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Mr. Green Gaming


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tyfusjap last won the day on May 11 2020

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  1. i'm in prepare to get fked
  2. Cry us a river bwahahahaha
  3. CTF is a very fun gamemode if there's sufficient players online. As for DL and MH however, i think they're really boring, repetitive and just plain uneventful gamemodes.
  4. Still waiting for his counter arguments.
  5. Spewing none sense and calling it a day. Wow revolutionary
  6. I would have presumed this post was meant to get a response from admins, and have some productive arguments and MAYBE we would have gotten to a resolution
  7. So you're just gonna spew a bunch of shit and have no arguments to back up your claims?
  8. Such as the "Racist admins" claim? Uh, Yes? if you're gonna make all these ridiculous claims, expect people to argue, or are you just gonna chicken out?
  9. Are you just gonna ignore all the other points i made:?
  10. Atleast name those supposed admins if you're gonna make an outrageous claim like that, if you don't even provide any evidence, it sounds like you're spewing none sense. If the owner of this server feels he has been unironically disrespected, he has every right to punish him like that. I'm not saying i agree with it, but if it is true, then it's totally unacceptable from a mod. "Nobody deserves to get a perm ban" WHY NOT? if one keeps on breaking the rules. Keeps on getting banned. Then why keep him around? And remember a perm ban doesn't always mean a true perm ban, who knows maybe after a few months Cena might change his mind, and lets him come back. And ALEKSCORE didn't just get unbanned over night, it took a long while. I don't really know why he got banned to be honest. As i said I DOUBT he has a true perm ban, i'm pretty sure he's allowed to come back at some point if he wants to. "No one deserves a perma ban except Panzer" Oh wow.. That is just plain silly.. i can defintely tell that Job is JUST as bad as Panzer is.. but somehow according to you PANZER deserves a perm ban BUT JOB doesn't? Job is a: Blocker, Provoker, Insulter, Racist, and all out douchebag, but job deserves to return.. oh right.. A perm ban is deserved only when it fits your little narrative apparently. "All we know is that he had a problem with Gold and Jap" - No he had a problem with a dozen of people "Job never insulted as much as Panzer" That is just a flat out lie "But Gold and Jap are admin that means they are gods" - Maybe if you haven't noticed but, I never get in any fights or quarrels online, i just play and shut my mouth and talk normally to people. Only with job did i break that. - Gold is a very chill respectable person if you don't get on his nerves, and if you get on his nerves you're doing something wrong. Trust me
  11. yeah man i blew up your hydra just to get a reason to ban you we should extend your ban for saying that
  12. If you look closely i say "y do i keep talking in caps" unlike you i regretted it LOL ok i'll lock it again
  13. This morning i tried to ram hitman, on my screen i hit him but, it didn't do anything to him and i got sent to fking mars
  14. It may be the end of civilization but i don't wanna get aids
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