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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Try to look for anyone having similar problems on this forum, the threads are usually very helpful
  2. Sad day indeed
  3. You should be able to run it. try win7, and change your mouse xD
  4. VMR

    Mw2 mappack :D

    Way to go releasing it after Bad company 2
  5. It's the old game, just with new graphics It's VERY good, really. Once you've completed the storyline, you "unlock" all the pokemon they've made untill now (like 700 or something)
  6. Heart Gold looks better because it's Gold's remake, which is the best pokémon game. +9001 Well, My fav. pokemon game was Red, now that Fire Red is out.... well, I have no social life.
  7. www.thepiratebay.org :]
  8. I've got Pokemon Fire red installed on both my computers and Mac. Almost beat Gary at the last stage, but I failed xD Gonna get him soon though xD
  9. Well, I think 'hacking' is a strong word. They just got pwned.
  10. Happy birthday, both of you ^^
  11. Lol ^^ Welcome to the community :]
  12. hardcore is a piece of shit becuse everyone goes recon and just snipe your ass. Only noobs who doesn't know how to play the game :] I play recon on hardcore alot, mostly because I think Hardcore is better in EVERY game, but also because I think it gives alot more advantages to the people who plays tactical. I'm on teamspeak with a friend, and I can sit in a tower and spot people for him, telling him where the enemies are, where they are more likely to spawn etc. If I have to, I shoot people aswell, but I love the feeling when you could've killed someone, but just let him pass >:]
  13. I've been stuck at 400 for quite a long time now O.o

    I'm at 450 or something atm ;p

  14. I agree on a sell function. Sell stuff, get 70% of the GC back. Maybe even down to 60%, but not any lower And not just for ZS, but IW aswell :]
  15. Nobana how do you get so high K/D? :[ I always get a good KD for like 4 rounds, (2 or higher) then I get 5 rounds with spawncamping, where I go like 3-17 <:C
  16. Maybe gain XP like in MW2 () It's stupid, but very addicting -1 to the above. +1 to VIP idea, but not changing the whole gamemode ... @botervloot we already gain GC, which we can buy stuff
  17. No. Would require all custom maps, which has to be made.
  18. I don't think we should add any helicopters or anything to IW, it would fail. Although, there is alot of cool things you can do with IW, without changing the entire game. for example; in de_indusrty there is a huge warehouse. When we were about 20 players the humans would camp inside, and the zombies tried to get in. The rounds were a little bit shorter, but it was great playing it. It was so much more fun than just running around with no strategy
  19. I liked the idea of having one 'VIP' human. Mixes a little bit of strategy into the gamemode aswell. But to do this, you have to fix the bugs that's already in IW
  20. Hahahahah I just love that face xD

  21. VMR


  22. Poittry is kinda hard to spell, so I'd go for Brainstormer', Drater or something
  23. Lacifircas = fail :]
  24. Ah damnit, I was thinking of I_PWN_NOOBS, but I guess I have to come up with something even more creative..
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