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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. 0/10 Forced memes aren't really funny, especially not when forced by RWJ...
  2. It's a bit too small for my taste
  3. Caspian border is now open for everyone. I'll meet you on the battlefield.
  4. - snip -
  5. If it gets released for steam I'll definitely buy it! Just hoping they'll fix battlelog, the squad management, nerf the flashlights a bit and remove the built-in flashlights in the sniperscopes
  6. If the game is Origin + web-based only I'll cancel my preorder not buy it
  7. I play recon 99% of the time and I can assure you that good recons do a lot of work, it's just hard to see because you don't see us runnin' up and taking people out close and personal. A well placed sniper could provide a real good backup, better than any other class. The bad snipers are the ones that think they can stay outside of the combat area and shoot in to get lots of kills and no deaths, but they're very easy to take out so I don't get what you guys complain about
  8. I seriously hope they change everything people complain about to the same way it was in BF2. Then, keep everything else in there.
  9. After 2 months of daily bad news about the changes they're doing and how they're ruining a perfectly fine game, and spending 2 hours trying to run the beta without success, I have given up. Unless they drastically change everything about this game, I won't but it.
  10. My Origin ID is Pappegye.
  11. They said the PC gamers will get a pleasant surprise Thursday. I hope it's going to be open Caspian Border servers!
  12. VMR

    Happy birthday, pal :)

  13. The explosive MP5 needs to get nerfed. The damage is way too high, it only takes a couple of shots to kill a person, and every shot staggers them too. It's like a grenade launcher. All the higher level weapons should also cost more (up to ~15000 for the really good ones)
  14. Now the question is, should I skip school tomorrow?
  15. 6/10 Where have I heard it before?!
  16. Dat customizable browser
  17. Looks cool. When will it be used? Will you have shops in certain maps where you buy gear and go back to the war, or is it at spawn?
  18. Let's not.
  19. Happy birthday, bro.
  20. Battlefield 3 (Oct 25th) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Nov 11th) That's my super-long list.
  21. 4/10 Who remembers this one?
  22. VMR


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