 29, 2010 I have a lot of ideas for ZS (Maily for the classes)So i made this big post a TF2 style update to prevent WALL OF TEXTINGHere goes. We will start with the Class changes.CommandoThe Commando: His role as main attacker is an important role, since what good bastard can keep a horde of brain eating zombies better away then this fully bloke trained in Zombie-Counter-Fu and weapon shooting?It would be a good idea to keep this stranded-in-a-zombie-apocalypse-soldier inside your squad or elseyou might be yawning: Braaaaaaaaaainzz in no time!Keeps his bonus damage with riflesHas more HPCan find Body Armor in crates (100 points, takes full damage, kevlar reduces damage by 50% but cannot be repaired until broken , must find new one)Has decreased spread when using ironsights (Other classes cannot use ironsights or dont have decreased spread)MedicThe Medic: This poor guy from the local clinic around the corner was the brightest man in his colleague group upon hearing about the headcrab invasion: He ran away.Trained with syringe-kwan-stab and equipped with a healing beacon he is a very important asset in your squadHas syringes that can heal players with M1 and heal self with M2 , needles recharge when not healing.Equipped with a healing beacon, this beacon found somewhere in the area-51 department of the clinic the guy worked in, heals fellow humans in a radius. ( Speed is as fast as 1.5 HP/sec , beacon lasts for 60 seconds and can only be re-equipped at crates)Has increased speedRemoved the damage reduction and removed his abillity to remain at full speed with low healthSupportThe Support: This handy man from the Gamma store is armed with a highly dangerous hammer and nails set wich can nail objects into places to prevent the zombies from coming in and eat the delicous brains of this genious.Armed with a hammer and nail set: can nail props into place.Objects that can be nailed will have a glow around them when equipping the hammer and nailHeavier / Stronger props need more nails to be nailed, amount of nails are indicated above props when having the hammer equippedBecause he is the nephew's mother's brother's dog keeper of the TF2 Engineer he has inherited the extra skill with shotgun ( More damage with shotguns)EngineerThe Engineer: after his father , a skilled engineer , cut off his own arm to replace it with a robotic hand. The Engineer thought: Fuck this and ran away from home and started his own evil-weapon-creation plans.His first creation was his own version of the sentry gun, however the weapon seemed to strong by the United DeluvasNations and was dumped in favour for the 50. cal Barret to be sold in American gun shops.However this didnt stop him from creating his own weapons and the zombie apocalypse was perfectly timed, because, you cant test your weapons on humans. but you shure can on zombies.Has unique weapons powered by batteries, these can be found in crates / spawned around the map.The unique weaponsThe Crossbow : This weapon was his first creation after his incident with the sentry gun, this baby fires heated crossbow bolts costing 10 or 25 battery each. The bolts gain more damage the further they go and pass trough zombies. (20 damage point-blank -> 5 M)Pulse Rifle : This is the only weapon not needed of batteries, instead it has a custom made nuclear reactor in it that recharges the ammo when not fireing.The Tesla-Grenade: This grenade looks like a normal one, until the thing goes off and fries every zombie nearby with a dangerous 9001 volt shock. (Grenades cost 45 batteries each)This was Day 1 of my own IDEAS-FOR-CLASSES-UPDATE.Day 2 in a few minutes/hours valve time.Please note the awesome things above are purely IDEAS, Deluvas has to decide himself if he likes them.Next day Preview Quote
Pufulet Posted July 30, 2010 Posted July 30, 2010 (edited) -My Achievement and Upgrade Ideas-Each Achievement Will Give You A Certain Amount Of Points That Dont Do Anything Human TimeBaseball 5 Points - Melee 15 Headcrabs.Shut It 10 Points - Kill 20 Howlers That Have Not Screamed Yet.Secound Chances 10 Points - Redeem 2 Times In A Single Game.Marksman I 25 5 Points - Do 15 Headshots To Fast Zombies.Marksman II 50 10Points - Do 30 Headshots To Fast Zombies.Oh Its On! 10 Points - Melee 30 Poison Zombies.Sharp Senses I 10 Points - Never Go Under 70 Health A Whole Round.Sharp Senses II 15 Points - Never go Under 80 Health A Whole Round.Zombie StyleHeavy Rush I 10 Points - Kill 5 Humans With A Zombine In One Round.Heavy Rush II 15 Points - Kill 15 Humans With A Zombine In One Round.Energy Shot 15 Points - Kill 15 Humans With Just A Zombie In 5 Minutes.The HabitsBad Habits I 5 Points - Get 15 Successfull Poison Spits With A Poison Headcrab.Bad Habits II 5 Points - Get 50 Successfull Poison Spits With a Poison Headcrab.Bad Habits III 10 Points - Get 100 Successfull Poison Spits With a Poison Headcrab.Nasty Habits I 10 Points - Kill 5 Humans With Poison Spit As A Poison Headcrab.Nasty Habits II 15 Points - Kill 15 Humans With Poison Spit As A Poison Headcrab.The BasicsYay! 5 Points - Kill Your First Zombie.Rave Time I 5 Points - Play When There Is 5 Ravebreaks.Rave Time II 10 Points - Play When There Is 15 Ravebreaks.Fail I 5 Points - Blow Yourself Up With C4.Fail II 10 Points - Blow Yourself Up With C4 10 Times.Player I 5 Points - Play 5 Matches.Player II 5 Points - Play 25 Matches.Player III 10 Points - Play 100 Matches.A Real Player 15 Points - Play 300 Matches.Achievement HunterHuman Pro 200 Points - Finish All The Achievements In Human TimeBrains R For Wimps! 150 Points - Finish All The Achievements In Zombie StyleSome Disgusting Habits 150 Points - Finish All The Achievements In The HabitsIm Not A Noob Father! 50 Points - Finish All The Achievements The BasicsUpgrades Will Come Later Cause This Took Forever :/ Edited July 30, 2010 by Pufulet Quote
NECROSSIN Posted July 31, 2010 Posted July 31, 2010 (edited) Achievements time! (Some of achievements are for next updates)'iScream' - Kill 3 humans with a single Howler's scream.'Simple Mind' - Kill 2 humans as a zombine using only your claws (in one round).'Be effective' - Kill 3 humans with a single zombine's grenade.'Bloody medicine' - Kill 150 zombies in total with your syringe gun.'Nailed!' - Kill 150 zombies with your nail gun.'Are you one of them?' - Eat the Deluvas while he is holding the hammer.'Don't nail me, bro!' - Be killed by the Deluvas' hammer. ( )'Golden squad' - Survive 20 rounds with your squad.'We are the winners' - Be a member of best squad in a round.'Good doctor' - Heal a 10,000 hp for your squad's members (in total).'Loads of money!' - Earn over 300 green coins (total squad's green coins) with your squad in single round.'No more hope' - Eat 50 Gordon Freemans as a zombie.'No mercy' - Kill zombine with a melee weapon while he is holding the grenade.'Does it hurt?' - kill 8 zombies with a single grenade. Edited July 31, 2010 by NECROSSIN Quote
Damien Posted July 31, 2010 Posted July 31, 2010 Human class specific achievements kinda suck in my opinion, but the rest are good necrossin. I dont have any suggestions yet, because im just back from vacation. Hopefully i can play soon. I like all your ideas hundred , you make it sound like a superchange. Quote
Messy Posted August 1, 2010 Posted August 1, 2010 I suggest getting a shotgun at the score of 35. You must get many supply crates 'till you reach shotgun, and you don't always succed getting it. It will be good make it a bit easier. Quote
Chikennugget1 Posted August 1, 2010 Posted August 1, 2010 (edited) If ZS had to be greatly changed, here are my ideas:ClassesHumans-There are 2 classes for the humans:RiflemanThe Rifleman has the ability to use every rifles/pistols/snipers, but can't use melee weapons (except the crowbar if you have the freeman upgrade, but it won't be so powerful).Once you've chosen that class you'll have to define templates for it, if you want to specialize into sniper, rifle, pistol etc...FighterThe Fighter is the opposite of the Rifleman, he only uses melee weapons, of any type, and can't use other weapons (he can only use a weak pistol in a specific template).Like the Rifleman, he has to choose between different templates/builds.Builds/templatesRifleman:Rifles/Submachine Guns: This template gives you better statistics with rifles/submachine guns (damages and precision increased), note that you cannot use snipers and machine guns when choosing this build.Sniper: Increases statistics for long range weapons, also slightly affects secondary weapons (pistols), is slightly faster.Can't use machine guns and shotguns.Strong guy: Uses machine guns (SAW, other heavy weapons) and get better damages with these weapons.Also, can uses shotguns but they won't be affected.Has a health bonus but is slightly slower.Can't use SMGs and snipers, rifles are not affected.Gunman: Has the ability to shoot faster with pistols and causes greater damages, ammo clips are bigger.Can't use snipers, rifles, shotguns and machine guns (SMGs can be used, but won't be affected).Sheriff: Uses shotguns, gets more damages with these, ammo clips are bigger, and shoots faster.Slightly affects pistols.Can use any type of weapon except machine guns but damages will be slighly reduced.Fighter:Fist power: (this implies fists to be back ) does a lot of damages with his fists, can use any melee weapons but they won't be affected.FastDamages: Every weapon attacks faster (but causes normal damages)Stronger attack: Your attacks cause a bit more damages but they are slower.Vampire: Your attacks give you 5% HP back each time you do a crit (=the current berserker class).Forest Gump: Your movement speed is 25% increased, you attack faster but cause less damages.Fat guy: Movement speed slightly decreased, has more health and can use a usp45/p228 which can't be changed during the game. The templates/builds are permament, but the thing is that you have to choose between 3 of them, and save them in a list where you choose each time you start a new map which one you want to use. (it's like MW2 builds).Like, I have for Rifleman> Sheriff, Strong guy, sniper, so I have to choose which one I want to use on the current map(and you can't change it during the game).Note that you have 3 templates to choose for the 2 "big" classes (3 for rifleman, 3 for fighter) which means 6 possible templates.You can remove your templates and modify them at the beginning/end of the game...The way you get weapons are still kill-based (like the current/old system, 4 kills= better pistol, 12=smg etc etc), but you can't get specific weapons when you have chosen a template that doesn't allow you to use a specific weapon.Like, at 40 kills it's a shotgun, then if you are a Sniper you won't get a shotgun, but a better scoped gun, or a life regen or something.Yeah, you noticed theres no "building" class like the engineer, I stick with the old zs model, with the Aegis cade gun you get at 35 kills :3Zombies are not changed, not so much, maybe remove/add classes or new skills etc...Also, when you start a new map, everyone starts with a weak pistol (usp45, p228...) and weak melee weapons for fighters.Ammlo crates only give weapons which corresponds to your class, and it will give a better melee weapon to fighters.It needs to be delevopped.And Messy, it's enough easy to get a shotgun, why making it so that every noob can get one? :/ It has to be deserved. Edited August 1, 2010 by Chikennugget1 Quote
Messy Posted August 1, 2010 Posted August 1, 2010 (edited) I only had shotgun ONCE at 13 hours of playing. It needs to be a bit easier... Edited August 1, 2010 by Messy Quote
Pufulet Posted August 1, 2010 Posted August 1, 2010 On 8/1/2010 at 1:10 PM, Messy said: I only had shotgun ONCE at 13 hours of playing. It needs to be a bit easier...make the shotgun at 70Kill and Saw at 50 i think. Add more weapons and make it harder to get weapons. Makes people want to survive more than just go around rampaging with about 7 people with shotguns. Quote
Griffon Posted August 1, 2010 Posted August 1, 2010 On 8/1/2010 at 1:22 PM, Pufulet said: On 8/1/2010 at 1:10 PM, Messy said: I only had shotgun ONCE at 13 hours of playing. It needs to be a bit easier...make the shotgun at 70Kill and Saw at 50 i think. Add more weapons and make it harder to get weapons. Makes people want to survive more than just go around rampaging with about 7 people with shotguns. Yes i see many beserkers leeroying for the chance of a fast shotgun over survial especially when theres less than 16 players in a small mapthere needs to be more focus on zombie SURVIVAL and not "zombie hunt"! Quote
Damien Posted August 1, 2010 Posted August 1, 2010 Instead of making it easier for humans, why not make it harder. Shotgun isnt meant to be able to get it fast, it needs to be a challenge. I dont get it why people want a completely different zs, hundred understands that it only needs a few changes and not be completely different. Quote
Lobe Posted August 1, 2010 Posted August 1, 2010 Make fast zombie lunge damage scale depending on the length of the lunge, like the l4d hunter.At the moment its nice and easy to get anywhere near a human and spam the lunge button to do an easy 5 damage. This could be changed so the lunge does a min of 2-3 damage, and an extra 1 damage for every x units the fast zombie lunges, capping off at 15 damage. This would make it more fun and advantageous for fast zombies to climb up to high places and pounce. Quote
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