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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mayco

  1. Mayco


    Trojan Remover (free trial) removes all your virusses in ~10 minutes. Just a suggestion.
  2. You can play PS1 games
  3. Video editing/rendering doesn't require a real hardcore setup. Just make sure to get plenty of RAM (4-6 GB) and an i7 or i5 CPU. Gaming is a lot heavier in general and actually benefits from a good GPU (unlike video editing, basically all video editing software stresses only the CPU). I recommend you get a nice i5 CPU and an ATI 5870 like CyriusG suggested.
  4. Habbo Hotel is the shit. I don't have a lot of furniture though.
  5. Can't wait for GTA. Also, forums are not very interesting.
  6. Late follow-up on Redgord's model. He asked me to port it to Source, and so I did: Behold its glory: (It appears I cannot thumbnail it)
  7. Congrats Ywa! I finally got you that cake you wanted!
  8. I really wonder how this will work out, because the ideas are epic. Looking forward to updates from Ywa when he starts/makes progress.
  9. It is for some (stereotype American rednecks for example) How is "repaying your country" related to defending it on some random internet forum? Repaying is serving in the army or something like that.
  10. It's pretty shitty in here. A lot of patriots in here too. Let's get it clear: We're dudes behind computers, not making any difference to our countries. If you have a boner for vikings, so be it, but that still doesn't make you one. Patriotism is a stupid, selfish thing anyway: Your country is only superior because YOU were born in it. Think about it.
  11. Do you mean they announced that it's not coming to PC, or that they simply haven't announced it? Either way, source please!
  12. Pretty sure the PC version is gonna be a lot buggier
  13. Mayco


    the fuck is this shit
  14. I agree with Bitbrit, you ARE cheap. You don't own Garry's Mod in any way, a game is not just graphics, it's also code and a lot of effort. Team Fortress 2 doesn't reflect Garry's Mod, it's indeed entirely different.
  15. My quickest shit was like ~2 minutes
  16. Mayco


    While blocking is really annoying (but it's not really "blocking" here, seeing how you weren't stopping everyone, just slowed down one guy), it doesn't deserve a permanent ban in my opinion. Especially not in this case.
  17. This summer I am... Hopefully get my driving license (a bit optimistic I think, but atleast do my theory exam) Get a job Spend way too much time behind my PC Something like that.
  18. This reminded me of this masterpiece I once made for the G's and M's contest. Anyway, I hope the folks at Mr. Green take some initiative again like last year. Though I doubt it.
  19. A better alternative to TTT is buying The Ship. It's basically what TTT is based on.
  20. Mayco


    Actually, accidentally running a console command that is used for cheating/glitching is a bit weird. I don't think I ever ran a console command by accident.
  21. You're wrong. I own a ps3 slim and my PS1 on disk games work. (Driver, GT, Wacky Racers ) So I bought the games for nothing on PSN? D: If you own legal copies of those games, yes.
  22. You can stream Blu-Ray films over your network using PS3 Media Server. The PS3 Slim has 2 USB ports. All PS3 consoles can play legally purchased PS1 games, but only the first version can play PS2 games. Also, the old 40 GB model has a cardreader.
  23. I don't think this is a "bug" (let alone a bugwave) or an error. You just pressed the wrong buttons.
  24. They got the privilege to play the game for 2 (?) years already.
  25. In case you didn't notice, Valve is giving away Portal for free 'till May 24, possibly because of the Mac introduction. Enjoy it while it lasts! Go here: http://store.steampowered.com/freeportal/ And no, this is not a scam.
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