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Battlefield 3 discussion


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Activated it using the built-in Windows proxy, very simple.

The game really looks fantastic. I'm playing it at ultra (HD6970, Intel QX9770, 4GB RAM) and it's really playable. Granted, it's not a constant 60 FPS, but I don't think it drops below 30 much.

So far it's simply a great game, although a bit frustrating so every now and then.

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I had some high expectations for BF3. And tbh they where even better then i ever hoped.

When i started playing the campaign i had a feeling that i never had before in a game.

You might know the feeling when you are swinging in a pirate ship in disnyland or so. Well i got that same feeling.

Spoiler alert:

When you progress trough the game you will get in to an aircaft that is launched form a boat. It for a minute i thought it was some real movie. Soo good looks BF3. It was there where i had the feeling that i just described. The detail, lighting everything is as it should be. There is just one game that might become better this year (i doubt it) and that is skyrim. One of the best games EVAH

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Hahah my GPU is SO BAD that i can put it all on ultra and it just doesnt care .. its like "hey fuck you man i give you your standart details and deal with it , i go ultra like a boss with ugly shadows" and then i was like :< now i know that it will run on ultra with a gtx 260 because it doesnt even feature any of this .. well antialiasing still eats it but thats okay im gonna buy the game i guess even tought it doesnt look that epic because of this.. i even overclocked my gpu by 25% and it still doesnt give a shit and plays on ultra ...

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Exactly. You just need to use it during the activation @ Origin.

Oh nuts... I want home... Nauuuuuuuuw! I did know its only needed when activating, but i thought it just connects to korean(asian) servers then after that...

Gotta wait other 6 hours to get home and activate it. Hope my computer can run it on high settings :shrug:

Does anybody know good IP for activating via windows proxy? (Mayco?)

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Exactly. You just need to use it during the activation @ Origin.

Oh nuts... I want home... Nauuuuuuuuw! I did know its only needed when activating, but i thought it just connects to korean(asian) servers then after that...

Gotta wait other 6 hours to get home and activate it. Hope my computer can run it on high settings :shrug:

Does anybody know good IP for activating via windows proxy? (Mayco?)

I used a method similar to this:


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wehkamp.nl send my copy to the nearby DHL service point.

Which is apparently, a children clothing store.

Going to stroll in there like a boss to pick up my copy of a violent military shooter.

Wehkamp is sending out before the release?

They usually try to get preorders to customers on release day, which means posting it a few days in advance.

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Holy moly, I got 14 most amazing dog tags with the DLC.

What DLC? The ones you got when you pre-ordered, right? Why don't I see them? Or do I have to join a multiplayer match first? I apparently need MORE DLCs.

Fuck that.









Edited by Silver Dot
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My computer is a product of endlessly upgrading components (started in 2008 or so), so that RAM has pretty much been there forever :V

(Incidentally, I'm considering purchasing this).

Do it while the RAM prices are still ridiciously low. I upgraded to 8GB too.

I'm probably going to buy the RAM kit I mentioned today. But you know how it goes between me and PC's, and my current configuration has been running solid for months. Not sure if I want to risk it :V

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wehkamp.nl send my copy to the nearby DHL service point.

Which is apparently, a children clothing store.

Going to stroll in there like a boss to pick up my copy of a violent military shooter.

Wehkamp is sending out before the release?

They usually try to get preorders to customers on release day, which means posting it a few days in advance.

I thought you meant you could pick it up today.

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In Operation Guillotine atm. Necrossin told me that multiplayer works, so Im going to stop playing SP immediatelly.

Don't understand why..SP is really short, why not just finish it?

Also, someone remake the platoon for Mr. Green.

Since I couldnt care less about SP. And so far it hasnt been so great, I found the jet mission good looking, but extremely boring.

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I just wen to the Intertoys because they received a phonecall from EA that they could start selling this instant. Well I hopped on my moped and while I was driving a Volkswagen Gold GTI cut me off with this as a result:



Also my leg is fucked and my ankle also fucked. Don't need those anyway with Battlefield.

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